TechAfter surviving as a corporate product, Google has decided to leave its smart glasses behind for good.
Swiss UBS buys Credit Suisse in giant deal
EconomyReceives loan guarantees from the Swiss National Bank of nearly 9 billion euros - to calm the country's and the world's financial markets.
Increase in child obesity during the covid lockdowns
ScienceOver 30% more four-year-olds were morbidly obese in 2020 compared to 2018 as a result of the policies.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
CultureAncient scriptures dive deep into one of the modern world's greatest fears — death.
Wyoming becomes first state to ban abortion pill
WorldMakes it illegal to prescribe, distribute, sell or use any drug for the purpose of performing an abortion.
Digitalisation excludes elderly people
Sweden"In Sweden, bank ID is a clear example", says researcher Sofia Alexopoulou at Örebro University, who compared the situation for older people in Sweden and Greece.
Sabotage campaign against British surveillance project
WorldPeople seem to have started a campaign to stop a new British surveillance project.
Journalist: British health minister saw Sweden’s epidemiologist as an enemy
HealthThe Swedish state epidemiologist was considered an "ideological opponent" because he opposed widespread lockdowns during the coronavirus crisis.
33 percent lower risk of death from covid-19 with vitamin D
HealthA US study found that veterans were less likely to die from the condition within 30 days if they took vitamin D supplements.
Social experiment in Australia – Muslim, Christian and atheist children swap schools
CultureIn a harshly criticized social experiment in the form of a documentary film, twelve Muslim, Christian and atheist children swap schools.
Sweden’s state-owned energy company Vattenfall continues mini-reactor feasibility study
SwedenThe idea is that the first reactor will be ready as early as 2030.
Over 900,000 watched Swedish drag show series
CultureTax-funded channel SVT, which broadcasts the program, says that Drag Race Sweden has "strong public service values".
Sprouts and microgreens: Cheap access to nutrients
HealthSprouting and growing microgreens is an easy and cheap way to obtain vitamins.
World’s oldest inscription mentioning Odin found in Denmark
Denmark"This type of inscription is extremely rare", says linguist Krister Vasshus.
Swedish Women’s Organizations: Choosing of legal gender threatens women’s rights
SwedenPoint out that the number of young girls with gender dysphoria has skyrocketed and that "nobody knows" whether girls are actually "helped by being able to easily change their legal gender".
Support for the Swedish government plummets
SwedenOnly one in three Swedes feels "very" or "fairly" confident in Ulf Kristersson's government.
Severe criticism of this year’s lynx hunt in Sweden
EnvironmentThe killing of 201 lynx in this year's hunt is damaging the already threatened lynx population, critics say.
Record increase in Swedish food prices in February
Economy"It doesn't add up for many. It's becoming a problem that politicians need to do something about", says Ulf Mazur founder of Matpriskollen.
Tractor convoy protests in Brussels
WorldNew proposal on nitrogen emissions will, according to farming organizations, "cause socio-economic carnage" - and force farms to close down.
Emil Persson wins Vasaloppet – sprinted against four Norwegians
SportPersson's time of 3:37.46 is the third best winning time in the history of the cross-country skiing competition Vasaloppet.
England: Adult transgender man competes against 12-year-old girls in cricket
SportMakes girls give up cricket "because they get so scared of having to face an opponent with that power".
Arms smuggling expert: “Afraid Europe will follow in Sweden’s footsteps”
SwedenGun smuggling expert Nils Duquet expresses concern that gun violence in Sweden is a trend that the rest of Europe will follow.
Biden wants notorious power network member as new World Bank leader
WorldAjay Banga has strong ties to the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Finnish military officer: “Wishful thinking that Ukraine will win the war”
FinlandArgues that Ukraine's military leadership is "very poor" and that the Western image of the war is based on Ukrainian propaganda.
PKK supporter gets Swedish Left Party’s heaviest parliamentary post
SwedenMalcolm Momadou Jallow attracted attention when he posed with a PKK flag in Almedalen - now he gets the Left Party's only chairmanship.
Chinese skyscrapers to produce a million pigs a year
WorldExperts warn about biosecurity at grotesque facility in Ezhou city.
James Bond books to be censored
CultureNow the classic books of Ian Fleming are being rewritten – with the help of so-called "sensitivity reader".
Irish MEP lectures the Commission: ‘The EU is subservient to the US’
WorldThe Left Group's Mick Wallace slams the EU leadership's evasiveness over new information about the Nord Stream incident.
Swedish security police concerned about “anti-state messages” among citizens
SwedenHigh tone in the agency's annual situation report - expressing strong concern about faltering trust in society's institutions.
This year’s “clean” non-organic fruit and vegetable list
HealthThe Environmental Working Group lists fifteen non-organic products that have low levels of chemicals.
Swedish Hockey League strengthens cooperation with LGBT lobby
Sport"SHL Pride Week" is held with high-profile lobby organizations in the LGBT movement.
Swedish Security Service: ‘Significant’ PKK funding ongoing in Sweden
SwedenThe terror-classified PKK group is successfully recruiting and financing terrorists from Swedish soil, according to a recent statement.
Children raised at water feel better
HealthSpending time by the sea or lakes as a child can promote mental health in adulthood, a new study shows.
Brookings: Fewer Euro-Americans in the US
WorldThe main reason why population growth has stalled in the country - while other groups are growing.
Disney’s black power propaganda for kids
CultureThe series "The Proud Family" introduces children to the imaginary world of the violent black power movement.
A quarter of the Swedish population not self-sufficient
SwedenA quarter of the working-age population cannot be considered self-sufficient, according to a new report from Svenskt Näringsliv.
Cross-party peace rally held in Washington DC
WorldTulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich among the speakers at the Lincoln Memorial in the US capital.
Media skepticism and curiosity make Swedes follow Russian media
ScienceWillingness to hear more perspectives and skepticism that conventional media report fairly are the main factors, according to a new study.
Municipalities: Children hungrier at school
SwedenMunicipalities report that pupils are eating more during school lunches and that more children are going hungry at home in Sweden.
Israeli hacker group claims to have rigged over 30 national elections abroad
WorldHacking into accounts, using bot armies to spread disinformation and sabotaging political opponents for a fee.