HealthDuring a conversation with Joe Rogan, Mel Gibson talked about his friends who, according to him, were cured of stage four cancer.
Finnish cancer expert: Put warning labels on alcohol
Health“In Finland, alcohol causes 2,100 cases of cancer a year, 500 of which result in death", explains Chief Medical Officer Eeva Ollila.
Danish study: Cow’s milk healthier than plant-based
HealthContains more protein and less sugar.
Swedish study: Difficult pregnancy linked to having fewer children
HealthSevere complications in a first pregnancy lower the likelihood of having more children, Karolinska Institutet researchers find.
Balance identified as key indicator of aging
HealthBeing able to stand on one leg turns out to be a better indicator of aging than strength and walking, according to research.
Sauna use linked to improved health and well-being
HealthThey are happier, sleep better and have more energy, according to Swedish study.
More Danish children rely on sleep medication
Health“Increased pressure on pediatricians to give and recommend sleep medication” is pointed out as an explanation.
Pilot project in Västerås removes PFAS from drinking water
HealthPreliminary results are highly promising.
Breastfeeding may improve cognitive skills
HealthFive-year-olds who were breastfed during infancy had better cognitive abilities than non-breastfed children, according to a new study.
Researchers raise alarm over dangerous PFAS levels in Norwegian children
HealthResearchers warn that many Norwegian children have high levels of environmental toxins in their blood.
Skin creams lead to higher levels of hormone-disrupting substances in children
HealthSunscreens and hair products are putting more toxic phthalates in children's bodies, new research shows.
Why you should have plants in your home
HealthThe right houseplants purify the air and enhance our well-being in various ways.
Rowan – healthy berries and magic powers
HealthHigh in vitamin C and antioxidants - but folklore has it that it's also a revered guardian tree.
Lingonberry juice can be beneficial for oral health
HealthMay also indirectly relieve bowel disease, according to Finnish and Swedish researchers.
Swedish skin cancer cases fall for first time in half century
SwedenImmigration of people with darker skin and the tendency of Swedes to spend more time indoors, might be two possible explanations.
Sweden’s non-alcoholic beer market soars
SwedenDuring the summer, Swedes drank more non-alcoholic beer than ever before, and in ten years, sales have increased by more than 750%.
A healthy lifestyle can help counteract bad genes
HealthEven people with a high genetic risk of premature death can extend their life expectancy by not smoking, being physically active, getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet, say researchers.
Sick leave due to mental health problems on the rise in Finland
FinlandIn 2023, nearly six million working days were lost - the equivalent of 26,000 full-time employees not working for an entire year.
Alcohol consumption shrinks the brain
Health“Drinking less or not drinking at all may be the most effective way to improve cognitive, neurological and psychological health”, say researchers.
Intermittent fasting increases energy – may slow aging
HealthTry it yourself using the best known methods.
Danish health organizations call for 18-year limit on energy drinks
Health"Children are under massive pressure from advertising and influencers to drink these harmful soft drinks", says Morten Grønbæk, CEO of the Center for Childhood Health.
The 5:2 diet can help with type 2 diabetes
ScienceMore effective than diabetes drugs, according to Chinese study.
Crowberry – anonymous northern superberry
HealthCrowberries are abundant in Swedish forests and are at least as healthy as blueberries.
Too much screen time leads to tired and depressed children
Health"I believe in negotiating common rules for adults and children and protecting sleep", says senior lecturer Lina Eklund.