A family counseling organization in Iceland is appealing for more resources from the state to combat the growing opioid use among young people, which is now being compared to the situation in the U.S.
The family counseling organization Foreldrahús in Iceland needs more resources to combat the growing opioid crisis among young people, according to executive director Berglind Gunnarsdóttir Strandberg. She has made a request to the budget committee to include around ISK 127 million per year in the budget for this purpose, as demand for the organization’s services has skyrocketed.
Foreldrahús offers a range of services, including family counseling, parenting courses and various forms of support for young people with substance abuse problems.
According to Strandberg, the extent of opioid use among young people in Iceland is comparable to the situation in the United States and she stresses that this crisis requires immediate action.
– According to reliable information, over 30 young people have died this year alone, she said, according to state broadcaster RUV.
Minister of Health Willum Þór Þórsson also presented proposals for measures against opioid addiction, especially among young people in the country, earlier this year, mentioning that Foreldrahús, among others, should be strengthened.