SwedenWants to push for criticized HPV vaccine Gardasil.
Queen Silvia: “Where did the beautiful Sweden go?”
Sweden“It is my great wish, as well as the King’s, that we all come together to restore the beautiful Sweden that once was”.
Outraged viewers: Swedish TV4 spreads disinformation about the mass murder
SwedenClaims to have analyzed audio clips and that the shooter is heard saying “You're getting out of Europe” - but viewers say the Telia channel made up its own interpretation.
Swedish police reticent on mass shooter details
SwedenRefuses to give further details about the shooter but states that “there is no ideological motive”.
Swedish state broadcaster SVT leaves X and Facebook
Sweden“We are not publishing here at the moment”, the state channel said - but would not elaborate on why it is leaving two of the most popular social media platforms.
Swedish government prepares ten-year primary school
SwedenThe preschool class will be replaced with a modified first grade starting in 2028.
Swedish Police: “Everyone must take responsibility for the bombings”
Sweden"The whole society must mobilize. Everyone must take responsibility and do even more", urges Stockholm's deputy regional police chief.
Quran burner Salwan Momika shot dead in Sweden during livestream
SwedenAccording to information from several media outlets, Momika was broadcasting live on TikTok when the attack occurred.
Swedish military weapons in the hands of gangs and terrorists
Sweden“Our basic hypothesis is that gang criminals have people on the inside", says a police source.
Sweden’s justice minister proposes lowering the criminal age to 14
Sweden“The punishment is an incredibly central part of the reparation for the victim", argues Sweden's justice minister.
2025 could set a record for bombings in Sweden
Sweden– It is an unreasonably high number of bombings, absolutely, says Erik Lindblad, National Operations Manager at the Swedish police
Chemical levels vary widely among Swedish youth
HealthA new study shows that gender, place of birth and place of residence affect the levels of chemicals in Swedish adolescents.
Here are the richest and poorest areas in Sweden
EconomyThe gap between Sweden's richest and poorest remains large.
Wallenberg on Swedish companies’ donations to Trump: “Important to get close to politics”
Sweden“In Sweden, we don't understand and accept that it works that way", explains the Swedish oligarch.
Swedish police: 300 shootings last year
Sweden“Our view is that the approach that emerged in 2023, where family members are seen as legitimate targets, unfortunately persists”.
Swedish criminologists: No link between immigration and violent crime
Sweden“Little to no link between the proportion of immigrants in a municipality and reported violent crime", argues Amber Beckley, associate professor of criminology and senior lecturer at Örebro University.
Sweden sees rise in hazardous waste exports
SwedenA record amount of hazardous waste linked to organized crime was stopped by Swedish Customs last year.
Gang leader expands influence in Sweden – from abroad
SwedenBelieved to be the leader of the criminal organization Foxtrot.
Sweden’s train punctuality drops to lowest point since 2010
SwedenMore than one in ten trains are delayed.
Sweden Democrats leader stands firm on loyalty pledge for new citizens
Sweden“The fact that individual investigators disagree cannot be taken into account to any great extent", emphasizes the SD leader.
Sweden begins construction on first-ever final nuclear waste repository
Sweden“A very important milestone. Not only for Sweden and in our nuclear power history, but also to set the image for the rest of the world", says Romina Pourmokhtari (L).
Swedish MEP wants to “defeat” the Kremlin
Sweden“We cannot defeat the Kremlin regime until we cut off the flow of money to the war chest", declared Emma Wiesner (C).
Swedish Center Party official facing child sexual misconduct charges
SwedenFormer regional councillor Gustav Hemming is suspected of masturbating in front of children on Stockholm public transport.
Swedish Armed Forces unveil drone swarms: “Can be as many as needed”
SwedenPossible to equip large groups of unmanned aerial vehicles with weapons in the future and use them in war operations.