ColumnsTege Tornvall: Instead of linking 'extreme weather' solely to warmer climates, it can actually be a sign of cooler conditions.
Topic: The exaggerated climate crisis
Climate Minister: “Fires in Greece were started by arsonists”
EnvironmentThe fires that occurred in July did not occur naturally, but were started by "human hands", according to the minister.
Supermarket chain introduces ‘climate tax’ on food products
EconomyGerman supermarket chain Penny is raising prices to reflect the "true environmental impact" of the food.
Climate activists prevent woman with newborn from going to hospital
WorldThe woman asked the climate activists to move so she could take her newborn baby to the hospital.
Greta Thunberg sentenced for crime in Malmö district court
EnvironmentThe climate alarmist is sentenced to a daily fine for disobeying public order after a "climate action" in Malmö earlier this year.
Less carbon dioxide means less nutrients for plants
ColumnsTege Tornvall: Stockholm Exergi spends a lot of money on removing the plants' vital nutrients.
White House report makes case for blocking the sun
ScienceThe idea is to use "solar radiation modification" to manipulate the planet's climate.
Stockholm sucks CO2 out of the air with new technology
Environment"If we succeed, it will be a game-changer", says Fabian Levihn, Head of Research.
Climate activists vandalize Monet painting
Sweden"Cultural heritage has great symbolic value and it is unacceptable to attack or destroy it," thunders the National Museum director.
Unusually cold in many regions
ColumnsTege Tornvall: The media should report comprehensively on the world's weather.
Children paint their climate anxiety
CultureThe 'My reflection' project shows how children are affected by the ongoing climate debate.
Fontana di Trevi vandalized by climate activists
World"Our country is dying!" roared the saboteurs of the famous national treasure in Rome.
Outspoken climate truther Elsa Widding leaves Sweden Democrats – feels betrayed by the party
SwedenHas repeatedly questioned a "runaway climate crisis" and suffered smear campaigns.
Last nuclear power plants in Germany close today – despite severe energy crisis
EconomyGermany will close its last three nuclear power plants on Saturday.
2000 climate activists sue Swiss government – for climate change
Environment"Older women are more affected", claims Elisabeth Stern of the "Club for Climate Seniors", one of the driving climate alarmists behind the court case.
Settled: New petrol cars to be banned in the EU
Environment23 countries voted yes and only one country chose to vote against the ban on new petrol cars from 2035.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek: “Push for eating insects nothing but a compliance test”
EnvironmentDutch political commentator: "Resist much, obey little, eat your steak and support your farmers"
Italy bans insect flour in pizza and pasta
EnvironmentOpposes the EU trend and does not want insects to be associated with Italian cuisine.
Tractor convoy protests in Brussels
WorldNew proposal on nitrogen emissions will, according to farming organizations, "cause socio-economic carnage" - and force farms to close down.
Wind power giant makes huge loss – despite electricity price
EconomyThe company continues to make huge losses and calls for government support.
Greta Thunberg nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize – for the fifth time
NorwayThe 20-year-old climate alarmist is nominated by a Norwegian politician for the Green Party.
No one escapes the chokehold of driving
ColumnsTege Tornvall: Politicians are systematically making it increasingly difficult for ordinary people to have a car.