ColumnsDan Ahlmark: Chat Control 2.0 is a serious threat to European freedom.
Ylva Johansson
EU commissioner Ylva Johansson: “The EU needs at least 1 million migrants per year”
EuropeThe EU Commissioner refers to the "ageing population".
EU Parliament rejects controversial mass surveillance law
EuropeInstead, a revised version with age restrictions on porn sites was adopted.
Loophole in Chat Control 2.0 compromises information security
TechThe controversial mass surveillance proposal, Chat Control 2.0, is plagued by several technical and information security-related issues.
“Many misleading claims about Chat Control 2.0”
DebateYlva Johansson chooses to ignore the fact that a mass surveillance proposal requires mass surveillance, Karl Emil Nikka, IT security expert, writes.
Ylva Johansson knitting during Ursula von der Leyen’s speech
SwedenThis behaviour raises questions about the Swedish Commissioner and her taxpayer-funded salary of nearly €22,500.
“Most comprehensive surveillance apparatus in human history”
WorldStrong support among EU governments for new big brother law "Chat Control 2.0", according to leaked EU documents.
Demonstration against Chat Control – Bahnhof CEO warns of risks
TechJan Karlung: "Could become the most comprehensive surveillance apparatus in human history".