Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Polaris of Enlightenment


Vaccine critic in the EU Parliament: “Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare against humanity”

The criticized covid vaccinations

Published 31 May 2023
– By Editorial Staff
Dr David Martin spekas at the EU-parliament at the International Covid Summit III.

The high-profiled vaccine sceptic Dr David Martin, who describes himself as a financial analyst, author, commentator, professor and researcher, declared during the International Covid Summit in the European Parliament that covid-19 was in fact “a form of biological warfare” deliberately unleashed by the US government to create a global pandemic, benefit the pharmaceutical giants and promote mass vaccination programs.

In early May, the third edition of the International Covid Summit was held in Brussels, sponsored by the EU groups European Conservatives and Reformists and Identity and Democracy.

A large number of guests and speakers were invited, including American biochemist Dr. Robert Malone, who is also the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology.

During the conference, experts, activists and EU parliamentarians discussed the possibility that covid-19 was deliberately used as a “weapon” to impose draconian control over citizens, shut down societies and benefit certain actors financially, as well as the seemingly deliberate manipulation of corona statistics by Western health authorities and the health risks associated with the controversial vaccines.

One of the participants was Dr. David Martin, a high-profile vaccine critic and debater, and what he had to say about the virus has shocked millions of people around the world. Martin argues that a coronavirus was first identified in 1965 and that powerful interests have worked for over 50 years to manipulate and modify the virus, turning it into a “biological weapon” that was deliberately released to harm humanity and benefit the pharmaceutical giants and other special interests.

Below the full transcript of Dr. David Martin’s controversial speech in the EU Parliament:



It is a particularly interesting location for me to be sitting today, given that over a decade ago I sat in this very chair right here in the European Union Parliament.

And at that time I warned the world of what was coming, during that conversation that was hosted at the time by the Green and EFA and a number of the other parties of the European Unions, of various representations.

We were having a conversation on whether Europe should adopt the United States policy of allowing for the patents on biologically derived materials.

And at the time I urged this body and I urged people around the world that the weaponization of nature against humanity had dire consequences.

Tragically, I sit here today, with that unfortunate line that I don’t like to say, which is “I told you so.”

But the fact of the matter is, we’re here not for a reprisal on past decisions. We’re here to actually, once again, come to the face of the human condition and ask the question, who do we want to be?

What do we want humanity to look like?

And rather than seeing this as an exercise in futility, which is very easy from time to time when you’re in the position I’m in, I actually see this not as an exercise in futility.

I see this as one of the greatest opportunities that faces us because we now have a public conversation, which is now front and center in people’s minds.

When this was an esoteric conversation about biological patents, nobody cared.

But when that conversation came home, then it became something people can care about.
So I’m actually quite grateful for this opportunity.

I thank the members of Parliament for hosting this.

I thank all of the translators who I apologize in advance.

I will use terminology that is probably very difficult to translate, so my apologies, and I’d also like to acknowledge the fact that many of you are aware of my involvement with this in large part due to the amazing work of my wonderful wife, Kim Martin, who encouraged me at the very early days of this pandemic to get on front of the camera and talk about all the information that I had been sharing among very small groups around the world.

And it was in fact her encouragement that put me in a place where many of you have heard what I have to say.

Ironically, the world that I came from that used to be very popular, my CNBC and Bloomberg presentations, which were televised on mainstream media around the world, was an audience that I lost.

I can confidently say Covid diminished my fame, but I can also confidently say that I’d rather stand among the people with whom I’m standing today than any of the folks that were part of that previous world. So, this is a much better place to be.

My role today is to set the stage for this conversation in a historical context, because this did not come in the last three years.

This did not come in the last five or six years.

This actually is an ongoing question that probably began here in Europe in the early stages of the mid 19 hundreds, but certainly by 1913, 1914, this conversation started right here in Central Europe.

The pandemic that we alleged to have happen in the last few years also did not happen overnight.

In fact, the very specific pandemic using coronavirus began in a very different time.

Most of you don’t know that Coronavirus as a model of a pathogen was isolated in 1965.

Coronavirus was identified in 1965 as one of the first infectious, replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences of human condition.

It was isolated once upon a time associated with the common cold.

But what’s particularly interesting about its isolation in 1965 was that it was immediately identified as a pathogen that could be used and modified for a whole host of reasons.

And you heard me correctly, that was 1965.

And by the way, these slides are public domain.

You’re welcome to look at every single reference.

Every comment that I made is based on published material.

So do make sure that you look at those references.

But in 1966, the very first COV Coronavirus model was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in human manipulation, and you heard the date 1966.

I hope you’re getting the point of what I’m saying.

This is not an overnight thing.

This is actually something that’s been long in the making.

A year before I was born, we had the first Trans-Atlantic coronavirus data sharing experiment between the United States and the United Kingdom.

And in 1967, the year I was born, we did the first human trials on inoculating people with modified coronavirus.

Isn’t that amazing?

56 years ago, the overnight success of a pathogen that’s been 56 years in engineering, and I want that to chill with all of you.

Where were we when we actually allowed in violation of biological and chemical weapons treaties?
Where were we as a human civilization when we thought it was an acceptable thing to do to take a pathogen for the United States and infect the world with it?

Where was that conversation and what should have been that conversation in 1967?

That conversation wasn’t had. Ironically, the common cold was turned into a chimera in the 1970s, and in 1975, 1976 and 1977, we started figuring out how to modify coronavirus by putting it into different animals.
Pigs and dogs.

And not surprisingly, by the time we got to 1990, we found out that coronavirus as a infectious agent was an industrial problem for two primary industries, the industries of dogs and pigs.

Dog breeders and pigs found that Coronavirus created gastrointestinal problems, and that became the basis for Pfizer’s first spike protein vaccine.

Patent filed. Are you ready for this In 1990?

Did you hear what I just said?

Operation Warpspeed.

I’m sorry.

Where’s the warp and the speed?

Pfizer 1990.

The very first spike protein vaccine for Coronavirus.

Isn’t that fascinating?

Isn’t it fascinating that we were, we were told that, well, the spike protein is a new thing.

We just found out that that’s the problem.


As a matter of fact, we didn’t just find out it was not just now.

Now the problem, we found that out in 1990 and filed the first patents on vaccines in 1990 for the spike protein of Coronavirus.

And who would’ve thought Pfizer?

Clearly the innocent organization that does nothing but promote human health.

Clearly, Pfizer, the organization that has not bought the votes in this chamber, in every chamber of every government around the world, not that Pfizer, certainly they wouldn’t have had anything to do with this, but oh yes, they did.

And in 1990 they found out that there was a problem with vaccines.

They didn’t work.

You know why they didn’t work?

It turns out that Coronavirus is a very malleable model.

It transforms and it changes, and it mutates over time.

As a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for Coronavirus from 1990 until 2018, every single publication concluded that Coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse because it modifies and mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective.

And since 1990 to 2018, that is the published science ladies and gentlemen, that’s following the science, following the science is their own indictment of their own programs that said, it doesn’t work.

And there are thousands of publications to that effect, not a few hundred. And not paid for by pharmaceutical companies.

These are publications that are independent scientific research that shows unequivocally including efforts of the chimera modifications made by Ralph Bairc in the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

All of them show vaccines do not work on coronavirus.

That’s the science, and that science has never been disputed.

But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important because in 2002, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented, and I quote, an infectious replication defective clone of coronavirus.

Listen to those words …

Infectious replication, defective.

What does that phrase actually mean?

For those of you not familiar with language, let me unpack it for you.
Infectious replication.

Defective means a weapon.

It means something meant to target an individual but not have collateral damage to other individuals.
That’s what infectious replication defective means.

And that patent was filed in 2002 on work funded by NIAD’s Anthony Fauci from 1999 to 2002, and that work patented at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill mysteriously preceded SARS 1.0 by a year.
“Dave, are you suggesting that SARS 1.0 wasn’t from a wet market in Wuhan?”

“Are you suggesting it might have come from a laboratory in the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill?”
No, I’m not suggesting it.

I’m telling you that’s the facts we engineered SARS.

SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon.

The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold.

It’s called influenza-like illness.

It’s called gastroenteritis.

That’s the naturally occurring coronavirus.

SARS is the research developed by humans weaponizing a life system model to actually attack human beings, and they patented it in 2002.

And in 2003, giant surprise, the CDC filed the patent on Coronavirus isolated from humans in violation once again of biological and chemical weapons, treaties and laws that we have in the United States, and I’m very, very precise on this.

United States likes to talk about its rights and everything else, and the rule of law and all the nonsense that we like to talk about, but we don’t ratify treaties about, I don’t know, defending humans.

We conspicuously avoid that we actually have a great track record of advocating for human rights and then denying them when it comes to actually being part of the international community, which is a slightly problematic thing.

But let’s get something very clear.

When the CDC, in April of 2003 filed the patent on SARS Coronavirus isolated from humans, what did they do?

They downloaded a sequence from China, and filed a patent on it in the United States.

Any of you familiar with biological and chemical weapons treaties knows that’s a violation.

That’s a crime.

That’s not an innocent, oops; that’s a crime.

And the United States Patent Office went as far as to reject that patent application on two occasions until the CDC decided to bribe the patent office to override the patent examiner to ultimately issue the patent in 2007 on SARS Coronavirus.

But let’s not let that get away from us, because it turns out that the RT PCR, which was the test that we allegedly were going to use to identify the risks associated with coronavirus, was actually identified as a bioterrorism threat by me in the European Union sponsored events in 2002 and 2003, 20 years ago that happened here in Brussels and across Europe.

In 2005, this particular pathogen was specifically labelled as a bioterrorism and bioweapon platform technology, described as such.

That’s not my terminology that I’m applying to it.

It was actually described as a bioweapons platform technology in 2005.

And from 2005 onwards, it was actually a bio warfare enabling agent.

It’s official classification from 2005 forward.

I don’t know if that sounds like public health to you, does it?

Biological warfare enabling technology that feels like not public health, that feels like not medicine, that feels like a weapon, designed to take out humanity.

That’s what it feels like, and it feels like that because that’s exactly what it is.

We have been lured into believing that EcoHealth Alliance and DARPA and all of these organizations are what we should be pointing to.

But we’ve been specifically requested to ignore the facts that over $10 billion have been funnelled through black operations, through the check of Anthony Fauci and a side-by-side ledger where NIAD has a balance sheet, and next to it is a biodefense balance sheet.

Equivalent dollar for dollar matching that no one in the media talks about, and it’s been going on since 2005. Our gain of function moratorium.

The moratorium that was supposed to freeze any efforts to do gain of function research.

Conveniently, in the fall of 2014, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill received a letter from NIAD saying that while the gain of function moratorium on coronavirus in vivo should be suspended, because their grants had already been funded, they received an exemption.

Did you hear what I just said?

A biological weapons lab facility at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill received an exemption from the gain of function moratorium so that by 2016 we could publish the journal article that said SARS Coronavirus is poised for human emergence in 2016 and what, you might ask Dave, was the coronavirus poised for human emergence?

It was WIV ONE.

Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus One.

Poised for human emergence in 2016 at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, such that by the time we get to 2017 and 2018, the following phrase entered into common parlance among the community, there is going to be an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen.

The operative word, obviously in that phrase, the word release, does that sound like leak?
Does that sound like a bat and a Pangolin went into a bar in the Wuhan market and hung out and had sex?

And, and lo and behold, we got SARS Cov-2. No accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen was the terminology used.

And four times in April of 2019, seven months before the allegation of patient number one, four patent applications of Moderna were modified to include the term accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen as the justification for making a vaccine for a thing that did not exist.

If you have not done so, please make sure that you make reference in every investigation to the premeditation nature of this, because it was in September of 2019 that the world was informed.

That we were going to have an accident or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen so that by September, 2020 there would be a worldwide acceptance of a universal vaccine template.

That’s their words right in front of you on the screen.

The intent was to get the world to accept a universal vaccine template, and the intent was to use coronavirus to get there.

Let’s, let’s read this because we have to read this into the record everywhere I go.

“Until an infectious disease crisis is very real present and at the emergency threshold that is often largely
ignored to sustain the funding base beyond the crisis.”

He said, “we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan influenza or pan coronavirus vaccine.”

“A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

Sounds like public health.

Sounds like the best of humanity.


Ladies and gentlemen, this was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015, published in front of them.

This is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race, and it was admitted to in writing that this was a financial heist and a financial fraud.

“Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.”

Let me conclude by making five very brief recommendations.

The last slide, nature was hijacked.

This whole story started in 1965 when we decided to hijack a natural model and decide to start manipulating it.

Science was hijacked when the only questions that could be asked were questions authorized under the patent protection of the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and their equivalent organizations around the world.

We didn’t have independent science.

We had hijacked science, and unfortunately there was no moral oversight in violation of all of the codes that we stand for.

There was no independent, financially disinterested independent review board ever empanelled around coronavirus.

Not once, not once, not since 1965.

We do not have a single independent IRB ever empanelled, around Coronavirus.

So, morality was suspended for medical countermeasures, and ultimately humanity was lost because we decided to allow it to happen.

Our job today is to say, no more gain of function research, period.

No more weaponization of nature period.

And most importantly, no more corporate patronage of science for their own self-interest unless they assume 100% product liability for every injury and every death that they maintain.

Thank you very much.


Dr David E. Martin



The full part 1 of the International Covid Summit III can be seen below Dr. David Martin’s speech begins at 12.55.


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Zuckerberg: Biden administration forced us to censor vaccine criticism

Internet censorship

Published 11 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff
Mark Zuckerberg says it was Biden's team that forced Facebook to censor vaccine criticism.

In an interview with podcaster Joe Rogan, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it was the Biden administration that forced the company’s platforms to censor posts criticizing the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

The conversation covered several topics, but one that stood out was when Zuckerberg talked about government censorship and how the outgoing administration forced the tech company to weed out uncomfortable opinions – even if they were completely true.

– This hit the most extreme. I’d say it was during the Biden Administration when they were trying to roll out the vaccine programme. Now I’m generally pretty pro rolling out vaccines, I think on balance the vaccines are more positive than negative but I think that while they’re trying to push that program they also tried to censor anyone who was arguing against it.

– They pushed us super hard to take down things that were honestly true. I mean, they basically pushed us and said, ‘You know anything that says that vaccines might have side effects, you need to take down’ , the billionaire explained in the interview, claiming he opposed this demand.

According to Zuckerberg, representatives of the Biden administration contacted him personally and demanded that posts highlighting the side effects of the mRNA vaccine be deleted.

That’s ridiculous

Referring to the investigation, and the committee set up to look into the Biden administration’s censorship, Mark Zuckerberg went on to say that government representatives called and yelled at Meta’s team, demanding that various posts, even of a humorous nature, be deleted immediately.

– It just got to this point where we were like, no, we’re not gonna take down true things. That’s ridiculous… We’re not going to take down humor and satire.

According to Zuckerberg, his alleged refusal to comply with the Biden administration’s censorship demands also led the government to begin attacking his company through various pronouncements and government investigations.

– It was brutal, he claims.

With the departure of the Biden administration and the arrival of the Trump administration, the Facebook founder says it is high time to “restore freedom of expression” on platforms that were previously subject to widespread and arbitrary censorship, and where dissent was often effectively banned.

– We will go back to our roots, they say.

“Criminal censorship”

Not everyone finds Zuckerberg’s claims particularly credible, however. For example, author David Icke, an early critic of mass vaccination programs, points out that he was censored and suspended from Facebook back in 2020 when Donald Trump was president.

They are all at it – letting Zuckerberg’s criminal censorship be whitewashed to bring him into the MAGA fold while Biden takes the blame”, he writes.

Swedish MP pushes for accountability on mRNA vaccine risks

The criticized covid vaccinations

Published 30 November 2024
– By Editorial Staff
Elsa Widding calls on the government to stop the use of mRNA products until their risks are properly assessed.

In an interpellation debate, Elsa Widding asks whether Social Affairs Minister Jacob Forssmed (KD) will investigate the strong suspicions that the mRNA vaccine has a very harmful effect on the human genome and stop all use of the experimental vaccines until such an investigation is completed.

However, Forssmed is not interested in thoroughly investigating the harmful effects of the vaccine, claiming that the controls are already “rigorous and comprehensive”. Nor does he seem to want to take any personal responsibility for the consequences of mRNA technology.

Independent member of the Swedish Parliament Elsa Widding, addressed an interpellation to Minister of Social Affairs Jacob Forssmed in light of the experimental mRNA vaccine during the COVID crisis and the dangers and negative health effects suspected to be linked to the vaccine.

Widding refers to a wide range of experts and points out how there is a lot of evidence to suggest that mRNA vaccines can, among other things, be contaminated with bacterial DNA and thus carry a risk of very serious damage to human health.

– This is because synthetic foreign DNA is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, which can then integrate into human cells, leading to genomic instability, cancer, immune system disorders and adverse hereditary effects.

“Will the Minister take responsibility?”

She therefore asks Forssmed whether he will set up an independent investigation into the strong suspicions that the vaccine affects the human genome and whether he will stop all use of products based on mRNA technology until the above investigation is completed.

– If the Minister chooses not to stop the use of mRNA technology in Sweden, will the Minister take full responsibility for the consequences? she asks.

However, Forssmed does not seem to be prepared to take any personal responsibility at all and he calls the process of checking the vaccine “rigorous and comprehensive“.

I have good faith in the process related to the control and monitoring of medicines and vaccines, and I believe it is important that those who are deemed to be at risk of serious illness from COVID-19 can continue to receive the protection offered by the vaccine, he says.

“Dark shadow hangs over the authorities”

Widding soon becomes visibly frustrated in the debate that the Minister for Social Affairs does not seem to be interested in answering her questions at all and also seems to misunderstand what she is trying to get across.

– So the question is not whether the contaminating foreign DNA integrates into the DNA of human cells, but how often this happens and how serious the effects are.

– The genetic risks to humans and their offspring are unknown. That is why further scientific studies to determine these risks are urgently needed. Similarly, the government should investigate, for example, excess mortality, which remains very high in the Western world. If you look at the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, you can see that it was highest in 2021, when vaccination started, and still very high in 2022. Why is this not being investigated? Is there a link with the vaccines or not? she continues.

The independent MP argues that the monitoring of mRNA vaccines is not at all as “rigorous and comprehensive” as Forssmed claims – instead, many rules and best practices for clinical trials were violated during the COVID crisis.

– Someone – the manufacturer – has been sloppy in the manufacturing process of the modified mRNA vaccine, and the authorities have let them get away with it. I would therefore say that a very dark shadow hangs over the same authorities that the Minister is defending. Safe and effective vaccines cannot be produced as long as regulators do not act in the public interest.

Not preventing the spread of infection

Forssmed continues to avoid Widdings’ questions and instead declares that he is “confident that the vaccines used against COVID-19 are of good quality and that they are safe and effective against serious illness and death“.

It is problematic that this type of non-scientific claims are spread, and it is of course not relevant to stop vaccinations with safe, effective and approved vaccines, the Minister continued.

Ms. Widdings’ irritation at the minister’s dodging of her questions is growing, and she also points out that the authorities may not have as much credibility on the vaccine issue as they would like to claim.

Translation: Head-in-the-sand behavior from Social Affairs Minister Forssmed.

– First, COVID-19 vaccines have never even been tested for their ability to block virus transmission and thus do not protect against the spread of infection. European regulators, as well as governments and state bodies, misled people to get them to accept these products. Hasn’t this affected the credibility of the authorities? Here I would like to remind the Council of State of the text of the Nuremberg Code, that is, the prohibition of subjecting people to experiments and of forcing, pressuring or persuading people to participate in medical experiments against their will.

– Second, the COVID-19 vaccines resulted in an unprecedented level of reported adverse events, including deaths. Moreover, analysis of public data shows that it was completely random which batch of vaccine a person received and thus also random which side effects the person suffered after the shot. Those who were unlucky enough to receive a shot from a really bad batch of modified mRNA vaccine had a 1 in 20 risk of becoming very seriously ill or dying. Others, who received their vaccine from the most favorable batch, had a minimal risk of illness or death.

– Third, analysis by several independent scientists now shows that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s products were contaminated with varying and uniquely high levels of residual DNA. It is this contamination that is at the heart of today’s debate…How can a vaccine be considered safe and effective when hardly anyone even knows what it contains?

“Affects the brain, heart and lungs”

Widding also highlights how the pressure for Swedes to take the experimental vaccines was enormous and how people were fooled into thinking they were preventing the spread of infection if they were vaccinated even though this was not the case.

She highlights how modified mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 pose health risks that were not adequately studied before the vaccines were granted emergency approval and began to be injected into the world’s populations.

– The lipid nanoparticles do not stop at the injection site but reach the bloodstream and thus several organs. If cells in the blood vessels absorb these particles, they will cause vascular damage and blood clots, leading to an increased risk of stroke, heart attack and other acute vascular diseases. The Minister should know this if he has read the data from Pfizer. All these conditions are well documented in the medical literature and in national adverse event reporting systems. Full stop. Similarly, lipid nanoparticles can affect organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.

Vaccine manufacturers must be scrutinized

– While these risks apply to all mRNA vaccine technology, the potentially serious health risks due to the contamination with bacterial DNA we are talking about today also need to be addressed. The development of safe and effective vaccines depends on transparent and reliable oversight of vaccine manufacturers. Positive change starts with the recognition of errors, and this process must start immediately before more lives are lost in a careless and unnecessary way. A huge responsibility rests here on the shoulders of the Prime Minister, she concluded.

Despite repeated calls and direct questions, Forssmed continues to refuse to answer them, instead repeating mantras such as “we need to continue vaccinating” and that “it is important that people in risk groups receive vaccines“.

It is important that we continue to stand up for science and the thousands of researchers who say that this is good and important and protects against severe disease and death, he says.

Von der Leyen’s ‘Pfizergate’ taken to the European Court of Justice

The criticized covid vaccinations

Published 12 October 2024
– By Editorial Staff
Ursula von der Leyen and Albert Bourla had private SMS conversations about covid vaccine contracts in 2021.

The Court of Justice of the European Union will now consider whether the European Commission’s reasons for refusing the New York Times access to text messages between Pfizer’s CEO and the EU president are valid. The case is due to start in November.

It was in April 2021 that the New York Times reported that the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, had private text message conversations about the huge covid-19 vaccine deal, which was concluded in May of that year. The newspaper requested these text messages from the Commission, but von der Leyen claimed they had been deleted.

The European Union’s Court of Auditors audited the covid vaccine deal and published a report in September 2022 that, among other things, questioned the Commission’s reluctance to disclose von der Leyen’s personal role in the deal.

The New York Times then decided to sue the European Commission on the grounds that these text messages between the president and the CEO should be covered by freedom of information laws, as the conversations concerned an agreement within the EU.

– The public continues to be denied information about the terms of one of the biggest procurement contracts in the history of the EU, said Nicole Taylor, spokesperson for the newspaper, according to Politico.

Von der Leyen was “personally involved”

On 15 November the case will be heard by the EU’s highest court, the CJEU, reports the Financial Times. It will decide whether the Commission’s reasons for refusing access to the New York Times are valid, and thus whether SMS messages should be considered documents that must be stored and remain accessible to citizens.

Among other things, the Court is expected to ask the Commission’s legal representatives to explain whether the text messages ever existed and, if so, why they were not recorded. They are also expected to be asked whether they deleted these text messages and, if so, for what reasons.

According to the New York Times, both Bourla and von der Leyen have admitted to private text messages about the deal, with the president also saying she was “personally involved” in the deal.

In the run-up to the European elections last summer, the European Court of Justice ruled in a separate case concerning the covid vaccine deal that the Commission had illegally withheld certain details, AP News reported. The case involved a group of MEPs who took legal action after the Commission refused to give them full access to the covid vaccine deal. Despite the criticism, which was mainly directed at Ursula von der Leyen, she was re-elected as president of the European Commission.

Despite this unresolved issue, the European Commission has continued to sign new contracts with the pharmaceutical giant. Last year, for example, it bought an additional 2.4 billion doses of Pfizer’s covid vaccine.

Moderna offered children money to test covid vaccine

The criticized covid vaccinations

Published 9 October 2024
– By Editorial Staff