WorldThe ideology that dominates the Western world is destroying families and traditions - and in the long run, the human identity of its citizens, says Alexander Dugin.
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson meets Vladimir Putin – read the full interview here
WorldThe President discusses the historical background of the war, US involvement, the risk of global conflict, and the prospects for a lasting peace.
Tucker Carlson risks EU sanctions over Putin interview
WorldAllegedly a "propagandist" and "spokesman" for the Russian president, Carlson risks being subject to an EU travel ban or other sanctions.
American Colonel: “Ukraine a collapsed state”
WorldFormer Pentagon advisor Douglas Macgregor estimates that as many as 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in the fighting.
Orbán: “Only Trump can save the West”
World"A third world war could be knocking on our door", warns Hungary's prime minister.
Fox producer: “Carlson was fired as part of a settlement”
WorldThe Murdoch family also disapproved of Carlson's outspokenness, according to the secret recording.
Fox lost $800 million when Tucker Carlson Left
WorldCarlson himself notes that "the US looks like a one-party state" where the media and politicians decide which topics can be discussed.
Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News
WorldThe channel's short message about the popular commentator: "We thank him for his service".