Tech“Sweden is making a downward technological class journey”, says ECIPE director Fredrik Erixon, calling for billions in government investment.
Three out of five Finns worry about the economy
Finland59% of the country's population worry about their finances at least once a month.
Norwegian banks’ profits hit record high
EconomyMake €2.9 billion in profits in the first quarter of the year.
Young Swedish adults do not understand economics
EconomyOnly one in three understand how inflation works and researchers warn that the lack of knowledge is "alarming".
Young Swedes worried about their finances
EconomyOne in three Swedes between the ages of 18 and 29 regularly worry about living beyond their means.
Finns worry about the economy
FinlandBoth consumers and businesses in Finland think the economy looks grim for the coming year.
More Swedish households struggle to make ends meet
EconomyAmong single individuals, 30 percent have gone into a deficit every month in the past six months.
Swedes under growing financial pressure
EconomyLeads to sleep problems, mental illness and deteriorating family relations.
Record number of people think Sweden is going in the wrong direction
SwedenOver the past ten years, development has never before been considered to be as bad as it is now, according to a new survey.