The 10th anniversary celebration of the pro-violence South African Communist Party (EFF) at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, attended by around 100,000 people, has attracted international attention after its leader Julius Malema again led a campaign song calling for the genocide of the country’s white Boer community.
– Kill the Boer (whites). Shoot to kill! Brrr, bang!, Malema chanted to a packed arena of supporters who howled, danced and jumped for joy at the message.
During his political career, Julius Malema has become known for his grossly violent rhetoric against the country’s white population, the Boers or Afrikaners, where he has also previously openly called for their murder. His statements have been perceived as so severe that even the ruling ANC party, of which he was formerly a member, felt compelled to distance itself from Malema and expel him.
Malema and his Marxist-Leninist party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), have since continued along the same lines and at a mass rally for the EFF’s 10th anniversary he led a fight song calling for the shooting and killing of white Afrikaners (“kill the boer, kill the farmer”).
This is what a Marxist revolution looks like:
South African leader of the EFF
(Economic Freedon Fighters) party,
Julius Malema – at rally this weekend chanting shoot to kill….
… kill the Boers (whites).— Teresa (@pepedownunder) August 1, 2023
The statement is praised by radical Marxist supporters worldwide and downplayed by mainstream media, but is also heavily criticized on more liberal platforms. Among others, Elon Musk, who was born in South Africa, has called on the country’s President Cyril Ramaphosa to comment on the matter, pointing out that Malema is pushing for the genocide of Afrikaners.
Shocking video shows South Africa’s black party singing “kill the Boer (Whites), kill the White farmer”
This is all downstream from the rotten secular religion of wokeness and CRT plaguing America today.
You have been warned.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 31, 2023
Malema’s remarks can be seen in their full context during the EFF meeting here.