Germany’s former Chancellor reveals that the US government did not “allow” any early compromises that could have ended the war.
–The Ukrainians did not agree to peace because they were not allowed to. They first had to ask the Americans about everything they discussed
In an interview published in the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung, Schröder reveals that he was asked to help mediate peace talks in March 2022 between Ukrainian and Russian officials. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj was open to making certain concessions at the time, such as foregoing any attempts to join the military alliance NATO. However, the talks broke down, and peace was not achieved.
– The Ukrainians did not agree to peace because they were not allowed to. They first had to ask the Americans about everything they discussed… My impression was that nothing could happen because everything else was decided in Washington, Schröder testifies.
The former Chancellor describes Washington’s strategy as “fatal”, leading to a prolonged war and tighter ties between Russia and China.
– Now, it is the case that two actors, China and Russia, who are limited by the USA, are joining forces. Americans believe they are strong enough to keep both sides in check. In my humble opinion, this is a mistake. Just look how torn the American side is now. Look at the chaos in Congress.
Schröder believes Europe should have done more to push for peace in the spring of 2022. Instead, they started delivering large quantities of weapons and money to Ukraine.
– The arms deliveries are not a solution for eternity, but no one wants to talk. Everyone is sitting in trenches. How many more people have to die? It’s a bit like the Middle East. Who are the victims on one side and on the other? Poor people who lose their children.
Macron and Scholz
According to Schröder, only French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz can revive the peace talks. He urges both to actively support a peace process in Ukraine.
– Why didn’t Scholz and Macron combine weapon deliveries with an offer to talk? Macron and Scholz are the only ones who can speak with Putin.
He further describes the propaganda about an imminent Russian invasion of Europe as “absurd”, suggesting that politicians’ reasons for continuing to arm Ukraine often lack a basis in reality. Schröder also points out that Russia isn’t capable of defeating NATO even if they tried but emphasizes that Putin can’t allow Ukraine or Georgia to be absorbed by the military alliance.
– This threat analysis may be emotional, but it’s real in Russia. The West must understand this and accept compromises accordingly. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve peace.