The Swedish Parliament has approved a new law enabling the government to activate ID checks on trains, buses and ferries arriving in Sweden. The law means that train, bus and ferry companies will be able to stop travelers without valid identification.
Following the large wave of migrants arriving in Sweden in 2015, a law was introduced allowing for identity checks on travelers. Under the new bill, presented by the government together with the Sweden Democrats last year, the government will be able to require travel companies to carry out identity checks on travelers entering Sweden. Travelers who lack identification will be banned from entering the country.
Furthermore, sanctions of up to SEK 250,000 will be introduced for transport companies that violate the ban, reports tax-funded Sveriges Radio. Entry bans may be issued if it is deemed that the traveler poses a serious danger to public order or internal security in the country, and if the rules are needed to facilitate the performance of important societal functions.
“An important measure to stop the influx of illegal immigrants at the border”, says the Sweden Democrats.
In December, the Legislative Council said no to the bill, among other things because it considered that the proposal “is not even in accordance” with the constitution or EU law. The train company SJ has also criticized the law and pointed out that it could mean that they are forced to cancel departures from other countries.
The Swedish Parliament passed the law with 246 votes in favor and 54 against. The Green Party, Center Party and Left Party were against the proposal, but it was supported by the Social Democrats. The law will come into force on March 1 this year.