Sweden"The whole society must mobilize. Everyone must take responsibility and do even more", urges Stockholm's deputy regional police chief.
organized crime
Swedish military weapons in the hands of gangs and terrorists
Sweden“Our basic hypothesis is that gang criminals have people on the inside", says a police source.
2025 could set a record for bombings in Sweden
Sweden– It is an unreasonably high number of bombings, absolutely, says Erik Lindblad, National Operations Manager at the Swedish police
Sweden sees rise in hazardous waste exports
SwedenA record amount of hazardous waste linked to organized crime was stopped by Swedish Customs last year.
Gang leader expands influence in Sweden – from abroad
SwedenBelieved to be the leader of the criminal organization Foxtrot.
“Swedish” gang criminals take over Norway
The Nordics"It's not like in Denmark or Finland, where they've faced resistance. It seems they've just been able to take what they want", says a police source.
Thousands of Finnish companies linked to organized crime
Finland“Organized crime has a strong position in Finnish business”, it states, and almost all sectors are deemed to be affected.
Swedish police seized criminals’ cars – just hours after new law
Sweden"The assessment made was that the cars had a significant value in relation to the owners' income".
Swedish schools may be forced to report students
SwedenOn January 1, 2025, the obligation to share data with law enforcement will increase.
Norwegian youth threatened by Swedish gangs
The NordicsKnown criminal networks based in Sweden are described by the police as a serious threat in northern Norway.
Sweden: Organized crime drains welfare coffers
Sweden“The welfare sector is an area where we know that a lot of money goes missing”, says Carina Gunnarson, Associate Professor of Political Science at the Swedish Defence Research Agency.
Swedish police: “Children receive murder assignments in chat groups”
Sweden"Once they get the gun in their hand, they might start to think it's not as much fun anymore, but by then it's often too late", they warn.
Police: Summer holidays increase the risk of children being recruited by criminal gangs
SwedenFewer activities and less contact with adults at school and during leisure time make it easier for children to be exploited.
Sweden Under Siege: Daily blasts rock Swedish cities amid gang turmoil
SwedenSix explosions in six days - but no clear answers on how to stop the tide of violence.
Sweden tops northern Europe in organized crime
SwedenThe level of organized crime in Sweden now rivals that of Southern Europe.
Villa blown up in new suspected gang attack
SwedenThe country's 132nd explosion this year rocked the Stentorp residential area near Upplandsbro, north of Stockholm, Sweden.
Swedish bombing linked to gang war
SwedenWoman taken to hospital when large parts of the outer wall of the apartment building was blown away.