FinlandIn addition, young people should wait until they are 16 to use social media, according to new Finnish guidelines.
screen time
Norwegian schools get tougher on digital devices
Norway“It is untenable that pupils can access content such as violence and pornography”, says education minister Kari Nessa Nordtun.
Too much screen time leads to tired and depressed children
Health"I believe in negotiating common rules for adults and children and protecting sleep", says senior lecturer Lina Eklund.
Norwegian teens struggle to reduce screen time
Norway"Social media is addictive", says Psychologist Mehri Agai.
Swedish Paediatric Association: “No screen time for children under two”
HealthChildren aged 2-5 years are recommended to use screens for no more than one hour a day.
Swedish government to abolish screen time requirements in preschools
SwedenThe proposal comes after criticism that screen use risks hampering children's language development.
Screen time for one-year-olds increases risk of developmental delays
HealthIncreases the risk of disrupting development in areas such as communication and fine motor skills.
Childhood TV viewing may contribute to adult health problems
ScienceWorse eating habits, poor fitness and obesity correlate with television viewing in youth, according to a New Zealand study.