Friday, February 7, 2025

Polaris of Enlightenment


Your privacy choices affect others too

Mass surveillance

Privacy enjoys company.

Published 9 October 2024
– By Naomi Brockwell

I just interviewed an activist from Bahrain, and she told me that by the nature of her work and threat model, she’s lost many friendships. Her communication is highly sensitive, and she guards it as a matter of safety. But there are some people in her life who just refuse to use secure platforms when they talk with her. The conversation might not be about anything sensitive—they might just be old school friends. But by sending her messages on insecure platforms, they are revealing information to adversaries that might actually put her life in danger. So she’s had to cut many friendships as a result.

We live in a world where sharing has become second nature. We post our thoughts on social media, send quick texts without a second thought, and freely hand over personal information for the sake of convenience. Many of us shrug and say, “I have nothing to hide.” But it’s important to stop to consider that our privacy choices don’t just affect us—they impact those around us too.

Think about it. When you send a text message via an insecure platform like SMS, you weaken the privacy of the person in that conversation with you too. Maybe your friend is cautious about their digital footprint, or perhaps they have concerns you’re unaware of. Perhaps you’re linking them to content they might prefer to keep private. By using unsecured channels, you might be exposing them to risks they never agreed to take.

It’s easy to dismiss privacy concerns as paranoia or the realm of those with “something to hide.” But privacy isn’t just about secrets. It’s about control over personal information and respecting others’ preferences and boundaries.

Consider the concept of the social graph—the network of relationships and interactions that map out our social connections. Companies and governments use this data to analyze behavior, predict trends, and market products to us. But it’s not just about selling us things; it’s also about shaping how we think and what we believe. By analyzing our connections, entities can target us with specific information or propaganda to influence our opinions, decisions, and even voting patterns.

When you’re carefree with your interactions, whether on public platforms or through insecure private messaging apps, you’re not just putting yourself on this map; you’re involving everyone you engage with. Your actions help create a detailed web that includes your friends, family, and colleagues. Tagging people in photos, mentioning them in posts, or messaging them on unsecured platforms can link others to ideas, beliefs, or movements that they might not want to be publicly connected with. Choosing to use platforms where these interactions are tracked, monitored, or potentially exposed can have unintended consequences, revealing personal affiliations and potentially impacting the lives of those around us.

The reality is that we don’t truly know what someone else’s threat model is, what risks they’re facing, or what social circles might make them an unwitting target. So when people reveal their privacy preferences, you should listen.

We often forget that in the digital age, we’re all interconnected. Your decision to overshare or to use less secure communication doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It can have real consequences for others. Maybe your coworker doesn’t want their association with a particular topic or group to be public knowledge. Perhaps a friend is trying to keep a low profile for personal or professional reasons.

So what’s the solution?

Awareness and mindfulness. Before you hit ‘send’ on that message or ‘post’ on that update, consider who else might be affected. Use secure communication methods when sharing sensitive information. Respect others’ wishes when they express concerns about privacy.

By embracing end-to-end encrypted platforms, we allow others to speak freely and be their authentic selves without fear of surveillance or data collection. Secure communication channels enable open dialogue, letting everyone explore ideas and express thoughts without feeling repressed. When we choose these platforms, we not only protect our own privacy but also create a safe space for those we interact with to be genuine and honest. It’s a simple switch that empowers all of us to connect more meaningfully.

We don’t have to live off the grid or become hermits to protect ourselves and others. A little thoughtfulness goes a long way. By being mindful of how our actions impact those around us, we foster a culture that values and protects everyone’s right to privacy.

In the end, it’s not just about guarding our own information but about respecting the autonomy and preferences of others. Let’s remember that our digital choices ripple out in ways we might not immediately see. Your privacy practices matter—not just to you, but to everyone you connect with.


Naomi Brockwell

Naomi Brockwell is a privacy advocacy and professional speaker, MC, interviewer, producer, podcaster, specialising in blockchain, cryptocurrency and economics. She runs the NBTV channel on Youtube.

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The tech mogul on the future of AI: Constant mass surveillance

Mass surveillance

Published 24 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff
With the help of AI, Ellison believes that in the future, those in power will be able to follow citizens' every move.

Tech giant Oracle’s CEO Larry Ellison believes in a future where artificial intelligence becomes an integral part of a borderless mass surveillance society where privacy no longer exists and where everything citizens do is mapped and recorded.

Oracle and Larry Ellison will play a key role in Trump’s AI venture “Stargate” expected to cost upwards of $500 billion and described by the President himself as “by far the largest AI infrastructure project in history”.

There is no doubt that Ellison is one of the world’s most successful tech moguls just last fall he overtook Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to become the world’s second richest man after Elon Musk. But how does he see the future of artificial intelligence and how it will affect our lives?

During a meeting with financial analysts last fall, he predicted a future that critics say is reminiscent of dark dystopian novels like George Orwell’s 1984, where humans are subject to constant mass surveillance and AI is used to map citizens’ every move.

According to Ellison, it is highly likely that in the future, AI models will be used to analyze in real time all the material not only from surveillance cameras, police body cameras, but also from car cameras and doorbells.

Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.

Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there’s a problem, AI will report the problem and report it to the appropriate person, he continued.

“Big brother is watching you”

The multi-billionaire also believes that AI-controlled drones will replace real police officers during car chases and other types of crime and disorder.

– If something happens in a shopping center, a drone goes out there and reaches the scene way faster than a police car.

Technology website Ars Technica’s writer Benji Edwards is one of many who reacted strongly to Ellison’s vision of AI surveillance, saying his comments raise questions about the future of citizens’ privacy and right to privacy.

Ellison’s vision bears more than a passing resemblance to the cautionary world portrayed in George Orwell’s prescient novel 1984. In Orwell’s fiction, the totalitarian government of Oceania uses ubiquitous ‘telescreens’ to monitor citizens constantly, creating a society where privacy no longer exists and independent thought becomes nearly impossible“, Edwards notes.

But Orwell’s famous phrase ‘Big Brother is watching you’ would take on new meaning in Ellison’s tech-driven scenario, where AI systems, rather than human watchers, would serve as the ever-vigilant eyes of authority. Once considered a sci-fi trope, automated systems are already becoming a reality: Similar automated CCTV surveillance systems have already been trialed in London Underground and at the 2024 Olympics“, he continues.

“A slave obeys”

He points out that automated surveillance systems have already been implemented in Chinese cities, among others, and that AI software is already available that can sort and organize the data collected on residents using a network of deployed surveillance cameras.

According to many observers, similar and even more advanced solutions may soon become part of everyday life in the United States and other countries, and there are warnings that a “digital dictatorship” is emerging where the surveillance state is so all-encompassing that it is impossible for anyone to escape.

“‘Good Behavior’ as defined by the billionaires who own and control everything. Otherwise known as blind obedience and willful subservience to their every whim and want. Because a slave obeys, expresses one of many worried voices.

“I have nothing to hide”

Mass surveillance

Ten reasons privacy matters for everyone.

Published 8 January 2025
– By Naomi Brockwell
Is there nothing in your life that is actually private and concerns you and only you?

Challenging the myth

“I have nothing to hide”. It’s a phrase we’ve all heard, and perhaps even said ourselves, when privacy comes up. But it reveals a dangerous misunderstanding of what privacy is and why it matters.

Privacy isn’t about hiding—it’s about control. It’s about having the freedom to decide who gets access to your data and how it’s used. Over the last decade, that freedom has eroded. Today, governments, corporations, and hackers routinely collect and exploit our personal information, often without our consent.

Worse still, the narrative around privacy has shifted. Those who value it are seen as secretive, even criminal, while surveillance is sold to us as a tool for safety and transparency. This mindset benefits only those who profit from our data.

It’s time to push back. Here are 10 arguments you can use the next time someone says, “I have nothing to hide”.

1. Privacy is about consent, not secrecy

Privacy isn’t about hiding secrets—it’s about having control over your information. It’s the ability to decide for yourself who gets access to your data.

We don’t have to hand over all our personal information just because it’s requested. Tools like email aliases, VoIP numbers, and masked credit cards allow us to protect our data while still using online services. Privacy-focused companies like ProtonMail or Signal respect this principle, giving you more control over your information.

2. Nothing to hide, everything to protect

Even if you think you have nothing to hide, you have everything to protect. Oversharing data makes you vulnerable to hackers, scammers, and malicious actors.

For example:

  • Hackers can use personal details like your home address or purchase history to commit fraud or even locate you.
  • Data brokers can manipulate you with targeted content and even influence your political beliefs, as seen in the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Protecting your data is about safeguarding yourself from these threats and protecting your autonomy.

3. Your data is forever

Data collected about you today will still exist decades from now. Governments change, laws evolve, and what’s harmless now could be used against you or your children in the future.

Surveillance infrastructure rarely disappears once it’s built. Limiting the data collected about you now is essential for protecting yourself from unknown risks down the line.

4. It’s not about you

Privacy isn’t just a personal issue—it’s about protecting others. Activists, journalists, and whistleblowers rely on privacy to do their work safely. By dismissing privacy, you’re ignoring the people for whom it’s a matter of life and death.

For example, Pegasus spyware has been used to track and silence journalists and activists. We should be leaning in to privacy tools, supporting the privacy ecosystem, and ensuring that those helping to keep our society free and safe are protected, whether we personally feel like we need privacy or not.

5. Surveillance isn’t about criminals

The claim that surveillance is “only for catching bad guys” is a myth. Once surveillance tools are deployed, they almost always expand beyond their original purpose.

History has shown how governments use surveillance to target dissenters, minorities, and anyone challenging the status quo. Privacy isn’t just for criminals—it’s a safeguard against abuse of power.

6. Your choices put others at risk

When you disregard privacy, you expose not just yourself but also the people around you.

For example:

  • Using apps that access your contact list can leak your friends’ and family’s phone numbers and addresses without their consent.
  • Insisting on non-private communication tools can expose sensitive conversations to surveillance or data breaches.
  • Uploading your photos to a non-private cloud like Google Drive allows those in your photos to be identified using facial recognition, and profiled based on information Google AI sees in your photos.

Respecting privacy isn’t just about protecting yourself—it’s about respecting the privacy boundaries of others.

7. Privacy is not dead

For some people, “I have nothing to hide” is a coping mechanism.
“Privacy is dead, so why bother?”

This defeatist attitude is both false and harmful. Privacy is alive—it’s a choice we can make every day. Let’s stop disempowering others by convincing them they shouldn’t even try.

There are countless privacy tools you can incorporate into your life. By choosing these tools, you take back control over your information and send a clear message that privacy matters.

8. Your data can be weaponized

All it takes is one bad actor—a rogue employee, an ex-partner, or a hacker—to turn your data against you. From revenge hacking to identity theft, the consequences of oversharing are real and dangerous.

Limiting the amount of data collected about you reduces your vulnerability and makes it harder for others to exploit your information.

9. Surveillance stifles creativity and dissent

Surveillance doesn’t just invade your privacy—it affects how you think and behave. Studies show that people censor themselves when they know they’re being watched.

This “chilling effect” stifles creativity, innovation, and dissent. Without privacy, we lose the ability to think freely, explore controversial ideas, and push back against authority.

10. Your choices send a signal

Every decision you make about technology sends a message. Choosing privacy-focused companies tells the market, “This matters”. It encourages innovation and creates demand for tools that protect individual freedom.

Conversely, supporting data-harvesting companies reinforces the status quo and pushes privacy-focused alternatives out of the market. When people say “I have nothing to hide” instead of leaning into the privacy tools around them, it ignores the role we all play in shaping the future of society.

Takeaways: Why privacy matters

  1. Privacy is about consent, not secrecy. It’s your right to control who accesses your data.
  2. You have everything to protect. Data breaches and scams are real threats.
  3. Data is forever. What’s collected today could harm you tomorrow.
  4. Privacy protects others. Journalists and activists depend on it to do their work safely.
  5. Surveillance tools expand. They rarely stop at targeting criminals.
  6. Your choices matter. Privacy tools send a message to the market and inspire change.
  7. Privacy isn’t dead. We have tools to protect ourselves—it’s up to us to use them.

A fight we can’t afford to lose

Privacy isn’t about hiding—it’s about protecting your rights, your choices, and your future. Surveillance is a weapon that can silence opposition, suppress individuality, and enforce conformity. Without privacy, we lose the freedom to dissent, innovate, and live without fear.

The next time someone says, “I have nothing to hide”, remind them: privacy is normal. It’s necessary. And it’s a fight we can’t afford to lose.


Yours in privacy,

Naomi Brockwell is a privacy advocacy and professional speaker, MC, interviewer, producer, podcaster, specialising in blockchain, cryptocurrency and economics. She runs the NBTV channel on Youtube.

Police used Tesla driver data: “A double-edged sword”

Mass surveillance

Published 6 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff
The Tesla Cybertruck that exploded outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas, January 1 this year.

The explosion of a Tesla Cybertruck in Las Vegas on New Year’s Day has highlighted how much information modern cars collect about their drivers and events around them. Tesla CEO Elon Musk quickly provided police with data and video footage, which helped the investigation determine that it was a suicide rather than an accident or terrorism.

The data collected has been praised by police for helping to quickly clarify the circumstances. At the same time, the collection has raised questions about privacy and potential abuse.

It’s a double-edged sword, David Choffnes of the Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute in Boston told the Washington Post.

– The companies collecting the data could misuse it.

Others, like Tesla enthusiast Justin Demaree, agree on the dual aspect. He emphasizes the importance of helping in the event of a serious incident, but also the concern about how much personal information is being stored:

– We want our privacy and we don’t want our data shared … but you want to help in a situation where terrorism could be a factor.

Tesla and other car companies have access to extensive data that includes camera recordings and location information, among other things. According to a 2023 Mozilla Foundation report, over 75 percent of automakers say they may share or sell driver data, often without drivers being aware of this. Only two brands, Renault and Dacia, offer drivers the option to delete their personal data.

Cars, often associated with freedom and autonomy, risk becoming one of the most monitored spaces in people’s lives, experts warn.

– There’s something deeply ironic that this emblem of personal autonomy, might be one of the most heavily surveilled places in many of our lives, said Albert Fox Cahn of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project.

8 Ways to Fight for Privacy Today

Mass surveillance

How you can make an impact.

Published 19 December 2024
– By Naomi Brockwell
We do not yield to the mass surveillance machine.

Last week, we published the Priv/Acc Manifesto, and I was deeply moved by the outpouring of responses from people eager to take action. So many of you reached out, asking, “How can I help?”

The threat to privacy is obvious—relentless surveillance from governments, corporations, and bad actors alike. Countless bills trying to ban end-to-end encryption and mandate back doors. A sea of complacency from people who have been tricked into thinking privacy is about hiding, instead of about consent.

But the path to meaningful action isn’t always clear.

The good news is that everyone, regardless of background, has a role to play in safeguarding privacy. Whether you’re a coder building better tools, an educator raising awareness, an advocate pushing for change, or simply someone who values personal freedom, there are practical steps you can take to make a difference.

In this newsletter, I want to share some of the ways you can contribute to this critical fight.

#1 Lead by example

The easiest way to contribute is by making deliberate choices about the products and services you use. Switching to privacy-respecting tools not only protects your data, but also sends a powerful market signal that privacy matters. When you choose privacy-focused companies, you help them thrive, fostering the development of even better tools. On the flip side, continuing to use platforms that harvest our data undermines privacy-focused alternatives, pushing them out of the market.

Here are a handful of my favorite tools, but our channel features hundreds of videos showcasing great alternatives you can explore:

  • Messaging: Signal
  • Web Browsing: Brave Browser
  • VPNs: Mullvad VPN
  • Email: ProtonMail and Tutanota
  • Productivity: CryptPad and LibreOffice

#2 Push Back Against Cultural Norms

The phrase “I have nothing to hide” has become a lazy justification for dismissing privacy. It’s time to reframe the conversation. Privacy isn’t about secrecy – it’s about consent. It’s about having the right to choose who gets access to our data and rejecting the idea that valuing privacy is something to be ashamed of.

Privacy protects whistleblowers, activists, and everyday individuals from surveillance and coercion. When someone parrots “nothing to hide,” remind them that privacy safeguards freedom, creativity, and autonomy. Changing this mindset is essential to making privacy a societal priority.

#3 User Manuals and Educational Awareness

You don’t need to be technical to make a huge impact. Writing clear, accessible guides for privacy tools is one of the most valuable ways to help. Blogs with beginner-friendly tutorials or personal experiences using privacy tools contribute to a growing reservoir of educational material for the community. Translating tutorials into other languages can expand their reach even further.

Even super simple tutorials—like explaining that Gmail can read your emails—can be eye-opening for many people. Education is a powerful way to build awareness, and your efforts might help someone take their first step toward reclaiming their privacy.

#4 Contribute to Open-Source Projects

For those with technical expertise, contributing to open-source privacy projects is one of the most effective ways to support the cause. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools like TorGrapheneOS, and VeraCrypt are essential for people worldwide, but these projects are often critically underfunded and under-resourced.

Developers can help by building features or fixing bugs, while researchers can perform security audits to identify vulnerabilities. Remember the Heartbleed vulnerability? It was a major flaw in SSL, a cornerstone of internet security, that went undetected for years—illustrating the need for more eyes on open-source projects. Even small contributions, like reviewing code, can make a huge difference.

#5 Test Privacy Tools and Provide Feedback

For privacy tools to succeed, they need to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone—not just tech enthusiasts. By testing privacy platforms and sharing constructive feedback, you can help developers improve default settings and refine the overall user experience (UX). These small adjustments can make tools more intuitive, significantly boosting adoption among non-technical users.

Even if you’re not a coder, your contributions—like testing tools, reporting bugs, or improving documentation—are invaluable to open-source projects. Developers rely on user input to ensure their tools work for everyone, making your efforts critical to advancing privacy.

#6 Financial Support

Financial support is vital for building a robust ecosystem of privacy tools. Many open-source projects rely on donations to survive, and businesses building privacy tools need customers to remain sustainable. FOSS ensures that privacy tools are accessible to everyone, but if you can afford to donate or pay for premium versions, your support keeps these tools available for those who need them most.

#7 Drive Change From Within

If you work for a tech company, advocate for privacy-by-design principles—embedding privacy into products from the ground up. Push for policies like data minimization and transparency, or encourage your organization to invest in privacy research. Cutting-edge technologies like zero-knowledge proofs and homomorphic encryption are redefining what’s possible in privacy-preserving data analysis. Supporting innovation in these areas can have a profound impact on the future of privacy.

#8 Engage in Policy Advocacy

Governments frequently pass laws regulating technology without fully understanding their implications. Your voice can make a difference by shaping these policies to prevent harmful consequences. Push back against attempts to ban privacy tools or mandate backdoors, ensuring that the most vulnerable in society always have a way to protect themselves.

Supporting organizations like the EFF or other advocacy groups is another great way to get involved. These groups lobby for digital rights, educate the public, and fight back against policies that fuel the surveillance state. Together, we can help ensure that privacy remains a fundamental right.

The Power of Community

Privacy advocacy is about more than safeguarding our own information—it’s about defending the fundamental rights that underpin a free and just society. It ensures that those on the front lines—whistleblowers, activists, journalists, and others fighting for change—are equipped with the protection they need to carry out their vital work.

Every time you choose a privacy-respecting tool, educate someone about the importance of privacy, or contribute to an open-source project, you’re strengthening the movement.

Privacy isn’t about having something to hide—it’s about having the freedom to live, think, and act without fear or surveillance. It’s the foundation of creativity, dissent, and progress. Together, we can protect this essential right and ensure a future where privacy empowers us all.

Thanks for being part of this movement, everyone. This week I’m truly thankful and grateful to every one of you.


Yours in privacy,

Naomi Brockwell is a privacy advocacy and professional speaker, MC, interviewer, producer, podcaster, specialising in blockchain, cryptocurrency and economics. She runs the NBTV channel on Youtube.