TechWarning: Incoming Manifesto below. Make sure your rallying cries are ready.
The Priv/Acc Manifesto
TechA new force is rising in the digital age, a force to reclaim what has been quietly stolen: Privacy.
Connected TVs – “A Trojan Horse” in the home
TechThe Center for Digital Democracy describes the streaming industry as a “privacy nightmare” and today's connected TVs as “surveillance systems”.
Privacy is about choice
TechNaomi Brockwell: Privacy isn't about disappearing – it's about minimizing risk and gaining more control over your personal information.
Your privacy choices affect others too
TechNaomi Brockwell: By using unsecured channels, you might be exposing others to privacy risks they never agreed to take.
Apple fixes three-year-old iOS privacy glitch
TechThe privacy feature introduced in 2020 did not work, but has now been fixed in the latest update.
DuckDuckGo launches privacy-focused browser for Windows
TechDuckDuckGo, known for its privacy-focused search engine, has launched its browser for Windows users.