Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Polaris of Enlightenment


Uncertainty about boundaries during sex common among young people

Published 21 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff

Young people are unsure of boundaries in relation to sex, according to a study conducted by Swedish and Norwegian researchers at the National Knowledge Center on Violence and Traumatic Stress in Oslo.

he study included twelve focus group interviews with a total of 63 young participants. In addition, individual interviews were conducted with 34 young people who had experienced violence, 19 young people who had sexually harmed others, and school staff.

One of the conclusions of the study is that many young people do not have a clear idea that they have the right to set boundaries during sexual intercourse, with one participant in the study, for example, expressing uncertainty as to whether it was normal for their breasts to turn blue after sexual intercourse.

Erika Gyllenswärd, business developer and expert on domestic violence at the Swedish Police Authority, welcomes the study and believes that part of the explanation for the problem is the influence of pornography.

– Many young people don’t know what a healthy relationship looks like and think they have to do or agree to certain things. Rough pornography becomes sex education and they think that’s how it should be done, she says to TT.

At the same time, the researchers emphasize the importance of society understanding the perspective and situation of young people.

Most important of all: We must listen to the young people themselves”, they write.

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The Amish: A screen-free life with a focus on nature

The Amish fled persecution in Europe and found peace in America. After almost 200 years on the new continent, they are a rapidly growing group of people who have built their distinctive culture on a simple life away from the mass media noise of modern society. Instead, they put family and closeness to nature first - alongside God.

Published 9 February 2025
– By Editorial Staff
Some of the members of an Amish community in Blacksburg, Virginia.

This article was originally published on April 16, 2023.

The Amish have their origins in Anabaptism, or the so-called ‘Anabaptist movement’. Jacob Amman was part of the Mennonites in Europe who practiced a more literal interpretation of the Bible, including baptizing adults instead of children. Anabaptism emerged in the 16th century at a time when adult baptism was forbidden in Europe, which in turn led to persecution and even death for the Mennonites.

In the 17th century, Amman believed that the Mennonites had become too secular and created a separate movement named after him – the Amish. Among other things, Amman believed that communion should be held twice a year instead of once and suggested that men should wash each other’s feet to show obedience to Christ. Amman also believed that men should not shave their beards and that women should not wear dresses dictated by fashion. In the 1730s, the first group of Amish arrived in America to escape persecution in Europe and were promised religious freedom. In the 19th century, more Amish arrived and today Europe is virtually devoid of the group. However, smaller groups of Mennonites still exist in Europe.

Today, most Amish live in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana in the United States, but also in parts of Canada. There are several different Amish communities, and the way of life can differ depending on the community, with some being more conservative than others. In 2022, it was estimated that there were around 367,000 Amish in the US and nearly 6,000 in Canada, according to the academic website Amish Studies. There are also a few hundred Amish in South America. This appears to be a significant increase from 2018 alone, when the total Amish population was estimated at 330,000 individuals.

The group still speaks so-called Pennsylvanian, which is a kind of old-fashioned German. However, they are learning English in order to interact with the rest of the community.

Living as an Amish

One way to summarize Amish life is simplicity and harmony with nature. Part of their belief is that God wants people to respect nature and work closely with it, which they do. For one Amish family in Blacksburg, Virginia, as documented by RussianPlus, farming is a big part of everyday life and they are largely self-sufficient. Much of the time is spent growing, harvesting and caring for the animals. The family’s cow gives about 11 liters of milk per day and is milked by hand. The milk is drunk or used fresh and is therefore not pasteurized before drinking it.

– Pasteurized milk is not tasty, it’s like colored water, says one of the men in the family, laughing.

Laughter and smiles are particularly noticeable in this family, and the children’s eyes shine with mischief and play. Schooling takes place in the home but can be mixed at different ages, although it does not go beyond the eighth grade. As the children get older, they are encouraged to travel to see parts of the rest of the world so that they can make a mature decision about whether or not to live as Amish.

The family gathers to milk their cow by hand. Photo: facsimile/Youtube

The Amish describe God as the “ultimate doctor”, but modern medicine can still be used if necessary. However, you won’t find an Amish person seeking help for minor ailments, so more natural remedies such as vitamins, homeopathic remedies, health foods and chiropractors are used.

Clothing is simple and in the style of what was generally worn in the 18th century. Money is earned by selling vegetables and other items to the surrounding community. Tourism has also benefited the Amish as many people are drawn to the opportunity to see how they live and learn. The family in Blacksburg works on building furniture for sale and the women in the family also work in the small factory.

A common misconception is that the Amish do not use any kind of technology or other modernities. The more accurate view is that they are selective in their use and can use things that can benefit rather than harm. The Amish do not want to let technology run amok and become its slave, but rather seek ways to master it. For example, television, radio and computers – technologies that carry mass media – are not considered good for society. On the other hand, tools or household appliances can be used, but often batteries are used rather than pure electricity. Cars are usually not used, but rather the classic horse and carriage. The use of modern conveniences can also vary greatly between communities; for example, the small furniture factory in Blacksburg uses screwdrivers and other equipment to make work easier.

Family and faith

One of the core values of the Amish is family and community. They help and support each other, which is not only part of the lifestyle but also part of the very soul of their social life. This is hard to find in modern society where people often look past each other because they are constantly glued to screens. Although there are often more traditionally gendered roles in the home, women, for example, can be the breadwinners of the family and participate in decision-making in the household. However, the man is seen as the ‘spiritual leader of the home’ and the leaders in an Amish community are all men. These are called ‘servants’ in the local dialect and often consist of a bishop, two or three ministers and a deacon.

With the family in Blacksburg, Virginia, it is easy to see the connection they have with each other and that the family is about a common set of values where everyone is there for each other.

Children playing outside. Photo: facsimile/Youtube

An important aspect of the faith is the optional baptism at adulthood. Baptism is seen as a binding commitment to God and to live by the teachings of the Amish culture for the rest of one’s life. If you break that commitment and refuse to acknowledge your sins, you risk being excommunicated in the worst case scenario. However, you can always return – if you are willing to admit your sins and repent for them. However, excommunication only applies to those who have been baptized, so you cannot be excommunicated beforehand because you have not yet entered into a commitment with God.

In addition to baptism, communion is very important, a ceremony held every autumn and spring. It involves confessing one’s sins and remembering Christ’s death with wine and bread, then washing each other’s feet in song. During communion, it is also the only time that an offering is made with alms to the deacon.

There are no churches in the Amish culture, nor any grand altars or grand buildings. Instead, their religion emphasizes lifestyle and values such as humility, community, simplicity and submission to God’s will. Instead of churches, they hold services in each other’s homes every other Sunday. Over the course of the year, all members rotate and often there is a service in each member’s home about once a year, depending on the size of the community. On “free Sundays” people usually gather to read the Bible or they may travel to another district to attend a service.

The TV president who became real

Published 8 February 2025
– By Editorial Staff
Zelensky at the World Economic Forum with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

In recent years, hardly any other political leader has been highlighted by the media and political establishment and praised so unanimously as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky – who in the current narrative has come to characterize the epitome of a modern patriotic folk hero.

Who is he and why is he so immensely popular with the Western power elite?

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Western establishment media have effectively acted as megaphones for Volodymyr Zelensky’s statements and pronouncements to a global audience.

Among the wave of photographs of Ukraine’s president, images of him in military garb have become among the most iconic – with the narrative that this is a leader who personally stands up for the Ukrainian people against Russia, who cares about his soldiers and who is not afraid to face the enemy.

Born in 1978 to a Jewish family in Kryvoj Rog, Ukraine, the father was a scientist and professor of computer engineering and the mother was an engineer. Volodymyr Zelensky’s grandfather Simon was also an infantryman and later a colonel in the Red Army.

The Ukrainian President himself says that his Jewish family, like most in the Soviet Union, was not particularly religious, but that he got his “moral compass” from the Jewish tradition and that one of the traits he says he has inherited is that he does not tolerate any lies.

Volodymyr Zelensky graduated from the Kiev National Economic University in 2002 with a law degree but has never worked as a lawyer, choosing instead to focus on a career as a comedian and actor, including with the production team Kvartal 95, which has produced and starred in a wide range of TV programs, shows and films since the mid-90s. These have included the group’s homoerotic portrayal of the traditional Cossacks, an East Slavic ethnic group with strong ties to both Ukraine and Russia that have become symbolic in both countries of national history and spirit.



From TV president to real life

In 2015 – four years before Zelensky became president in real life – he starred for three seasons in the TV series “Servant of the People”, in which he plays a history teacher who, by chance, becomes president of Ukraine with the mission of fighting oligarchs and corruption. During the war in Ukraine, a large number of TV channels around the world – including Sweden’s SVT – bought the series.

In March 2018, members of Zelensky’s production team Kvartal 95 announced the registration of a political party called “Servants of the People” – the same party name under which Zelensky’s character came to power in the TV series. On December 31, Zelenskyj also announced on live television that he is running for president with the hope of defeating incumbent Petro Poroshenko.

At the same time, many have pointed out that it was not Zelensky’s own idea to run for office, but that his political career was driven by the Jewish-Ukrainian multi-billionaire and former governor Ihor Kolomojskyj, who wanted to remove the incumbent president Petro Poroshenko. This was partly because he wanted to nationalize PrivatBank, Ukraine’s largest bank – which is also owned by Kolomojskyj.

According to academic analyst Andrew Joyce, Kolomojskyj used his extensive assets and media companies to create “Servant of the People” with the aim of creating a TV series so close to reality that viewers would associate Zelensky as a person and not just his character as the one to fight the widespread corruption in Ukraine – and thus make him the favorite to win the election.

And so it was, Zelensky won the presidential election after an almost entirely virtual campaign and without a detailed ideological platform. Ihor Kolomoyskyi was also rewarded for his efforts when the newly elected president cancelled the nationalization of the big bank and returned it to the notorious oligarch, who has also been accused of financing the far-right Azov Battalion.

Photo: manhai/CC BY 2.0


Criminal oligarchs

Ukrainian media have also reported how Zelensky and his partners may have received up to $40 million from various offshore companies linked to Kolomojskyj.

One consequence of the oligarch’s shady dealings coming to light is that he and his family are no longer allowed to enter the United States, as Kolomojskyj is believed to be involved in widespread fraud and money laundering. However, the links do not appear to have had any major consequences for Zelensky and the president has consistently denied that he is or has been involved in any illegalities, despite repeated accusations.

Viktor Pinchuck, another Jewish oligarch and Ukraine’s second richest man who also aims to liberalize Ukraine and bring the country closer to NATO, the US and the EU, has, according to analysts, put a lot of energy into trying to influence Zelensky and his policies.

Zelensky also has good relations with other oligarchs, such as the Russian-Jewish Roman Abramovich, against whom the West has wanted to impose a series of sanctions because of the war, with Zelensky appealing to US President Joe Biden to stop sanctions against Abramovich.

The fact that Zelensky is praised by US and EU leaders is not difficult to understand in light of the foreign policy he advocates. Among other things, the president wants Ukraine to distance itself from Russia and join the EU and NATO – memberships he says the Ukrainian people have shown they support. An application for EU membership was also submitted in February 2022.

At the same time, the president has shown more totalitarian tendencies – not least in connection with the war in Ukraine, when he suddenly decided to ban large parts of the political opposition in the country, using the country’s martial law.

Earlier in March, 11 Ukrainian political parties were banned on the grounds that they were linked to Russia. These included the Opposition Bloc, the largest opposition party in the Ukrainian parliament and by far the most popular party among the Russian minority in the country. Several Ukrainian media channels with alleged links to Russia were banned at the same time.

Disappointed with Israel

Zelensky’s relationship with Israel appears to be somewhat complex. The president has previously declared that Israel and the Jewish people are “a unique people” and that “the Jews managed to build a country, to elevate it, without anything except people and brains”. He has also praised Israel’s military capabilities and ability to fight its enemies and external threats.

At the same time, he is highly critical of not receiving the support he wants from Israel during the war and is upset that Israel will not share its missile systems with Ukraine.

– Ukraine made the choice to save Jews 80 years ago. Now it’s Israel’s turn to make its choice… Everybody knows that your missile systems are the best… and that you can really help save our people, save the lives of Ukrainians, of Ukrainian Jews.

The Ukrainian president has also expressed anger that Israel has not yet chosen to impose strong enough sanctions on Russia or put pressure on Russian companies, saying that what is happening now in Ukraine is comparable to the Holocaust during the Second World War and that Israel thus has a moral obligation to intervene.

– Our people are now wandering the world, searching for a place, just as you once wandered, he said in his address to the Knesset.



Zelensky has also attended the infamous globalist think tank World Economic Forum‘s Davos meeting and also the EU Parliament where he has argued that Ukraine should become the obvious “leader” of Eastern and Central Europe. The EU leadership’s support for Zelensky was also evident after his speech to the EU Parliament when he was greeted with a standing ovation.

It is clear that the tributes to Zelensky paradoxically emphasized the national patriotic struggle in a way that is unique in the dominant narrative of the mainstream media over the past 20 years. How the saga of the West’s new folk hero ends remains to be seen.

The miracle in the land of the Savior

The new multipolar world order

In just a few years, El Salvador defeated the brutal gang crime that had plagued the country for decades. President Nayib Bukele has been accused of being “undemocratic” by his globalist opponents, but among Salvadorans themselves he has achieved near-heroic status and is now spearheading a Bitcoin revolution.

Published 2 February 2025
– By Editorial Staff

El Salvador, literally “the Savior” or in other words “the land of the Savior”, formally became an independent country in 1842. The liberation of the Latin American country came after a civil war in the relatively newly formed country of the Central American Federation, which in 1823 had freed itself from the Mexican Empire, a Mexico that just two years earlier, in 1821, had proclaimed its independence from the Spanish crown.

Despite its name, the tiny nation would have to wait patiently for its salvation. El Salvador would come to be dominated by corrupt forces and has been known more than any other in modern times as part of Central America’s so-called “banana republics”, not only because of the presence of US-based corporate giants where the country went so far as to adopt the US dollar as its own currency, but also because El Salvador has long been known as a particular den of brutal and literally devil-worshipping criminal gangs, such as MS-13 and Barrio 18, which still have a strong presence even in the organized crime world.

Before that, the country was mainly associated with the protracted civil war that raged there for 13 long years between 1979 and 1992 in one of the many Cold War proxy conflicts between pro-American and pro-Soviet forces in the country.

Two years after the outbreak of the Salvadoran civil war, Nayib Bukele was born in 1981 in the capital, San Salvador. His father, Armando Bukele Kattán, was a prominent Palestinian businessman and Muslim leader who arranged for his first-born son to study law at the Central American University in El Salvador. Nayib never completed his degree, however, and instead went into business. According to him, this experience would allow him to develop two skills that he later described as crucial to his political career – communicating and leading with clarity.

Bukeles’ political career began in earnest in 2012 when he was elected mayor of Nuevo Cuscatlán, a small municipality outside the capital San Salvador. His successes there – including economic reforms and social programs – led him to become mayor of the capital San Salvador in 2015. During this time, he distinguished himself as a simultaneously pragmatic, outspoken and visionary leader.

Despite the enormous risks involved in challenging the political establishment, which was completely infested by the tentacles of gang crime, Bukele came to increasingly openly criticize them for destroying the country and for betraying their voters.

Bukele meets the people.

In 2017, Bukele was expelled from his then-party, the FMLN, following internal conflicts, and founded his own party, Nuevas Ideas, which would become the platform for his daring campaign to run for president on a message of renewal and modernization. Despite difficult obstacles put in his way by political opponents, Bukele eventually won the 2019 elections by a historic margin, becoming the first president since 1992 not to belong to the two dominant parties, the socialist-oriented FMLN or the more bourgeois-conservative ARENA.

“They can kill anybody”

However, the difficulties were not over despite the electoral victory of the Salvadoran president, with his opponents sparing no means to stop him. They still controlled the Supreme Court and 90% of the legislature.

– I had to veto everything, and they override my vetoes. And they enact, they approved over 70 laws that I veto, Bukele explains in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson.

The only solution Bukele saw was to also win a majority in the country’s Congress, which he would also succeed in doing. Today, only the electoral court, controlled by the liberal opposition, tried unsuccessfully to have the president impeached and jailed, which Bukele himself believes failed only because of the establishment’s fear of a large-scale popular revolt if he were to be removed from office.

Bukele tells Carlson that his first priority was to fulfill his election promise to tackle organized crime once and for all.

– You can’t do anything unless you have peace. And once you achieve peace, then you can struggle for the other things, like infrastructure, wealth, well being, quality of life. So we had to start with peace. And in the case of El Salvador, we were literally the murder capital of the world, says Bukele.

Bukele salutes the Salvadoran army.

One of the first things he did was to double the number of soldiers in the country’s army, equip them with modern equipment and then systematically deploy them to fight organized crime with a determination that had previously been lacking. The gangs, understandably, did not appreciate this and tried to fight back including a murder wave that killed 87 people in the small country in just three days.

– They can kill anybody. And if the state goes after them, the state has no intention of killing or harming anybody but the gang members. So you have 70,000 objectives, which were the 70,000 gang members, but they have 6 million possible targets (the population of the country). So it was almost an impossible task, said the president.

El Salvador’s new high-security prison CECOT, Centro de Confinamiento del Terrorismo or “terrorist prison” in English, houses the most serious gang members with a capacity for 40,000 prisoners. Life in the prison is extremely strict, with the only leisure time consisting of simple exercise and services by priests.

Even independent analysts point out that El Salvador is a very different country today than it was when Mr. Bukeles took office and that, according to the country’s official statistics, it has become the least crime-ridden of the American continents, including Canada and the United States.

– We’re safer than any other country in the western hemisphere. If I would have said that five years ago, they would say that I was crazy, right?

Mr. Bukele himself stresses that his government has not had access to any magic recipes, but that it has been able to solve the problem of gang crime because it had the political will and determination to actually do it.

– There’s always going to be crime, people breaking laws, but violent crime, people murdering and raping each other, is a voluntary decision that a government makes. Why would a government choose to have that? he asks.

Massive popular support

Politically, Bukeles’ El Salvador has also broken the mold on covid policy, with the government choosing to encourage healthy eating and exercise, rather than forcing the controversial covid vaccines on the population with covid passes. It was also one of the few countries to offer the drug hydroxychloroquine as an alternative treatment for COVID-19, something that Bukele pointed out was used by most world leaders themselves.

The focus of Bukele’s policies has been to push for economic reforms and, as part of this, he has made El Salvador the first country in the world to accept Bitcoin as legal tender meaning that it will be accepted as valid payment for all forms of debt and transactions. Enthusiasts of the new crypto-economy are now gathering in El Salvador, which many believe could become a new “tiger economy” in the Americas.

In the Western media, Bukele has been portrayed as something of a “dictator” who has rejected “human rights” in the context of mass arrests of suspected gang members and periods of prolonged military surveillance of specific areas of the country. Both domestic and international critics have accused the president of trying to centralize power, create a police state and undermine so-called democratic institutions and principles.

When he was re-elected in 2024 in a spectacular landslide with 84.6% of the vote, he responded to these criticisms in his much-publicized acceptance speech to the population by putting their rights before those of organized criminals.

– We are the safest country in the American continent. And what did they tell us? “You’re violating human rights”. Whose human rights? The rights of honest people? No. Perhaps we have prioritized the rights of the honest people over the criminals’ rights. That is all we have done, and that’s what you say is a human rights violation, Bukele declared.

Bukele with his wife Gabriela Roberta Rodríguez de Bukele. Photo: Casa Presidencial El Salvador

In an ironic response to similar epithets directed at him, he has referred to himself on Twitter/X as the “World’s coolest dictator”. The President has also become known for his extensive use of social media, particularly X, which he uses to communicate directly with the people, and sometimes to consult with the public on his decision-making.

This digital presence has made him very popular also among younger generations, who often see him as a modern leader of a very different type than the political establishment that ruled the country in the past.

The warning to the West

Bukele expresses personal criticism of the soft approach to criminals in the West, of which he considers El Salvador to be a part, pointing out that they are often seen as individuals with rights that need to be protected even if they are violent killers and organized gang members. This attitude, according to Bukele, ultimately leads to a point where civilization itself begins to crumble.

– So western civilization reached the peak. We can all agree that we’re in the decline. So that is happening because we’re not maintaining, we’re not giving the correct maintenance to the civilization, he says, explaining that we are no longer striving to do things as well and grandly as possible.

– Democracy works, but if you don’t maintain it, it will fall like the wall. So what we have right now is a huge erosion of Western civilization, Bukele concludes.

He points out that governments today seem mostly interested in appeasing individual constituencies to get their votes – for example, by giving them large sums of money or other generous promises, and that they no longer seem to care about what is good for the nation as a whole.

– You cannot go on. I mean, it’s like obvious. It’s like somebody eats too much, right? I mean, you can be a little fat, right? It’s fine. But then if somebody’s morbidly fat, somebody will come and say, okay, you mean you have to stop, right? Because, you know, your heart would. Your heart can’t take it anymore.


One focus for the outspoken president, now that the gangs have been defeated, is to attract investors and tourists to the country rather than being a haven for murderers and violent criminals. “There is enough money when no one steals is one of many similar quotes that sum up Bukele’s vision for the country’s future and have made him so popular with his own people.

Bukele often posts pictures showing how the country’s military and police fight organized crime. Photo: Nayib Bukele/FB

Many also argue that the success is an expression of the rise of a new generation of national populist leaders in a near-global revolt against the globalist “rainbow empire” characterized by gender ideology, demographic upheaval, coddling of violent criminals, and a huge gap between the political establishment and the population at large.

The Salvadoran president has also not been shy about explicitly criticizing influential globalists such as George Soros and others who he says have pushed for these kinds of developments in the West, and still have too much power over politics in many countries.

In his victory speech to the people in 2024, Bukele also articulated the importance for small nations to be alert to the actors of global politics, with El Salvador being just one example of many nations that have suffered in the wake of various factions of globalist-oriented actors and great powers.

– The civil war in El Salvador, which officially left over 85,000 Salvadorans dead, and displaced over 1 million people, was sponsored by two separate powers. There was a conflict between the West and the Soviet Union, and they wanted to fight, but not on their own soil. They didn’t want to provide the cannon fodder. So they decided to fight in other places around the world, and one of those places that they chose to fight was here in El Salvador. They tricked us. They told us to kill each other and we did as they said.

Bukele concluded by adding his view that there are now powerful players on the global stage who fear the example El Salvador has already shown.

We will continue to do the impossible, and El Salvador will continue to set an example for the world.


Sacred cactus under threat of “psychedelic renaissance”

Published 19 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff

The peyote cactus has been considered a sacred medicinal plant by local cultures in North America since ancient times. However, the plant is now said to be under threat of overexploitation mainly due to its growing popularity and a renaissance in the West for psychedelic drugs, where the peyote cactus has gone far beyond its traditional contexts.

Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) is a succulent plant in the cactus family. The blue-green cactus grows naturally in the southwestern United States and down to central Mexico. It contains several alkaloids, including the hallucinogenic substance mescaline. The plant is slow-growing and can take up to thirty years to flower, but if allowed to thrive it can live for over a hundred years. In Sweden, the plant is legal to grow, but not to cultivate or extract mescaline from. Due to its psychoactive properties, the plant is completely banned from possession in the United States.

At the same time, for over 2 000 years, peyote has been used in religious and ceremonial contexts and for its medicinal properties, as has the closely related San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi), originally named by the Inca as Wachuma but later named after St. Per, San Pedro, in adaptation to the Spanish Christianization of the region.

Peyote cactus has been used ceremonially and medicinally mainly by indigenous tribes in North America, including the Huichol, an indigenous people in Mexico. In 1994, an exemption was created in the United States in the form of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, which made it legal to use, possess and even transport peyote for traditional religious purposes.

For example, the Native American Church (NAC) is a syncretic religious movement in the United States which, in accordance with this legislation, combines traditional indigenous beliefs with elements of Christianity. It is particularly strongly associated with the Peyote, and has sometimes even been referred to as “Peyotism”. Around 400,000 people are estimated to be affiliated with NAC in some form today.

According to the NAC, there is a story of an Apache woman who fell behind her group during a forced removal by the US government under the Indian Removal Act in the 1830s. The woman was dehydrated, malnourished and near death, but just as she was about to give up, she heard the peyote speak to her a