In Disney’s TV series “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder,” children are immersed in the imaginary world of the violent BLM movement, where the show’s characters raise their black power fists and, among other things, demand that whites pay them for historical wrongs against their ancestors.
The series is noted for being based on so-called critical race theory, a body of Marxist theory that is widely known for its particularly hostile stance toward European ethnic groups.
Clips widely circulated online show the predominantly black characters singing about how modern American society was built by slaves and that their descendants (black Americans) must be made whole financially – partly for historical wrongs, but also because it is argued that white Americans as a people group act “systematically racist” against them.
The children’s series characters consistently show strong resentment towards the white population in the US, repeatedly raising a so-called black power fist and expressing a close identification with their African ancestors. Among other things, they rant that they “fought for America’s freedom even though they were slaves” and they also declare that blacks are imprisoned because of the US public school system and that it enslaves them again.
This is a scene from a Disney+ kids cartoon called The Proud Family
Blatant anti-white propaganda
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 5, 2023
In another noticed clip, children hold signs at a statue of the city’s founder, Christian A. Smith, in an effort to have the statue removed on the grounds that he was a slave owner – an action clearly inspired by the repeated actions of BLM activists in recent years.
Heavily riot-equipped police march towards the children with batons drawn as a black father yells at his white male partner to use “his white privilege” to stop the cops.
This is a scene from The Proud Family, a kids show on Disney+
Why are they showing this woke BLM propaganda to our kids?
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 5, 2023
At the end of the episode, the town officially changes its name to “Emilyville” – after a former slave on founder Smith’s plantation.
Other examples of propagandistic elements in the children’s programme have also attracted attention – for example, when a black gay male character is supposed to “educate” his white partner about what is called “white fragility” – referring to the actual book “White fragility – why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism” by left-wing activist and author Robin Diangelo.
Disney’s “Proud Family” promotes the book “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) February 10, 2023
One of the main criticisms levelled at the inserts is that the discourse is largely based on so-called critical race theory, a theory with roots in the neo-communist movement that has been noted for its hostility to Western European cultures. However, supporters of the BLM movement in particular dismiss the criticism, arguing, among other things, that the critics are “easily offended white men” who prove the point of the series
Facts: "Critical race theory"
So-called critical race theory is an offshoot of "critical theory", an intellectual school founded in Weimar Germany by a number of prominent Jewish Marxists through the so-called Frankfurt School. The ideological imagination it gave rise to has largely shaped what has become popularly known as "political correctness", "cultural Marxism", "cancel-culture" and generally even as "left-wing extremism".