– A boy… twirled [in my office]… and said to me, ‘You see, I’m a Prius… I’m a boy in the front, and I’m a girl in the back’. I started meeting a whole bunch of other gender hybrids. And so we have the gender Prius, we have a gender Minotaur. And most of the kids who are gender minotaurs love mermaids. So make sure you have a lot of mermaid books. If you really you think about it, it works.”
The above words are taken from the Nordic Times interview with trans ideologist Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, chief psychologist at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital and professor at the UCSF School of Medicine, California.
According to Ehrensaft, children are driving what she calls a “gender revolution”, where they can be “gender hybrids, changing gender according to the season or have multiple gender identities at the same time”.
A couple of days ago, in The Spectator, Icelandic MP and chairman of the Centre Party, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, gave an account of how he managed to help salvage a conference hosted by a newly founded organisation campaigning for the rights of gay and bisexual people, by offering them the party headquarters for their event. The organisation had previously been denied the use of two previously selected venues, following threats and harassment by trans activists. The activists immediately started harassing Mr. Gunnlaugsson and other party leaders, trying to force them to also throw out the gay rights conference. It seems the gay rights campaigners’ opposition to men claiming to be women being allowed into women’s private spaces and women’s sports, their sceptical stance towards explicit sex education for toddlers, and their reluctance to support gender change treatment for children, is what won them the blue-haired activists’ unbridled fury. But Gunnlaugsson and his people didn’t budge and the conference, featuring among others a human rights law professor at King’s College, eventually went ahead.
Reading Dr. Ehrensaft’s comment on the child identifying as a boy in front and girl in the back, illusion unavoidably comes to mind. And here we’re not talking about the ancient philosophical idea of external reality as an illusion, as a veil, the great maya hiding the “true” nature of the world, but the illusion that our own delusions can replace it. And since we cannot imagine reality away, succumbing to this illusion we end up by contradicting ourselves. Just like Ehrensaft does, talking about a child being simultaneously a boy and a girl, while at the same time acknowledging he is in fact a boy (A boy… twirled [in my office]… and said to me…).
As philosophy professor Dr. Kristján Kristjánsson recently pointed out, the most extreme consequence of the self-identification ideology is pure solipsism, the belief that the individual’s own subjective reality is all there is. Such an ideology has nothing to do with with any questions physicists may raise about the true nature of the material world. For to the physicist, the material world is after all the anchor; Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity seeks to explain external reality, not refute its existence.
The delusional self-identification ideology is accompanied by a frenzied rage against anyone who dares question it, as our Icelandic gay rights campaigners experienced the other day. As Gunnlaugsson points out, this now deeply affects the political arena: A centrist politician, interested in the economy, housing and welfare, he must now direct his full attention to the protection of free speech against an increasingly intolerant government and supranational institutions, and to raising awareness of what he fittingly coins The General Theory of Reality.
Thorsteinn Siglaugsson
Thorsteinn Siglaugsson is a Icelandic economist, consultant and writer. Chairman of the Icelandic Free Speech Society. Author: "From Symptoms to Causes" (Amazon). Regular contributor to The Daily Sceptic, Conservative Woman and Brownstone Institute. Siglaugsson also writes on Substack.