Ultra-Orthodox Jews refuse military service: “We would rather die”

The situation in Gaza

Published 23 August 2024
- By Editorial Staff
Several Orthodox Jews say they would rather be shot by the police than join the army.

Recently, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that ultra-Orthodox Jews must also serve in the military, as other Jews are required to do – a decision that was not well received by the group in question and led to widespread protests.

– The Haredi community will not serve in the military. We would rather die, an Orthodox Jew told the state broadcaster SVT’s correspondent, who also said that the group regards the police as ‘enemies’.

– Israel is in a crisis mode right now. The war has forced the army to draft many more soldiers. The need now, which has been sort of on the backburner for many years, has become very urgent, explains analyst Elhanan Miller.

– I guess the tention which has always been latent between the ultra-Orthodox communities and Israel has now come to the surface, he continues.

Another young Orthodox Jew explains that “we have nothing to do with the war in Gaza” and that it is the military’s war – not the Jews’.

– We had good relations with the Arabs. It is the army that has problems with the Arabs… We would sacrifice our lives to avoid the army. They can shoot us or torture us”, he says.

Special privileges

The ultra-Orthodox Jews have long enjoyed certain special privileges, such as not having to serve in the army or work – instead they have been able to devote most of their waking hours to religious studies.

This special treatment for a specific group of Jews has long caused divisions in Israeli society, with more secular Jews arguing that it is unfair that all citizens are not subject to the same rules and laws.

A large number of videos are circulating on social media from outside Israeli recruitment offices and other places where ultra-Orthodox Jews protest or clash with police.

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