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Trump bans transgender individuals from military service

The LGBT lobby

Published 29 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff
If the US military is to be effective, trans ideology must be “thrown out”, says the US President.

US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to eliminate what he describes as “trans ideology” in the US military. According to Trump, the order aims to ensure a stronger and more effective fighting force.

The order states that the expression of a gender identity that differs from biological sex is not consistent with military norms and obligations.

To ensure that we have the most lethal fighting force in the world, we will get transgender ideology the hell out of our military”, Trump said, according to AFP news agency.

The document further emphasizes that the adoption of a gender identity that is not consistent with biological sex violates a soldier’s duty to live an honorable, truthful and disciplined life, even off duty.

A man’s assertion that he is a woman, and his requirement that others honor this falsehood, is not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member”, the order states.

Biden revamped the policy

Beyond the trans issue, the presidential order includes a broader update to medical criteria for military service. The Pentagon is asked to update guidelines on physical and mental health requirements to ensure that only those who are fully combat-capable are accepted for service.

Among the health conditions identified as potentially disqualifying are mental illnesses, extensive medication, bipolar diagnoses, eating disorders, suicidal tendencies, and a history of psychiatric treatment. According to the administration, these factors can affect a soldier’s readiness and ability to perform their duties under extreme conditions.

Trump’s decision builds on his previous directive from 2017, which barred transgender people from openly serving in the military. That policy was rescinded by the Biden administration in 2021, but Trump’s new order now reinstates a more restrictive stance.

While the order does not immediately ban transgender people from serving, it tasks the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security with reviewing medical guidelines and presenting an action plan to implement the changes.

Wanting to reform the army

Meanwhile, the decision has already been met with legal challenges. Lobbying organizations working for transgender rights have filed a lawsuit against the order in a federal court in Washington.

The Department of Defense has assured in a statement that despite the left-liberal criticism, it will implement the president’s order in accordance with national security objectives.

We will fully execute and implement all directives outlined in the executive orders issued by the president, ensuring that they are carried out with utmost professionalism, efficiency, and in alignment with national security objectives“, reads the statement from the Pentagon.

Trump’s action is part of a broader effort to reform the US military. In addition to the trans issue, his recently signed executive order also includes an air defense buildup and plans to develop a US version of Israel’s Iron Dome.

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Trump bans gender-altering treatments for children

Donald Trump's USA

Published 30 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff
Trump points out that many of the children who undergo gender reassignment treatments soon regret it.

Donald Trump has signed an executive order to severely restrict “chemical and surgical” gender reassignment surgery on minors in the United States.

Across the country today, medical professionals are maiming and sterilizing a growing number of impressionable children under the radical and false claim that adults can change a child’s sex through a series of irreversible medical interventions”, reads the order, which is titled “Protecting children from chemical and surgical mutilation”,

This dangerous trend will be a stain on our Nation’s history, and it must end“, the President states.

The President-elect also believes that large numbers of children who have undergone FGM will soon begin to regret their mutilation and “begin to grasp the horrifying tragedy that they will never be able to conceive children of their own or nurture their children through breastfeeding”.

Moreover, these vulnerable youths’ medical bills may rise throughout their lifetimes, as they are often trapped with lifelong medical complications, a losing war with their own bodies, and, tragically, sterilization”, the order continues.

Sweden pushed through “gender reassignment law”

Trump decides that US policy will continue to be not to fund, sponsor, promote, assist or support the so-called transition of a child from the biological to the perceived sex, and to strictly enforce all laws that prohibit or restrict these “destructive and life-altering procedures“.

US health authorities will also be tasked with developing strategies on how to work instead to improve the mental well-being of children suffering from gender dysphoria or similar “identity-based confusion”.

Trump’s views on children and gender reassignment treatments contrast sharply with those of the Swedish government. Last year, Prime Minister Ulf Krisersson was a driving force behind the passage of a new “Gender Identity Act” which, among other things, lowered the age limit for changing legal gender from 18 to 16 and removed the requirement for a medical examination before treatment.

All parties except SD and KD supported this liberalization, and representatives of the Moderate Party warned that they had been pressured by the top party leadership to vote for the law – and that they otherwise risked reprisals of various kinds.

Milei: “Woke ideology is the cancer that must be cured”

The globalist agenda

Published 27 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff
Javier Milei argues that those who advocate gender ideology in its most extreme form are considered “pedophiles”.

At last week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Argentina’s libertarian president Javier Milei gave a fiery speech condemning what he called the “mental virus of woke ideology” that is dominating and destroying the West.

– This is the great epidemic of our time that must be cured. This is the cancer we need to get rid of, he proclaimed.

The Argentine leader argued that the fundamental values of Western civilization, such as respect for life and liberty, freedom of expression and freedom of religion, made possible the industrial revolution that lifted “90% of the global population out of poverty”.

At the same time, he sees “woke” as the disease that will destroy everything the people of the West hold dear.

– This ideology has colonized the world’s most important institutions – from the political parties and governments of leading Western nations to global governance organizations, even NGOs, universities and media outlets.

– Western civilization – and even the human species – will not be able to return to the path of progress demanded by our pioneering spirit. It is essential to break these ideological chains if we want to usher in a new golden age, he continued.

“They are pedophiles”

Milei also did not hold back when talking about gender ideology. He strongly criticized the left for its radical policies in this area and denounced leaders who are “attempting to impose the idea that women are men and men are women simply based on self-perception”.

– They say nothing about when a man dresses as a woman and kills his opponent in a boxing ring, or when a male prison inmate claims to be a woman and ends up sexually assaulting women in prison.

Milei cited the example of a same-sex couple in Georgia who were jailed last month for abusing and selling their adopted boys to a pedophile ring.

– I want to be clear when I say abuse. This is no euphemism, because in its most extreme forms, gender ideology is outright child abuse. They are pedophiles, the President declared.

“Will be condemned”

The transgender movement and the fact that many states now allow children to undergo gender reassignment treatments were also harshly criticized.

– Healthy children are being irreversibly harmed through hormone treatments and mutilation, as if a 5-year-old child could possibly consent to such things, and should their family not agree to this, there will always be state agents ready to step in in favor of what they call the best interests of the child.

– Only now are we beginning to see the effects of an entire generation that has mutilated their bodies, encouraged by a culture of sexual relativism, and these people will have to spend their entire lives in psychiatric treatment to cope with what they have done to themselves. Yet no one dares to speak about these issues.

Trans hbtq
Milei is very critical about the Trans movement and gender reassignment treatments of children.Photo: Sabrina Bracher/IStock

An outspoken pro-Israel libertarian, Milei became president in 2023 and says he is optimistic about his country’s future. However, he is very worried about what will happen to the West as a whole if the institutionalized cultural Marxist ideology is not fought.

Believe me, the scandalous experiments in the name of this criminal ideology will be condemned and likened to those committed in the darkest periods in our history, he predicts.

“A collective suicide”

The eccentric leader also argued that immigration is actually a very good and necessary thing and what built both the US and Argentina. Today, however, the wrong kind of migrants are coming something that risks bringing down the entire Western world.

– Since the West is supposedly the root cause of all of the world’s evils in history, it must redeem itself by opening its borders to everyone, which leads to a form of reverse colonization that resembles collective suicide.

Milei sees mass migration to the West as a form of collective suicide. Photo: Bwag/CC BY-SA 4.0

– So, this is how we now see images of hordes of immigrants who abuse, assault, or even kill European citizens, whose only sin was not adhering to a particular religion. But when someone questions these situations, they are immediately labelled racists, xenophobic or even Nazis, he states.

“Trans controversy” divides the atheist movement

The LGBT lobby

Published 10 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff
Richard Dawkins says the FFRF has given in to the “hysterical squeels” of identity politics activists

Well-known atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has resigned from the board of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) after the organization clearly endorsed the transgender movement and the idea that every human being can choose their own gender.

He is one of several high-profile figures who are tired of the atheist group’s activities being permeated by censorship and unscientific gender ideological activism.

Dawkins chose to leave the organization after the leadership censored an article by a scientist who pointed out that gender is not something you can choose, but something unchangeable and biological. “An act of unseemly panic“, according to him.

The FFRF itself claims the publication was a “mistake“, but Dawkins accuses the organization of succumbing to the “hysterical squeals” of activists who want to silence and deplatform dissent. Two other scientists – Jerry Coyne and Steven Pinker, have also left the atheist group, saying it is trying to impose a quasi-religious ideology full of “dogma, blasphemy, and heretics“.

The row over the transgender issue began in earnest when an article was published on the FFRF website, arguing that biology and innate gender are irrelevant in determining who is a woman and who is not, and that anyone who identifies as a woman is just that.

“An error of judgement”

This article was countered by Jerry Coyne who noted that the very definition of woman is strictly biological and based on the structure of the gametes. This led two of the group’s leaders to delete the article and apologize for the “distress” the views allegedly caused readers.

Despite our best efforts to champion reason and equality, mistakes can happen, and this incident is a reminder of the importance of constant reflection and growth”, wrote co-chairs Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor.

Publishing this post was an error of judgment, and we have decided to remove it as it does not reflect our values and principles. We regret any distress caused by this post and are committed to ensuring it doesn’t happen again“, they added.

Compared to religious fanatics

Non-gender atheists were quick to harshly criticize the FFRF for promoting a “quasi-religious ideology“, and Coyne himself quickly announced that he cannot remain in an organization that censors its members in this way.

I was simply promoting a biological rather than a psychological definition of sex, and I do not understand why you would consider that ‘distressing’“, he defended himself in an email.

The gender ideology which caused you to take down my article is itself quasi-religious. Having many aspects of religions and cults, including dogma, blasphemy, belief in what is palpably untrue, apostasy, and a tendency to ignore science when it contradicts a preferred ideology“, he continued.

The American-Canadian psychologist Steven Pinker, in turn, points out that the activist group can no longer be considered a defender of religious freedom but rather wants to “impose a new religion“.

As for Richard Dawkins, he has also previously criticized the spread of gender ideology and political activism in science. This has resulted, among other things, in the American Humanist Association (AHA) revoking a prize awarded to the evolutionary biologist 25 years earlier.

UK court to rule on legal definition of “woman”

The LGBT lobby

Published 29 November 2024
– By Editorial Staff
For Women Scotland believes that the definition of a woman should only be biological, not legal.

The UK Supreme Court is now considering whether trans women should be included in the definition of woman in the Equality Act. The outcome could change the way gender is legally defined in the country in the future.

Last year, Scotland’s Supreme Court ruled that transgender people who call themselves women should be covered by legislation aimed at improving gender balance on public boards. According to the Scottish Parliament, there should be a 50% representation of women, and the law will include those who are not biological women in that definition of woman.

The women’s organization For Women Scotland appealed the bill, arguing that the definition of a woman should only be biological, not legal. The organization points out that the legislation has far-reaching implications for women’s rights.

Legal or biological sex

Now the issue is being taken up in the UK Supreme Court, reports The Guardian. The hearings began on Tuesday and continued on Wednesday.

Since 2004, Scotland has applied the Gender Recognition Act (GRA), which allows transgender people to obtain legal recognition of their gender through a certificate. Two years ago, the Act was extended to allow transgender people to change their legal gender without the need for a medical diagnosis. The question now before the court is whether transgender people should be able to use this definition and identify as women under the UK Equality Act 2010.

“Biological denial”

On Tuesday, Aidan O’Neill, representing For Women Scotland, argued for what he called the “common sense” meaning of the words man and woman, telling the judges that gender is an “immutable biological state”, and that this interpretation is necessary to protect women’s rights. He also highlighted that women have historically been discriminated against through “biological determinism”, where biological differences have been used to limit women’s opportunities.

Now, O’Neill said, women instead face a new challenge in the form of “biological denial”, where biological sex is considered irrelevant

– That is to say that being a woman has nothing to do with biology and it is therefore not open to women to seek to deny men who identify as women and [have a GRC] access to women’s spaces.


The women’s organization has been accused of being “transphobic” and transgender people say it curtails their rights. Ruth Crawford, who represents the Scottish Parliament in the court, says the GRA should ensure that “a person who has become the sex of their acquired gender is entitled to the protections of that sex”, according to the BBC.

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has contributed financially to the women’s organization’s appeal and Maya Forstater, founder of the Sex Matters campaign, was also present in court.

The court is expected to give its ruling in a few weeks’ time.