MI6 asks Russians to spy on their own country

The new cold war

Published 22 July 2023
- By Editorial Staff
Left: MI6 headquarters in London. Right: Chief of Intelligence Richard Moore.

The head of British intelligence, Richard Moore, wants Russian citizens to become British spies and claims that a number of Russians have already gone over to the British.

– Their secrets will always be safe with us, he claims.

On Wednesday, the usually clandestine Moore made a public appearance at the British embassy in Prague – a speech in which he appealed to Russians who dislike Putin or the war in Ukraine to start spying for the British.

– There are many Russians today who are silently appalled by the sight of their armed forces pulverising Ukrainian cities, expelling innocent families from their homes and kidnapping thousands of children. They are watching in horror as their soldiers ravage a kindred country. They know in their hearts that Putin’s case for attacking a fellow Slavic nation is fraudulent.

– Their secrets will always be safe with us, he continued, claiming that a number of Russian citizens have already started spying for the UK since the start of the war in Ukraine.

Moore also claimed that Russian oligarchs are behind the war in Ukraine. Sky News analysts say the speech was probably intended to win over disgruntled Russian military and intelligence officers.

My service lives by the principle that our loyalty to our agents is lifelong and our gratitude eternal, he promised.

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