The Washington State Correctional Center for Women has been praised politically and in the media for placing trans women in the same wards and cells as biologically female prisoners – something that has not been very popular among the women themselves.
– So we have rapists, male murderers, child rapists, men who have killed women, they are in prison for raping and killing women and they are put in our cells, says a female prisoner.
The politically correct procedure hasn’t been the success that the prison authorities might have hoped for – instead, female prisoners tell investigative journalist James O’Keefe that trans women are abusing and manipulating the system – and that they only pretend to identify as women to get a chance to have sex with real women while in prison.
– I know that some have sex with women and that some have been assaulted, but nobody reports it, says one witness.

Normally, sex offenders are placed in special wards, but this is not the case at WSCC, according to witnesses, where biological men who have committed sexual abuse and then say they identify as trans are instead placed in the female general ward.
– Some of these men are not confused. They are just manipulating the system… There is nothing you can do except say you are going to kill yourself and then go down to the mental ward to get out of the cell.
One female witness says that she can no longer use her freedom of expression in prison because the management has implemented a new “gender equality” policy, which effectively prohibits prisoners from questioning whether trans women are really women.
– I have heard some of these men talk about how they would like to get a girl pregnant so that the girl could sue the prison and say he raped her and he is willing to do this.
We are also told that “many” of the men in the male prison ward are thinking of strategies to best “come out” as transsexuals so that they can be placed in the female ward instead and what steps are necessary to realize this.
– Every time we tell these things we are met with ridicule, targeting, prejudice, punishment and isolation, sighs one female prisoner.
The prison management has chosen not to respond to the female prisoners’ criticism after James O’Keefe contacted them.
See the full report here: