BLM organizer convicted of fraud

Published 9 November 2023
- By Editorial Staff
Genre image - BLM demonstration.

One of the organizers of the violent Black Lives Matter movement has been jailed for using thousands of pounds in donations to fund her private, expensive lifestyle of new mobile phones, taxi rides, takeaway food and beauty products.

Xahra Saleem was the manager and head of Changing Your Mindset – a charity that claimed to work with at-risk young people in the troubled suburbs of Bristol in southwest England.

The 23-year-old from London was also one of the organizers of the Bristol 2020 BLM protests. They were organized in response to the death of George Floyd in the US and ultimately led to the demolition and dumping of a statue of slave-owning businessman Edward Colston in Bristol’s harbor.

Before the protests, Saleem set up a fundraising page to purchase personal protective equipment and to legally facilitate the march, which took place under covid restrictions.

Blames psychosis

Over £32,000 was raised – but the money was quickly transferred to her private bank accounts and spent on personal consumption instead.

According to the judge, the donations included a new iPhone, hair and beauty products, clothes, Amazon orders, taxi rides and takeaway food.

At first, Saleem denied the fraud – then she claimed she was suffering from psychosis and was unable to think rationally. Despite her initial denials, she now claims to be remorseful for her actions.

She is sentenced to two and a half years in prison, and Changing Your Mindset is now closed.

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