The Swedish Homeowners’ Owners Association (Villaägarnas Riksförbund) is now calling on its members to protest against Sweden’s exorbitant energy costs.
In recent years, electricity prices have risen sharply in Sweden and many households have found it difficult to pay their electricity bills. Before last winter, more than half of Swedes were worried about how they would afford to pay for their electricity.
Now the Swedish Homeowners’ Association has decided to protest against the country’s energy market and is urging its members to share how it has affected them.
– Enough is enough! Sweden’s energy market is fundamentally broken and politicians need to hear the people’s dissatisfaction and address the problems – once and for all, says Cecilia Reuter, President of the Swedish Homeowners’ Association, in a press release.
The aim of the protest is to show the consequences of the current energy market. Hundreds of stories have been received from the organization’s members who, among other things, testify to how they are forced to freeze when they can no longer afford to heat their homes.
“Something is very wrong”
“I won’t be able to afford heating at home if prices go up. Even last winter I had to turn down the heating and dress warmly to try to keep costs down. Should my daughter have to sleep in overalls so that I can afford both food and electricity?”, writes Mikael from Enköping, for example.
“We have 15–16 degrees indoors in winter. During the summer, we can’t afford to replace anything for heating the house because all the money has to be saved to survive the coming winter. When taxes are higher than the cost of electricity itself, it affects the food on the table, and the children have to walk on cold floors – that’s when something is very wrong”, says Emil from Härnösand.
In January, all the stories will be printed and placed on the desk of Energy Minister Ebba Busch.
– As Energy Minister, Ebba Busch is ultimately responsible for Sweden’s energy market. It is no good blaming previous governments or hiding behind EU directives. Voters are suffering under the pressure of a wild and unpredictable energy market. Please act, Ebba! says Reuter.
Facts: The Swedish Homeowners' Owners Association
The Swedish Homeowners' Owners Association (Villaägarna Riksförbund) is a non-profit consumer and interest organization for residents and owners of detached houses, i.e. villas and holiday homes.
The organization also has a business area, Samfällheterna, which offers security agreements with help, support and insurance to community associations.
In 2023, The Swedish Homeowners' Owners Association had 230 000 member households.