One week ago, a father of two was shot dead in his Malmö home in the early hours of the morning in front of his children and wife. The suspected target of the savage act is believed to have been another resident of the same apartment building.
The tragic incident occurred early Monday morning a week ago, when the father of the toddler was awakened by someone banging on the balcony window. To protect his children, he rushed to the living room, where he was shot dead by an assailant who fired shots through the window.
The man’s wife, who had called 911, heard his last words just before the shots were fired.
The family and relatives describe the father of two as a loving and innocent father with no criminal connections. A family friend said: “He lived for his wife and children. It is unbelievable that he was murdered”.
“En man i 50-årsåldern sköts till döds genom ett fönster i Malmö.
Enligt uppgifter till TV4 Nyheterna misstänker polisen att det handlar om en felskjutning.
En 16-årig pojke är gripen misstänkt för mord, enligt samma uppgifter.”Vilket jävla mörker.
— P (@modernstyle_se) October 7, 2024
The above tweet reads:
“’A man in his 50s was shot dead through a window in Malmö. According to information to TV4 News, the police suspect that it is a misfire. A 16-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder, according to the same reports.’
What fucking darkness.”
Daughter’s birthday
On Sunday night, the man’s daughter had gone to bed excited and eager. She would turn six the next day and was looking forward to being woken up the next morning with singing and presents.
Instead, she woke up to the sound of gunshots and the sight of her father lying on the floor, bloodied and badly injured.
A family friend told Schibsted-owned Aftonbladet that the father of the toddler wanted to give everything he could to his family.
– He spoiled them with so much love and presents.
A few months before he was shot dead, his wife had just graduated from teaching.
– He was very proud of his wife and had helped her all the way. Life was finally complete for them and then this happens.
According to the police, the perpetrator’s real target is believed to have been a man in the same neighborhood, and not the now murdered father of the family.
Förmodad felskjutning vid morgonens dödsskjutning i Malmö
Var är alla godhetsapostlar nu då ?
Passar inte morgonens grova kriminelle och kriminella handling era egna, inskränkta narrativ— Bosse Lehtonen (@BosseBau) October 7, 2024
The above tweet reads: “Suspected wrongful shooting in this morning’s fatal shooting in Malmö. Where are all the apostles of goodness now? Doesn’t this morning’s gross criminal and criminal act fit your own, narrow narrative?”
Minister of Justice condemns
On Friday, Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) visited Malmö in connection with the fatal shooting.
– No decent society can live with either such serious violence, or violence that is so ruthless when it comes to innocent people, he told the Bonnier-run tabloid Expressen.
A 16-year-old boy has been arrested and is now in custody on suspicion of murder, aggravated weapons offenses and violations of the Explosives and flammable goods act.
The tragedy has left neighbors and relatives in despair, especially as the children were forced to witness the brutal attack in their own home, and many are now calling for a crackdown on organized crime.