Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Polaris of Enlightenment


More than a third of the population in Sweden now of foreign background

Population replacement in the West

Published 29 March 2023
– By Editorial Staff
Afghan migrants in Brussels.

At the turn of the year, at least 34.62% of the population in Sweden had a foreign background. In several municipalities, people with an immigrant background are already in a clear majority, according to statistics from Statistics Sweden.

More than a third of the population now has a non-Swedish background if one uses the statistics available and adds the number of people born abroad to those born in Sweden with one or two foreign parents.

Number of people in Sweden with foreign background. Photo: facsimile/SCB

It can also be noted that for younger residents, the proportion with a foreign background is even higher. For people between 35 and 44 years old, it is 44.12%, for residents between 25 and 34 and 41.19% and among residents in Sweden between 5 and 9 years old, 40.37% have an immigrant background.

It can also be seen that it is particularly in the metropolitan regions (Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg) that the highest proportion of people with a foreign background is found – while in many rural municipalities the proportion of people with a foreign background is much lower.

Metropolitan municipalities tend to have the highest proportion of residents with a migrant background. Photo: facsimile/SCB

At the same time, the actual proportion of inhabitants with a foreign background may be significantly higher than that presented by Statistics Sweden, as third generation immigrants are counted as Swedes in the statistics – partly because it is forbidden to keep statistics based on ethnicity in Sweden.

The most common countries of birth for foreign-born people are Syria, Iraq and Finland – followed by Poland, Iran, Somalia and Afghanistan.

The most common countries of birth for people born abroad. Photo: facsimile/SCB

In municipalities such as Botkyrka and Södertälje, those with a foreign background are already in a clear majority (61.6 and 58.9 % respectively) according to official statistics. Many other municipalities such as Järfälla, Malmö, Burlöv, Sundbyberg and Upplands Väsby are rapidly moving in the same direction.

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Leftist leader praises population replacement in France

Population replacement in the West

Published 12 February 2025
– By Editorial Staff
“It's about a generation that comes after another and will never be like the last one", said Mélenchon.

In Sweden, the notion that governments are using mass immigration from the Third World to replace the European population is often dismissed as a “far-right conspiracy theory”.

In France, however, the climate of debate is different and the provocative left-wing leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is now openly celebrating plans to replace the ethnic French and turn the country into a “creole nation”.

– In our country, one in four people has a foreign grandparent. 40% of the population speaks at least two languages. We are destined to become a creole nation and so much better! May the young generation be the great replacement of the old generation, Mélenchon recently exclaimed during a rally in Toulouse.

Creole usually refers to a person of both European and black African descent and was historically used to describe the mixed population of the Caribbean.

According to the leftist leader, the new generation of ethnically mixed French people is needed to “heal France from the wounds of racism” despite the fact that France is estimated to be one of the most tolerant and least discriminatory countries in the world.

“Creating something new”

Le Journal du Dimanche columnist Arnaud Benedetti notes that Mélenchon “has probably never before been so clear in his words and his vision, even if he has never really tried to hide it”.

He points to his horizon and aims at his enemy. His horizon? Creolization, a euphemism for ‘the great exchange’. His enemy? Tradition, the past, yesterday’s and today’s France, which he denounces as an old rag to be thrown away because it no longer exists”.

In another speech last week, Mélenchon delivered the same message, cheerfully admitting that there is a population exchange in France.

– It’s about a generation that comes after another and will never be like the last one, he affirmed, stressing “the importance of this creolization which creates something new”.

Israeli defense minister: Europe should take in Gaza’s population

Population replacement in the West

Published 9 February 2025
– By Editorial Staff
“The people of Gaza should have the right to freedom of movement and migration, as is customary everywhere in the world”, said the Minister of Defense.

Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz praises Trump’s plans for the US to take control of the Gaza Strip.

He also emphasizes that European countries are legally obliged to take in Gaza’s Palestinian population and that their “hypocrisy will be exposed” if they refuse.

The Nordic Times has previously reported on Trump’s plans to take control of the Gaza Strip and permanently empty the area of Palestinians.

Like Netanyahu, Katz praises the plans, describing them as a “bold initiative”. He also claims that European countries are legally obliged to receive the displaced Palestinians and that he expects this to happen.

“Countries such as Spain, Ireland, Norway, and others, which have falsely accused Israel over its actions in Gaza, are legally obligated to allow Gazans to enter their territory. Their hypocrisy will be exposed if they refuse. Meanwhile, countries like Canada, which has a structured immigration program, have previously expressed willingness to take in residents from Gaza”, he writes.

The people of Gaza should have the right to freedom of movement and migration, as is customary everywhere in the world”, the Minister of Defense further argues.

Mr. Katz announces that he has instructed the Israeli army to “allow any resident of Gaza who wishes to leave to do so, to any country willing to receive them”. The plan is to deport the Palestinian civilian population, partly via land crossings, but also by ship and airplane.

Unclear how Sweden will be affected

The Swedish government has so far refused to distance itself from or condemn the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson will not even answer whether the systematic bombing of Palestinian hospitals falls within the scope of proportionate self-defence.

Instead of pressuring Israel, he has chosen to focus on protecting Israeli interests in Sweden – for example, by monitoring parts of Stockholm with drones around the clock.

Historically, Sweden has also been hit very hard by mass immigration in connection with conflicts and wars in the Middle East – but there is no information yet on how many Palestinians the government plans to accept this time.

Belarus President to British journalist: Your country is ruled by Indians

Population replacement in the West

Published 5 February 2025
– By Editorial Staff
Lukashenko is puzzled by developments in the UK.

When a Sky News reporter recently accused Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko of being an “undemocratic” leader who cannot tolerate criticism, he chose to counterattack harshly.

– You used to be an empire, but now your subjects have come in and are ruling you, the president said.

During the press conference, which took place in January, Lukashenko was very clear that he does not pay much attention to the accusations and criticism coming from the British establishment, and that they should focus more on reviewing developments in their own country.

– In your country, you are not only allowed to criticize the government but also to slander it as you please, and you have reached the point where you were recently ruled by an Indian.

– Why am I saying this? Is because when I met the English, I told them that you are doing a great job. You used to be an empire, but now your subjects have come in and are ruling you. Strange of Britain, and our oddity is that the government is not being criticized?

Indians own most property in London

Like many other countries in the Western world, the UK has been hit hard for decades by mass immigration and population exchange policies not least from former colonies in Africa and Asia.

Although Britons of European descent are still in the majority in the country as a whole, the situation is different in many parts of the UK, where cities and neighborhoods are now completely dominated by people with an immigrant background.

According to the BBC, white Britons now make up a minority of the population in the capital, London and in the second largest city, Birmingham, the situation is similar. Just last year, it was also reported that Indians now own a larger share of property in the capital than ethnic Britons and that there is no sign of this trend reversing.

Sweden: Despite “paradigm shift” – mass immigration to continue in 2024

Population replacement in the West

Published 11 January 2025
– By Editorial Staff
Mass immigration to Sweden seems to be continuing - regardless of whether the Moderates or Social Democrats are in power.

Ulf Kristersson’s government has promised that the days of almost limitless mass immigration are over and that it intends to pursue a much more restrictive migration policy.

In reality, however, almost 100,000 residence permits were granted last year, which is the same level as in many of the years when the Social Democrats and other left-wing parties ruled the country.

While there has been a slight decrease – from 102,000 residence permits in 2023 to 94,000 last year – mass immigration remains at historically very high levels and no immigration freeze, or even a radical reduction, has demonstrably materialized.

According to the Swedish Migration Agency, the decrease that has nevertheless occurred is due to several explanatory models – but mainly to the fact that Sweden has become less attractive to migrants and that fewer applications for asylum and work permits were received in 2024.

Of the permits granted, about 27,000 were labor market cases and just over 24,000 were family ties. Around 15,500 first-time applications for protection were granted, down from just under 17,000 in 2023. Of these, around 11,000 were for people from Ukraine who were granted a residence permit under the Mass Refugee Directive and just over 900 were quota refugees selected through the UNHCR’s resettlement program”, the press release states.

The largest countries of origin in terms of all grounds for residence were India and Ukraine, both with around 12,000 permits. They were followed by China, Pakistan and Thailand. Countries had different numbers of applicants in different categories; Ukraine, for example, had many who were granted protection (mass displacement), India had applicants in both work permits, studies and affiliation, while China had many who were granted residence permits for studies”, it explains.

65,000 citizenships were granted

It is noteworthy that the number of citizenships granted is also at about the same levels as before. Last year, 65,591 citizenships were granted – compared to 68,168 the year before.

There has also been a cautious increase in voluntary return, but there are still relatively few migrants leaving Sweden of their own free will – 8,200 last year and 7,500 in 2023.

It has also been noted that both the Swedish government and several of the major establishment media have chosen to highlight last year’s migration figures in a directly misleading or misleading way, painting a picture that there has been a sharp overall decrease in immigration to Sweden. In reality, last year’s figures are certainly lower than the worst years, but still higher than, for example, 2020 and higher than all years between 1980 and 2009.

The fact that the government continues to hand out almost 100,000 residence permits annually has also led to concern in many quarters and accusations that the Moderates’ new anti-immigration profile is mostly about attracting voters, and that there are no serious ambitions at all to put an end to the policy of population exchange that has been pursued in recent decades.

Residence permits granted (1980-2024)

1980: 12 669

1981: 12 186

1982: 13 072

1983: 10 293

1984: 13 624

1985: 16 108

1986: 22 868

1987: 28 427

1988: 33 076

1989: 44 516

1990: 37 120

1991: 41 948

1992: 34 602

1993: 58 769

1994: 78 860

1995: 32 296

1996: 31 390

1997: 36 132

1998: 39 070

1999: 37 033

2000: 60 490

2001: 56 872

2002: 54 396

2003: 56 787

2004: 58 811

2005: 62 463

2006: 86 436

2007: 86 095

2008: 90 021

2009: 102 820

2010: 96 388

2011: 97 905

2012: 116 444

2013: 121 718

2014: 115 703

2015: 115 104

2016: 151 031

2017: 135 686

2018: 133 025

2019: 117 913

2020: 89 009

2021: 95 163

2022: 142 179 (47.566 Ukrainians)

2023: 102 139 (11.000 Ukrainians)

2024: 93 895 (11.000 Ukrainians)

Source: Swedish Migration Agency