In order to qualify for benefits in Sweden, asylum seekers and immigrants will have to complete the ‘Sweden course’, according to government plans. The course will include an introduction to Swedish society and a language test.
The government says it plans to launch a study to design the course, which is expected to cover “Swedish norms and values”. It will cover areas such as the rule of law, freedom of expression, children’s rights and gender equality. Participation in the course and passing the final exam will be mandatory for those seeking financial compensation.
– This is not just an offer, it will be a requirement. It ends with a test and you have to pass it, says integration minister Johan Pehrson of the Liberal Party to the Bonnier newspaper DN.
Pehrson notes that problems can arise when individuals act against the constitution or Swedish values, citing as an example disinformation campaigns about social services kidnapping Muslim children. There will be consequences for those who choose not to take the course, Persson says.
– In the end, they will have to rely on income support, he says.