SwedenThe Social Democrats are calling for a freeze on trade agreements with Israel and an increase in sanctions against illegal settlers.
Social Democratic Party
After decades of mass immigration: Social Democrats want “strict Swedish migration policy”
SwedenAt the same time, it promises an "even distribution of new arrivals across the country" and an additional focus on "efforts to combat racism and discrimination.
Internal Tensions surge as Swedish Social Democrats slam Andersson’s “top-down” leadership
SwedenMany fear that without a shift, the party risks losing the next election.
Sweden’s Social Democrats want to wiretap kids
Sweden"We are in an acute and national crisis where children are being used as child soldiers by adults", Social Democrat leader Magdalena Andersson said leader during a press conference.
Swedish Social Democratic Party proposal: 35-hour working week
Sweden"We believe that this is something that Swedish workers want", says Annika Strandhäll (S).
Sweden’s Social Democrats: “The population must be mixed”
Sweden"Society will need to take action on a scale not previously seen", the party says in a new report.
Former finance minister: Swedish people pay for banks’ profits
Economy"For ordinary people this is extremely provocative", says Mikael Damberg.