Science“That cozy moment on the couch with a book is not only good for you - but for humanity", stresses researcher Mikael Roll.
Children’s book sales in Sweden are booming
SwedenChildren's book sales surge during Christmas, likely driven by alarms about Sweden's "reading crisis".
Reading comprehension declines among Swedish ninth graders
Sweden“The fact that we have 25% coming into adulthood who are basically functionally illiterate is a big problem”.
Swedish Teachers’ Union warns: Our students can’t read
SwedenNot even students in prestigious university programs are able to manage reading their course materials anymore.
Reading declines in Sweden
Sweden46% of men in Sweden have not read a book in the last year.
‘Reading prescription’ for families welcomed in Finland
FinlandA new motion calls for Finnish families to be encouraged to read more with their children.
Study: Early literacy linked to child well-being
ScienceLeads to fewer symptoms of depression, less addiction and better memory.