Europe“If Germans finally let go of their World War II guilt complex, it’s game over for the globalist powers”, says the Dutch commentator.
AfD leader questions Germany’s future in NATO
World"NATO is not currently a defense alliance", says outspoken AfD leader Tino Chrupalla.
German Social Democrats: “Democracy is threatened” when voters vote “wrong”
Europe"Populists are on the rise", warns Social Democrat leader Bärbel Bas.
German politician said “Everything for Germany” – goes on trial
EuropeAfD politician Björn Höcke is accused of using "Nazi vocabulary".
AfD ahead in German local elections – Scholz loses big time
WorldPublic approval rating of the Scholz government at an all-time low.
MEP warns covid policy might come back
WorldChristine Andersson calls for civil disobedience against the powers that be: "Tell them to go to hell, because that's where they belong".