Journalist: British health minister saw Sweden’s epidemiologist as an enemy

The covid repression

Published 16 March 2023
- By Editorial Staff
Matt Hancock and Anders Tegnell.

Journalist Fraser Nelson claims that former UK health minister Matt Hancock considered Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell an enemy and that the minister was very upset that Sweden refused to go as far in shutting down society during the coronavirus crisis.

“Hancock portrayed Anders Tegnell as a purely ideological opponent he was furious when he learnt that Johnson had spoken to Tegnell without telling him”, Nelson writes in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

Furthermore, Mr Hancock was reportedly extremely upset with the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Mr Tegnell and expressed concern that Mr Tegnell would persuade the Prime Minister to adopt less repressive policies.

The British journalist has been involved in reviewing the “Lockdown Files” in which The Daily Telegraph has obtained around 100.000 of Matt Hancock’s Whatsapp messages. They show that the British health minister was very angry that Swedish authorities did not want to follow in the UK’s footsteps and lockdown the entire society.

Hancock repeatedly berates Tegnell and Sweden’s unwillingness to lockdown the society and allegedly asked his subordinates to produce data that would show that Sweden was wrong and that lockdowns were in fact the way to go.

It can be noted that Matt Hancock was forced to resign in June 2021 after the media published pictures showing him cheating and violating the corona restrictions himself, while extreme pandemic regulations were in place for the rest of the population.

Boris Johnson was forced to resign as Prime Minister after a series of scandals he too was found to have repeatedly violated the coronavirus restrictions he had imposed, instead partying with friends while the British people were kept in various forms of quarantine between March 2020 and February 2022.

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