
German train conductors exempt from inspecting foreigners’ tickets

Migration crisis in Europe

Published 19 September 2024
– By Editorial Staff

Train conductors in the German state of Thuringia have noticed a sharp increase in threatening behavior by asylum seekers towards their staff. They are now being told not to check the tickets of foreign passengers.

The German regional newspaper Thüringer Allgemeine was contacted by a couple traveling on the Süd-Thüringen-Bahn who pointed out that train conductors were not checking foreigners’ tickets, but only those of German passengers.

The newspaper contacted the railway company, which initially denied the claim, saying that the tickets had probably already been checked before the couple boarded the train. However, after further questioning, the company admitted that train attendants have the right not to demand to see valid tickets – if they believe the situation could escalate or if they feel threatened.

The railway company’s works council then spoke out, writing an open letter to German left-wing politician Bodo Ramelow deploring the behavior of migrants on public transport and asking how German citizens could be expected to be sympathetic to migration policies when they are forced to witness violence on an almost daily basis.

“State and federal politics repeatedly talk about “integration” and tolerance of/towards migrants/refugees. We ask you seriously, how can you expect citizens of this country to be open to the refugee policy being practiced when they have to witness – practically every day, and not just on public transport! – such violence, brutality, and absolute contempt and mockery of our laws and society, including its so-called “values?” reads part of the letter.

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