Following the stabbing to death of three young British girls by an African migrant a week ago, anti-immigration demonstrations have flared up in many parts of the UK – in several cases escalating into full-scale riots and violent clashes.
The horrific murders have prompted many Britons to take to the streets to show their vociferous disapproval of politicians’ unrestricted mass immigration policies, and to demand that those in power take responsibility and implement immigration freezes and large-scale deportation programs.
A 17-year-old male was charged with the murder of three young girls in a knife attack at a dance class in Southport, UK, that has shocked the nation and sparked two nights of violent protests
— grannywatchstocks (@grannystocks) August 1, 2024
In several cases, the protests have also turned violent, with reports of clashes between far-left groups, armed migrant gangs and police, as well as the burning of asylum-seeker hotels and other buildings.
The whole country is angry, north, south, east and west.
When will politicians listen?
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) August 4, 2024
Over the weekend, more than 150 people were arrested in several British cities. The British establishment media and politicians agree that “dangerous right-wing extremists” are to blame for the riots and must be stopped at all costs.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has called an emergency meeting to develop strategies to deal with the situation, promising to “do whatever it takes to bring these thugs to justice as quickly as possible” and insisting that “we can get arrests… and convictions done very quickly”.
– People in this country have a right to be safe, and yet we’ve seen Muslim communities targeted, attacks on mosques. Other minority communities singled out, Nazi salutes in the street, attacks on the police, wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric, so no, I won’t shy away from calling it what it is: far-right thuggery, Starmer said during a press conference.
One-sided narrative
On social media, many people are strongly criticizing the narrative that the media and those in power are trying to spread. They argue that the vast majority of people taking part in the protests are ordinary people from Britain’s working and lower classes who want to show their despair and anger at the insecurity they and their children face in Britain in 2024 – but are instead being labelled as “violent extremists”.
Many are also critical of the one-sided reporting and the way in which the above-mentioned “far-right extremists” are presented as an urgent and very serious threat to British society – while the rise of armed migrant gangs and left-wing extremists is downplayed or ignored.
Komik uppstår när brittisk media är ute i verkligheten för att demonisera högerextremister.
Bakom dem vandrar då machetebeväpnade invandrare förbi. “Mostly peaceful…” ️— Fredric Morenius (@FredricMorenius) August 4, 2024
Huge mob descend on Bolton City Centre – looks like they are baying for blood.
If you’re in & around a city centre right now it’s advisable not to be. Seriously.
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 4, 2024
Hej vänsterpopulistiska @svtnyheter!
Ni sprider desinformation i artikeln.
Demonstranterna definierar inte sig själva som “högerextrema”, utan som föräldrar som bryr sig om sina barn och deras framtid i Storbritannien.
Håll er till förstahandskällor, inte engelskfientlig polis!— Grisbrottaren (@Grisbrottaren) August 4, 2024