Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Polaris of Enlightenment


Chinese wisdom as a tool of global governance: Sharing as a concept of economics

The modern China

Humanity is challenged today to define the basis for co-existence among nations on our planet. Together, the BRI, the GDI, the GSI, and the GCI constitute a suitable multi-dimensional and multi-layered vision for global governance, writes Hussein Askary, Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, in a guest analysis.

Published 3 February 2024
"The world is facing great challenges but at the same time great opportunities. The potential for a more just and beneficial system of global governance exists despite these challenges", writes Hussein Askary.

Two sentences will stay for a long time in mind from President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the Third Belt and Road Forum in Beijing in October 2023, which I had the great fortune of attending:

– We have learned that humankind is a community with a shared future. China can only do well when the world is doing well. When China does well, the world will get even better.

– Important guiding principles for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation have been laid down, which include the principle of ‘planning together, building together, and benefiting together’.

A few months earlier President Xi, in his speech at the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, cited an African proverb which states:

– If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.

What these quotes signify for me is a reflection of a deep Chinese philosophical tradition which we see now manifesting itself in the visions and actions of China to improve the global governance system that seems to have lost its way since it was once ratified in the UN Charter in San Francisco in 1945. It has lost its way in the fog of series of wars, economic and social crises, and misguided geopolitical theories thriving in the West since the end of the Cold War in 1990, such as the “End of history”, “Clash of civilizations”, and “Project for an American Century”.

Humankind is a community with a shared future.

– President Xi Jinping

Recently, in a presentation I gave at a panel discussion of the Tongzhou Global Development Forum in Beijing, I made reference to the China-brokered Iran-Saudi Arabia normalization of relations in March this year in the context of my discussion about the interconnectivity among the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Global Development Initiative (GDI), Global Security Initiative (GSI), and Global Civilization Initiative (GCI). A Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army officer participating in the discussion exclaimed:

– You know, people are waiting for the details of the secret negotiations between China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia to be released. There are no such things. There is only one open secret which is that China is a trustworthy partner who have made the ‘golden 30 years’ of peace in East Asia possible.

I was reminded that China’s amazing development was made peacefully, and that China has become a major power in the world without shooting a single bullet against any other nation.

Eye of Nanjing Pedestrian Bridge in Jianye District, Nanjing, China. Photo: iStock/onlyyouqj

Development, security, and civilization

My understanding of the symbiosis among the three notions of development, security, and advancement of civilization became more enriched this year after attending the Third Belt and Road Forum which coincided with the culmination of the horrific events in Palestine. The world is facing great challenges but at the same time great opportunities. The potential for a more just and beneficial system of global governance exists despite these challenges.

Ten years after the launching of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which in my view is the greatest global development endeavour, the world stands at a crossroads. In one direction there is geopolitical competition, zero-sum games, wars, and instability. In the other direction, there is win-win cooperation, peace, and equitable and shared economic development. 152 nations have joined the BRI until now, a global majority. Those who try to isolate and stand outside the BRI, are finding themselves an isolated minority standing in a small yard with a very high fence, or as the Chinese express it, like a frog in a well. What the BRI has achieved in the first 10 years is the creation of an inclusive platform of multilateral cooperation transcending political, social, and cultural differences.

To date, 152 countries, representing the global majority, have joined the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Besides the BRI, there is also the emergence of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), the BRICS Plus (Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Argentina), and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). In all these, China holds a prominent position and contributes to their vitality and growth. But humanity cannot stand in a divided world. There is need to establish a universal understanding of the three notions to bring closer the nations of East with West, North with South.


There is need to redefine what development is, including the notion of “sustainable development”. I am convinced that the Chinese notion of sustainable development and the Western notion diverge on core concepts. The Chinese notion is “sustained development” using modernization and industrialization, advancement of technology, and common prosperity for all nations. The Western notion is, unfortunately, attached to the false premise of “limited natural resources”, which is the root cause of the zero-sum game thinking. This concept argues that there isn’t enough for everyone. Accordingly, if China grows, if Asia grows, if Africa grows, and if Ibero-America grows, what will happen to the West and the limited resources they need for themselves? This is a very dangerous outlook that needs to be changed. There are no limited resources. There is only limited knowledge. As president Xi put it, “instead of fighting over a small pie, lets bake a bigger pie or many pies”. Harmony between nations and the zero-sum game cannot co-exist in the same world anymore.

Aerial view of Yantian port, Shenzhen city, China. Photo: iStock/kynny

The GDI (Global Development Initiative) calls for “balanced, coordinated and inclusive growth, promoting global development, and staying committed to development as a priority”. By development President Xi meant modernization and industrialization for all, not the few. This was re-emphasized again in the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg this year, when President Xi said:

Development is an inalienable right of all countries, not a privilege reserved for a few.

– President Xi Jinping


We all realize that there could be no proper development without security. But it is not the egg or the hen. Both must advance together in a symbiosis. The GSI presented in April 2022, after the outbreak of the Ukraine war, outlined a new understanding of “security” of all nations, not what some superpowers believe is their own “national security interests”. The so-called “rules-based order” should be scrapped, and the UN Charter should be brough back from the dusty shelf where it has been placed since at least 1991. The sovereignty, independence, and non-interference in internal affairs of all nations whether big or small should be respected and their security interests taken into consideration.

But security and development are indivisible twins, according to the GSI. Without economic development there could be no sustainable peace and security. The efforts to “impose” security only through the power of arms, as the U.S. and NATO have done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia and now in Palestine, not only failed miserably but even worsened the security situation in the world. One of the reasons why the Israeli-Palestinian Oslo Accords failed was that economic development of the Palestinian people and its neighbours was not taken seriously. That’s why the Chinese proposal to resolve the latest Israel-Palestine conflict calls for economic development to be the most important issue besides the establishment of a Palestinian state in a two-state solution.

The sovereignty, independence, and non-interference in internal affairs of all nations whether big or small should be respected and their security interests taken into consideration.

One of the best validations of the GSI was the China-brokered normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. However, this “security” achievement was preceded by an unprecedented upgrading of economic cooperation between China and the Arab countries on the one hand and China and Iran in 2022. I must also add here the example of the Chinese policy of eliminating the threat of terrorism and extremism in Xinjiang, by using economic and social development as an instrument, not only security measures. This should become the model of dealing with security challenges anywhere in Eurasia and Africa.


The GCI (Global Civilization Initiative), which was launched by President Xi in March 2023, is a unique proposal for establishing the goals of global governance and relations among nations based on a “dialogue of cultures”. The GCI raised the bar of political dialogue to a completely new level to address the means through which the achievement of peaceful co-existence among nations of the world, who are so diverse in culture, history, religion, lifestyle, and political and social systems, could be reached. The GCI, as expressed by President Xi is “a choice between polarization or common prosperity; between pure materialistic pursuit or coordinated material and spiritual advancement; between draining the pond to catch the fish or creating harmony between man and nature; between zero-sum game or win-win cooperation”. Through the GCI, the notion of “a community of shared future for humanity” took a concrete meaning.

The ancient Silk Road which the BRI is an image of was in a sense a dialogue of civilizations extending over many centuries. It was a vehicle for scientific, technological, and cultural exchanges, and a means to bring new tools to the peoples along the routes between China and Europe to improve their productivity, their standards of living, culture, and creativity. That in turn enabled them to use their specific local culture and creativity to invent new knowledge and tools to give back to the other societies along the same route. This is the “win-win” concept in its most scientific and moral shape.

The Courtyard of the Confucius Shrine in Nagasaki, Japan. It is said to be the world’s only Confucian shrine built outside China by Chinese hands. Photo: iStock/SeanPavonePhoto

My research in what happened in the Islamic Renaissance era (8th to 14th centuries) gave me a clearcut account of this process of inter-civilizational communication. Specifically, using the Chinese technology of producing paper on an industrial scale from cellulose fibres is one of the brightest examples of this process of cultural transformation through exchanges. In Persia, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, and Fez, there was a flourishing of scientific and philosophical activity. But without paper, this knowledge would not have proliferated so fast over such an incredibly vast part of the landmass of Earth. Today, we have the opportunity to recreate and benefit from such a dialogue of civilizations.

Conclusion: Sharing is caring

Humanity is challenged today to define the basis for co-existence among nations on our planet, because that is not so well-defined. Together, the BRI, the GDI, the GSI, and the GCI constitute a suitable multi-dimensional and multi-layered vision for global governance. They deserve thorough studies and discussions by all concerned individuals and groups to find a transparent answer to the challenges the world is facing today. The idea of creating a multilateral world, as pursued by China and the Global South, is not an attempt to reinventing the wheel of global governance (which is based on the UN Charter), but to enrich it and make it adaptable to the current conditions.

The question of harmony within diversity is a major part of this attempt. In the usual Chinese poetic wisdom, the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, Mr. Cui Aimin gave a speech to a webinar our Belt and Road Institute in Sweden organised this year, in which he explained the nature and goals of the GCI. He said:

– Respecting the diversity of civilizations is a prerequisite for exchanges and mutual learning among them. The sun has seven colors, and the world is colorful. There are more than seven billion people and various religions in the world.

He emphasized that the GCI advocates seeking wisdom and nutrition from different civilizations, learning from each other’s strengths, and making progress together.

– It emphasizes fully drawing on the rich philosophies, profound humanistic spirit and noble moral concepts in human civilization. It supports working together to solve major issues concerning the future of the world and the future of mankind, and letting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations become the driving force for the progress of human society, Mr. Aimin added.

Respecting the diversity of civilizations is a prerequisite for exchanges and mutual learning among them.

– Mr. Cui Aimin, Chinese Ambassador to Sweden

In economics, knowledge is considered as the only non-depletable substance. The more we consume of it, the bigger it grows. In the same manner, love grows bigger within us the more we give of it to others. When I was in the centre of Guangzhou in May this year, I examined a public electric bicycle sharing station. A lady approached me and explained how the process works and used her Wechat app to demonstrate for me how it worked. She said with a big friendly smile on her face before rode away on the shared bicycle: “You know, sharing is caring!” This simple expression encapsulates for me the manner with which the otherwise unfathomable complexity of the world situation can be resolved.


Hussein Askary,
Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden

Hussein Askary is an economic and strategic analyst specialized in the Belt and Road Initiative. Has a record of studies and co-authored books on the New Silk Road since 1996. He has spoken in conferences in countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa on “physical economics” and the impact of infrastructure development on productivity of societies. He has been the West Asia Coordinator for the International Schiller Institute since 2001.

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How did the number of Uyghurs in China rapidly increase in the midst of “genocide”?

The modern China

By hosting members of the so-called World Uyghur Congress, the capital of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has attempted once again to position itself as the "Mecca" of American foreign policy actions, once again presenting its Muslim image to the U.S. as a cover for pursuing their interests, writes Branko Zujovic in a guest analysis.

Published 8 November 2024
Uyghur separatists protesting outside the White House in Washington DC.

Rarely has anyone offended the Islamic world this year as much as Zumretay Arkin, who signs as the president of the Committee of Women of the so-called World Uyghur Congress. During a recent session of the so-called World Uyghur Congress in Sarajevo, she told local media that Islamic countries do not support her organization’s efforts to separate the Uyghur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang from China, because these countries have strong economic ties with China.

Caring and generous – NED and CIA

From her statement, it can be concluded that the Islamic world is so weak, immoral and corruptible that because of Chinese loans it agrees to turn a blind eye and remain silent on the alleged violence that China is carrying out against the Uyghurs, while the American National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA ), who in fact founded and generously finance the so-called World Uyghur Congress, are the only ones who genuinely care about the fate and well-being of that Islamic community in China. The aforementioned intelligence organizations “took care” of the Uyghurs by inciting countless terrorist attacks by Uyghur extremists against citizens, Chinese security forces and Chinese institutions, in which thousands of people died until a few years ago.

The author of these lines is, unfortunately, a witness to the suicide terrorist attack by Uyghur extremists that took place in Beijing in 2013, when, in addition to the three attackers, two visitors were also killed: a Chinese woman and a woman from abroad.

Uyghur girls in Hotan. The photo was taken in the 90s. Photo: Gujiang xie

The World Uyghur Congress was founded two decades ago. According to all relevant international reports, the organization was founded under the patronage and with abundant financial and logistical support of the aforementioned NED, that is, the CIA, as well as other security and intelligence agencies of the United States of America (USA). According to the latest report by the Kinex government, which, of course, closely monitors the work of this organization, NED annually allocates 5 to 6 million dollars for the work of the World Uyghur Congress.

Yesterday terrorists, today “freedom fighters”

The World Uyghur Congress wholeheartedly supported the activities of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which carried out a large number of terrorist attacks in China from approximately 2006 to 2016, i.e. 2017. Similar to what happened earlier with the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army, the United States first designated the East Turkestan Islamic Movement as a terrorist organization in 2002. Subsequently, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement was simply removed from the U.S. list of terrorist organizations because someone in Washington apparently concluded that this group could be useful.

East Turkestan Islamic Movement fighters.

With a single act of the U.S. administration, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which we can broadly consider to be the terrorist wing of the World Uyghur Congress, was reassigned from the list of terrorists to the list of supposed democratic movements fighting for “freedom.”

The similarity with Serbia and the process of the disintegration of former Yugoslavia does not end with this kind of political-legal manipulation regarding the status of a notorious terrorist organization. Shortly thereafter, Mike Pompeo, the then U.S. Secretary of State, announced that his country was imposing sanctions on China for the alleged genocide against the Uyghurs.

They were burning and slaughtering people

But what was actually happening in China all this time, and how did the U.S., just as in the case of Srebrenica, again use “genocide” as a trump card against another country, in this case China? From around 2006 to 2016, or 2017, China faced terrorist attacks from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and related Islamist groups of Uyghur separatists supported by the U.S., along with the World Uyghur Congress as the political wing of these terrorist groups in exile.

The political aim of this wave of terrorism, which, it should be emphasized and repeated, affected all of China and was clearly orchestrated by the U.S., was crystal clear: to destabilize the entire country under the pretext of separating Xinjiang and establishing a new Turkic “state,” similar in many ways to “Kosovo,” which would be called “East Turkestan.”

Here are a few examples of the violence that people in China were subjected to.

In the summer, specifically on July 5, 2009, Uyghur Islamists sparked a wave of violence in the capital of Xinjiang, Urumqi, resulting in the deaths of 197 people and injuring 1,721. People were literally hacked with machetes and knives, beaten, and even burned alive in the streets.

On May 22, 2014, two car bomb explosions in the same city killed 43 people and injured 94.

In addition to the aforementioned suicide attack that occurred at Tiananmen in Beijing, another suicide terrorist attack took place in Kunming, in southwest China, in 2013, resulting in 5 deaths and 38 injuries.

A year later, another serious terrorist crime occurred in Kunming, committed by eight Uyghur terrorists. They literally stabbed people with knives, killing 31 and injuring 141.

3 paradoxes

Initially, Turkey was at least partially interested in the events in Xinjiang, as the Uyghurs are Turkic-speaking Muslims. However, the coup attempt in Turkey in 2016, along with a clearer understanding of the real motives and background of the activities of Uyghur terrorists, as well as the overall development of relations with China, distanced the country from supporting the U.S. and the World Uyghur Congress’s interpretation of the Uyghur issue.

Claiming that Turkey abandoned pro-American “support” for the Uyghurs due to the high interest rates of Chinese loans is not worth mentioning.

The World Uyghur Congress has remained isolated on the international stage, alongside the U.S. and its satellites. This congress needs to explain the first of at least three major paradoxes that accompany and essentially demystify its work: why do only the U.S. and its allies “support” the Muslim Uyghurs, but not Islamic countries?

The explanation by Zumretay Arkin that China bribes the Islamic world with loans does not sound convincing or realistic. Jewish communities around the world and Israel itself also have enough money to buy the favor of Islamic countries outside the Arab sphere in support of the obvious violence against Palestinians. Yet, no non-Arab Islamic country has ever agreed to this kind of geopolitical corruption.

Zumretay Arkin is the president of the Committee of Women of the World Uyghur Congress.

The Mecca of American geopolitical action

Since no significant Islamic country supports the World Uyghur Congress, Sarajevo, the capital of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), has emerged as an ideal location for hosting this essentially pro-American organization. For decades, Sarajevo has tried to position itself as the “Mecca” of American geopolitical action, aligning its Muslim image with U.S. interests as a cover to promote their agenda whenever the opportunity arises, hoping that the U.S. and its allies will one day dismantle the Republika Srpska and undermine the unofficial, but existing, third entity in BiH colloquially known as Herceg-Bosna.

At the end of May and the beginning of June this year, Damon Wilson, the head of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), along with his colleague responsible for BiH, Brian Joseph, visited the capital of the Federation. It is hard to believe that this visit, along with the visit of CIA Director William Burns to Sarajevo shortly afterward, was unrelated to the organization of the World Uyghur Congress’s session in that city.

Given that radical Muslim forces in BiH were similarly used during the breakup of Yugoslavia – removing democratically elected Fikret Abdić and refusing to finalize a pre-war agreement with their Serbian neighbors that was acceptable to all – it was not difficult for them to come to an understanding with their colleagues from the World Uyghur Congress today.

The common denominator of this joint action by the U.S., the World Uyghur Congress, and Sarajevo is “genocide”.

Not a word about Gaza, but tears for the Uyghurs

Representatives of the World Uyghur Congress first visited the massacre site in Potočari, which the U.S. is interested in solely within the context of its geopolitical utility, particularly in exerting pressure on Serbia and Republika Srpska. Outside of this strained assessment of the crimes committed by Serbian forces in Srebrenica, the U.S. and its satellites show as much interest in Srebrenica as they do in the nearby Serbian massacre sites from the same war.

This brings us to the second paradox: Sarajevo has never issued a diplomatic note to Washington regarding the evident support for the even more apparent genocide against Muslims in Gaza, yet it sheds crocodile tears for the nonexistent genocide against Uyghurs in China on behalf of the U.S.

The narrative of American institutions and media about the so-called genocide that China is allegedly continuously committing against the Uyghurs is ‘supported’ by unprovable claims that can only be either believed or disbelieved.

China has, for example, been accused of sterilizing Uyghur women and establishing concentration camps. Evidence for these claims often includes blurry satellite images or media reports that have turned out to be false.

One of the most notorious examples of such manipulation involves a convicted drug dealer named Merdan Ghappar, whose videos and text messages from prison, exchanged with a BBC correspondent, were used in Western media as prime evidence for the existence of concentration camps for Uyghurs.

The comical side of anti-chinese propaganda

The narrative goes that where there are concentration camps, there is also genocide. When the imperative is to prove that a nonexistent genocide has indeed occurred, even footage from a regular prison can come in handy. However, this kind of anti-China propaganda also had its comedic aspects. In January 2021, the New York Times published an article by a certain Amelie Pang titled “It Took Genocide for Me to Remember My Uyghur Roots”. Amelie, as can be read in relevant sources, is one-eighth Uyghur. Although she has never been to Xinjiang or interacted with Uyghurs from China, she has published at least 17 articles about the “genocide” against them, claiming that “Chinese policies of forced assimilation have even reached her.”

The best example, however, was the case of a “genocide victim” revealed by YouTuber Daniel Dumbrill, who pointed out that the aforementioned “victim”, whose case was extensively reported by CNN and BBC, had her passport renewed by Chinese authorities at a time when she claimed to have been in prison. In a clip aired on CNN, the date of this “victim’s” passport renewal was conveniently blurred.

The Chinese government has systematically refuted the blurry satellite images used as supposed prime evidence for the existence of concentration camps in Xinjiang, publishing images from the actual locations. This included sites in the Markit district of Kashgar Prefecture, where basic schools, middle schools, and nursing homes were misrepresented as concentration camps. Many similar examples exist, such as a logistics center in the Bachu district, also in Kashgar Prefecture, which was cited as a concentration camp in Western media reports.

Demographics in the time of genocide

Yet, there is a crucial point in the narrative of Western media regarding Xinjiang and the alleged genocide against Uyghurs: the Uyghur population in the People’s Republic of China.

From 2010 to 2018, the Uyghur population grew by 25 percent. It is simply incredible that, under the conditions of the alleged genocide that, according to claims from American and other Western media, China is continuously perpetrating against the Uyghurs, the Uyghur population in the country has been rapidly increasing.

Over the last 40 years, the number of Uyghurs in Xinjiang has risen from around 5.5 million to over 12 million. It’s important to emphasize another very significant fact: like other ethnic minorities, the Uyghurs were never subject to China’s one-child policy. This policy applied exclusively to Han Chinese, the largest ethnic group in the country.

While the numbers of nearly all ethnic groups in China have been stagnating or even declining in recent years, the aforementioned fact indisputably refutes the Western media and institutional narrative of “genocide” against the Uyghurs.

Uyghur girls wearing ethnic dress in Hotan, Xinjiang. The photo was taken in the 90s. Photo: Gujiang xie

China’s response

China initially responded to the challenges of terrorism and separatism by crushing terrorist groups on the ground, which were found to be linked to the Islamic State. Another paradox in this story is that the U.S. held 22 Uyghur Islamists at Guantanamo who fought against American forces in Afghanistan, not within the U.S. itself.

In July 2020, the United Nations identified thousands of Uyghur fighters within the ranks of the Islamic State in Syria and Afghanistan. While the U.S. fought against terrorism immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks, it regarded China as a partner and ally in that struggle. However, when China began defending itself against terrorism shortly afterward, the U.S. supported Uyghur terrorists and separatists as “freedom fighters.”

With the U.S. as the obvious ally of Uyghur separatists, China achieved victory over terrorists on the ground. After this victory, Xinjiang ceased to be a neuralgic point through which Western powers, led by the U.S., attempted to destabilize China (similar attempts have been made in Hong Kong, Tibet, and continue in Taiwan).

China has established temporary educational and vocational centers in Xinjiang, which the pro-Western propaganda machine automatically labeled as concentration camps, but these centers have since been closed. Xinjiang has become an important tourist, agricultural, and commercial hub for China and the “Belt and Road” initiative, with the living standards of its residents rising sharply year by year.

Urumqi is the provincial capital of Xinjiang. Photo: AsianDream

Autumn harvest instead of violence and bloodshed

This brings us to another significant paradox: while discussions were held in Sarajevo at the World Uyghur Congress about the need for Xinjiang to secede from China – an action that inherently generates violence and bloodshed – Xinjiang itself was experiencing a mechanized autumn cotton harvest and the harvesting of fall crops, utilizing the BeiDou satellite system and artificial intelligence to monitor crop conditions and yields.

This situation perhaps most accurately reflects the value difference between the Chinese civilization circle in the 21st century and the civilization circle of the U.S., to which Serbia belongs. In recent years, China has invested hundreds of billions of yuan in Xinjiang. Modern roads and railways have been built, and the state encourages agriculture, private initiative, and market development, while also working to protect the untouched nature of that part of China.

Tens of millions of tourists travel to Xinjiang each year, recording hundreds of millions of overnight stays. This fact does not support the claims of the so-called World Uyghur Congress about Xinjiang being a large concentration camp for the extermination of Uyghurs.

The rapid economic progress of Xinjiang, along with the rising living standards of its inhabitants – where the Uyghur community, by the way, does not constitute an ethnic majority – can be illustrated by the data showing that last year, exports from this Chinese autonomous region to five neighboring Central Asian countries (geographically, Xinjiang belongs to Central Asia) increased by 23.2 percent compared to the previous year. The value of those exports amounted to a staggering 246.57 billion yuan (34.25 billion dollars) for our country, and nearly unreachable for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

All other economic indicators and facts also testify in favor of China’s economic development and the stability of the Chinese state, along with that of Xinjiang itself. These circumstances enjoy the majority support of the population in Xinjiang, which does not want to become prey to geopolitical predators again.

Locals and tourists at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar. Photo: kitzcorner

What did the so-called world Uyghur congress try to hide in Sarajevo?

Support from Xinjiang itself is precisely what the so-called World Uyghur Congress lacks in order to truly become Uyghur, instead of, in fact, (pro)American. To obscure this fact, the so-called World Uyghur Congress requested hospitality in Sarajevo, which now has its part of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – specifically, the area of Sarajevo – Tuzla – Zenica plus Bihać. Let’s reiterate that this should convince the U.S. that it truly cares, uniquely and sincerely, about the welfare of the Uyghurs located 6,000 kilometers away from Baščaršija, and that this American “concern” is the concern of all Bosniaks in the world, while the same U.S. cannot be directed by Sarajevo to issue even a letter of official protest due to its support for the oppression of Palestinians.

The biggest beneficiary of the Sarajevo episode with the so-called World Uyghur Congress is, you guessed it, the Republic of Srpska.

Banja Luka wisely published an interview with the chargé d’affaires of the Chinese embassy just before the opening of the mentioned congress of Uyghur extremists in Sarajevo, who rightly described the gathering in Sarajevo as anti-Chinese. This circumstance further strengthens the position that the Republic of Srpska, as part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has managed to build in international relations, especially regarding its increasingly intensive cooperation with the People’s Republic of China and its fundamental respect for the one China principle – not just the formally expressed one, which seems uncontested only in Banja Luka.


Branko Zujovic


The article was originally published on EagleEyeExplore

Quick facts about Xinjiang

Being China’s largest province, Xinjiang spans 1.6 million square kilometers in the country’s northwest. Historically a key Silk Road passage, it connected China with Central Asia and beyond; today, it plays a strategic role in China’s Belt and Road Initiative, with new infrastructure supporting expanded trade routes across Eurasia. The economy of Xinjiang, driven by abundant reserves of oil, gas, and minerals, is also bolstered as China’s top natural gas producer and a leading exporter of cotton.

With a population of about 25 million, Xinjiang’s largest groups include Uyghurs, Han Chinese, Kazakhs, and Hui. Islam is widely practiced among Uyghurs and Hui, while Buddhism and Taoism are common among Han.

Xinjiang is known for its wild horses, which attract tourists eager to experience the region’s unique landscapes and rich natural heritage. Photo: kitzcorner/iStock

“China’s third plenary session will have a major impact on global developments”

The modern China

The resolution adopted at the last CCP plenary session states that China will continue to help build a common future for humanity. This, together with the five principles of peaceful coexistence, should henceforth be the criterion for international relations, writes Stephen Brawer, Chairman of BRIX Sweden.

Published 7 August 2024
Great Hall of The People: this iconic building in Beijing hosts many important government meetings, including plenary sessions.
This is an opinion piece. The author is responsible for the views expressed in the article.

World history is being shaped by processes and events larger, more profound and more complex than most people can imagine. One such recent event was the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The resolution adopted at the plenum makes it clear China will continue to implement the Belt and Road Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan and redouble efforts to develop multilateral platforms for cooperation in green development, the digital economy, artificial intelligence, energy, taxation, finance, disaster mitigation, and other areas.

The third plenum also elaborated on how the CPC Central Committee has assessed China’s success and achievements in the new era, and emphasized the need to further deepen reform to advance Chinese modernization.

A new direction for global economic development.

Since the launch of reform and opening-up in 1978, China has made unprecedented, remarkable economic achievements. This, along with the Belt and Road Initiative, has helped the country chart a new direction for global economic development.

Incidentally, the initiative was proposed in 2013, the same year that the third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was held.

The resolution of the third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee states: “The present and the near future constitute a critical period for our endeavor to build a great country and move towards national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization … We must purposefully give more prominence to reform and further deepen reform comprehensively with a view to advancing Chinese modernization in order to deal with the complex developments both at home and abroad, adapt to the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and live up to the new expectations of our people”.

The emphasis on the need to pursue national rejuvenation and Chinese modernization, and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is a unique aspect of Chinese policymaking, with the latter having more profound philosophical aspects, referring to Confucius. Chinese civilization has a long history of making efforts to maintain social and political stability, and pursuing development based on the principle of common good.

Despite the many transformations of Chinese society over millenniums, the country has maintained its salient socioeconomic features, which have allowed it to remain a proud and cultured society.

The proposal of the top Chinese leader to build a moderately well-off society by 2020, as part of his “four comprehensives” for good governance, was realized on schedule, facilitating the country’s pursuit of national rejuvenation and Chinese modernization. On the other hand, the goal of building a high-standard socialist market economy by 2035 is a relatively long-term pursuit. All of this will lay a solid foundation for building China into a great modern socialist country by 2049, when the country will celebrate the centenary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Besides, the resolution of the third plenum makes it clear that, contrary to claims of some Western media and politicians, China has no intention of closing the door on the global economy. Instead, it will continue to open up its economy to the outside world.

It’s time the West changed its attitude and policy toward China for the sake of global common good.

However, the international landscape is becoming more complex, with the United States, the European Union and some other Western economies resorting to trade protectionism and non-cooperation with China. They prefer to cynically ignore what China has achieved over the past more than four decades and perceive China as a threat.

Their short-sightedness and general ignorance are shaped by the Hobbesian view of being the dominant force under what can be called the law of the jungle. They wish to dominate the global economy and global governance system by brute force because they lack the insight and long-term development policy necessary to achieve sustained development, eliminate poverty and continue to create new jobs. It’s time the West changed its attitude and policy toward China for the sake of global common good.

As the resolution of the third plenum says, China will continue to help build a community with a shared future for mankind. As such, building a community with a shared future for mankind, along with the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, should become the criterion for international relations.


Stephen Brawer,
Chairman of BRIX Sweden – Belt and Road Institute in Sweden

BRIX Sweden - the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, is a non-profit association formed by the organizers, speakers and participants of a seminar in Stockholm on 30 May 2018 on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its economic and strategic importance for Europe and Sweden. The seminar was jointly organized by the Schiller Institute and the China-Sweden Business Council.

BRIX members include entrepreneurs, economists and strategic experts with a wide range of expertise in Swedish and Chinese economic issues. Their common conclusion is that BRI is not only of importance for a good economic and political relationship between China and Sweden, but fundamentally beneficial for economic development and peace between all countries.

China launches first Internet network satellites

The modern China

Published 6 August 2024
– By Editorial Staff
Photo from previous launch at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Kelan County, Xinzhou, Shanxi Province.

China has taken a major step in the space race with the launch of its first satellites for the ‘G60 Starlink Plan’, a network of over 15 000 internet satellites to compete with SpaceX Starlink.

China has begun its ambitious G60 Starlink Plan project with the launch of its first satellites, an initiative that aims to build a constellation of over 15 000 low-orbit internet satellites. The project, led by state-owned Shanghai Spacecom Satellite Technology (SSST), started in 2023 and aims to offer global coverage by 2027 and complete the constellation by 2030, writes Business Insider.

The first batch of satellites was launched from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Shanxi province. The plan for 2024 includes the launch of 108 satellites, and 648 satellites are expected to be in orbit by the end of 2025.

A direct response to SpaceX Starlink

Starlink, which already has around 5 500 satellites in orbit and is used by many consumers, businesses and governments. The US counterpart has a big head start in its development of a global internet network via satellites.

The G60 Starlink Plan is part of China’s broader strategy to reduce dependence on foreign technology and strengthen its position in the space sector. The SSST project, also known as the ‘Thousand Sails Constellation’, is one of three major Chinese initiatives to build comprehensive satellite networks.

There are also military implications in this race to dominate space, which could affect the balance of power between countries. Chinese researchers within the People’s Liberation Army have studied SpaceX Starlink use during the conflict in Ukraine and expressed concerns about the security risks it could pose to China in a potential conflict with the United States.

China’s investment in the G60 Starlink Plan is not only a technological and economic project, but also part of its national security and geopolitical influence strategy. It remains to be seen how effectively China will be able to compete with SpaceX’s already established presence in space.