Russia: US plans coup attempt in Georgia

The new cold war

Published 27 August 2024
- By Editorial Staff
Pro-Western protests in Tbilisi earlier this year.

Russia’s SVR intelligence service says the Americans are preparing to stage a so-called “color revolution” in Georgia to prevent the ruling party, Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia, from winning elections this fall.

While this is not the first time that warnings of a foreign-initiated revolution or coup have been issued, the SVR says that the White House is “extremely dissatisfied with the landscape in Georgia” and is said to be planning to release alleged evidence of how the Georgian elections were rigged, reject the election results as illegitimate, and demand a change of power.

The White House’s actions are expected to lead to widespread and sometimes violent pro-Western protests, which are expected to be met with violence by Georgian law enforcement. The Americans are said to be ready to exploit this politically and propagandistically, which could lead to even more widespread unrest, domestic and international pressure, and the eventual resignation of the government.

They point out that violent activists are consistently described as “peaceful citizens” subject to state repression for pursuing freedom, democracy and similar ideals.

The SVR also states that “Georgian pro-Western non-governmental organizations are recruiting a large number of people to closely monitor the voting process. They are tasked with identifying and recording ‘imminent facts’ of the authorities’ use of administrative resources even if they do not exist”.

“Washington is providing additional funding for local opposition youth associations, which are expected to become the ‘locomotive’ of post-election protests”, it continues.

“Controlling the opposition”

“the Georgian opposition forces controlled by Washington remain fragmented despite American efforts, and the coalitions they create remain very fragile”, it adds, considering it highly likely that Georgian Dream will win the elections.

“As a result, the US fears that the politicians will have their hands untied to continue their sovereign course, refusing to fulfill the West’s demands which run in direct opposition to Georgia’s national interests”.

The White House is said to believe that such a scenario is “unacceptable” and therefore intends to “turn up the heat on the Georgian authorities on a large scale in the remaining weeks before the elections in order to weaken the electoral position of Georgian Dream as much as possible”.

Washington is also said to be ready to impose personal sanctions on the party’s leadership, their family members and party sponsors.

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