At last week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Argentina’s libertarian president Javier Milei gave a fiery speech condemning what he called the “mental virus of woke ideology” that is dominating and destroying the West.
– This is the great epidemic of our time that must be cured. This is the cancer we need to get rid of, he proclaimed.
The Argentine leader argued that the fundamental values of Western civilization, such as respect for life and liberty, freedom of expression and freedom of religion, made possible the industrial revolution that lifted “90% of the global population out of poverty”.
At the same time, he sees “woke” as the disease that will destroy everything the people of the West hold dear.
– This ideology has colonized the world’s most important institutions – from the political parties and governments of leading Western nations to global governance organizations, even NGOs, universities and media outlets.
– Western civilization – and even the human species – will not be able to return to the path of progress demanded by our pioneering spirit. It is essential to break these ideological chains if we want to usher in a new golden age, he continued.
“They are pedophiles”
Milei also did not hold back when talking about gender ideology. He strongly criticized the left for its radical policies in this area and denounced leaders who are “attempting to impose the idea that women are men and men are women simply based on self-perception”.
– They say nothing about when a man dresses as a woman and kills his opponent in a boxing ring, or when a male prison inmate claims to be a woman and ends up sexually assaulting women in prison.
Milei cited the example of a same-sex couple in Georgia who were jailed last month for abusing and selling their adopted boys to a pedophile ring.
– I want to be clear when I say abuse. This is no euphemism, because in its most extreme forms, gender ideology is outright child abuse. They are pedophiles, the President declared.
“Will be condemned”
The transgender movement and the fact that many states now allow children to undergo gender reassignment treatments were also harshly criticized.
– Healthy children are being irreversibly harmed through hormone treatments and mutilation, as if a 5-year-old child could possibly consent to such things, and should their family not agree to this, there will always be state agents ready to step in in favor of what they call the best interests of the child.
– Only now are we beginning to see the effects of an entire generation that has mutilated their bodies, encouraged by a culture of sexual relativism, and these people will have to spend their entire lives in psychiatric treatment to cope with what they have done to themselves. Yet no one dares to speak about these issues.

An outspoken pro-Israel libertarian, Milei became president in 2023 and says he is optimistic about his country’s future. However, he is very worried about what will happen to the West as a whole if the institutionalized cultural Marxist ideology is not fought.
– Believe me, the scandalous experiments in the name of this criminal ideology will be condemned and likened to those committed in the darkest periods in our history, he predicts.
“A collective suicide”
The eccentric leader also argued that immigration is actually a very good and necessary thing – and what built both the US and Argentina. Today, however, the wrong kind of migrants are coming – something that risks bringing down the entire Western world.
– Since the West is supposedly the root cause of all of the world’s evils in history, it must redeem itself by opening its borders to everyone, which leads to a form of reverse colonization that resembles collective suicide.

– So, this is how we now see images of hordes of immigrants who abuse, assault, or even kill European citizens, whose only sin was not adhering to a particular religion. But when someone questions these situations, they are immediately labelled racists, xenophobic or even Nazis, he states.