Kristersson pledges continued support for Ukraine and NATO at globalist meeting

The new cold war

Published 21 June 2023
- By Editorial Staff
Ulf Kristersson declared that the US deserves the EU's continued loyalty.

During this year’s edition of the Soros-funded European Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Stockholm, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson gave a speech in which he promised that continued Swedish support for Ukraine is a “top priority”. He declared, among other things, that Sweden will contribute significantly to the NATO military alliance and that EU countries should continue to work closely with the US.

Kristersson noted that China has changed dramatically since the 1970s in almost all areas and that Chinese companies are “conquering the world” – something which, according to the Swedish Prime Minister, is not all good.

– The West and other free market democracies did not realize, I think, the full implications of facing the world’s first economically successful authoritarian non-democracy in modern times. It’s a dramatic change in the way we look at the world. For too long we thought that democracy was the only path to material success. We were obviously wrong. Now China is becoming increasingly repressive at home and assertive abroad.

Ulf Kristersson stresses that China’s development has forced the world’s democracies to work harder to be “competitive and to remain attractive in our role in future geopolitics”.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister argued that “transatlantic unity” is of the utmost importance and thanked the US for its “deep commitment” to the European continent. He proclaimed that the EU should respond to US “support” by showing engagement in the Pacific region, where the US is in conflict with China.

Kristersson also declared that continued support for Ukraine remains one of his highest priorities and that it is something that his party, the Moderate Party, has been focusing on.

We decided to get rid of an almost bizarre legacy of not being able to support a country with military equipment when they need weapons the most. Instead, we have gathered an almost unanimous Parliament to approve 11 military aid packages so far.

“Brave” NATO lobbyists

The staunchly pro-NATO Kristersson describes it as a “milestone” that Sweden has recently abandoned 200 years of neutrality to apply for membership of the military alliance, claiming that with this Sweden has gone “from neutrality to solidarity”.

– It is indeed a question of pragmatic realism and I certainly respect those who could change their minds about NATO when it was simply necessary. But it is also a question of values, so I also honor those brave Swedes who advocated for NATO membership at a time when they received nothing but derision in response.

As a NATO member, Kristersson promises that Sweden will not only seek support from other member states, but also offer increased security in the region. This is because it has geographical advantages both on land and at sea and can become a link between allies in the East and in the Atlantic.

We are strong in the air and below the surface in the Baltic Sea and we know a lot about Russia, not least through exceptional radar capabilities. Our capabilities will make the Alliance stronger. This is our firm conviction.

Continued support to Ukraine

Regarding the Swedish EU Presidency, Kristersson argued that Europe must become “greener, safer and freer” and that the focus is primarily on continued support for Ukraine – and that Ukraine’s future is as a member of the EU. The focus is also on continued cooperation with the US in all areas, he stressed.

In all these aspects of cooperation, from defense to trade and climate, transatlantic cooperation is and should be a cornerstone for the EU.

Regarding China, the Swedish Prime Minister added that he is also concerned about the country’s AI development and how it could be used for mass control of the population. He also lamented the liberalization of China that he and many others in the West hoped for but which never happened.

– The consequences of China’s development will also have a crucial impact on other parts of the world. We would welcome a role for China in a solution to restore Ukraine’s territorial integrity and end Russia’s illegal aggression. But we are not naive about the long-term partnership between China and Russia, he said, adding that China should not support Russia in its war against Ukraine.

Kristersson is also clear that he wants Sweden and the EU countries to clearly take the side of the US – referring to the fact that the US is a democracy, while China is not.

Those who now say why we should have to choose sides between China and the US are simply asking the wrong questions of themselves. As Europeans, we should formulate our own open but firm strategy, but also rely on long-lasting and strong partnerships with the US and other democracies.

Facts: Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations, or CFR, is an influential globalist lobbying group that has often been described as a de facto permanent government-like institution in the United States. For many years, the CFR has brought together the most influential politicians from both the Democratic and Republican parties to discuss policy issues with financial and business leaders.

Its European chapter ECFR was founded in 2007 and has offices in seven European capitals (London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia and Warsaw). Its council has over 300 members and includes former prime ministers, presidents, the European Commission and a variety of business figures and lobbyists. One of the more well-known funders of the Europe Project is ultra-globalist George Soros who, through his Open Society Foundations, donated seed money when the organization was first launched.

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