Swedish government opens for revocation of citizenship

Published 25 November 2023
- By Editorial Staff
Gunnar Strömmer personally sees no obstacles to making certain citizens stateless.

The Swedish government, backed by the Sweden Democrats, has promised to take tough action against immigrant-related crime and now wants to examine the possibility of revoking citizenship – even in cases where the person in question does not have citizenship in any country other than Sweden.

The proposal primarily affects people who are either described as “systemic threats” or who have cheated or threatened their way to Swedish citizenship.

According to Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer of the Moderate Party, the government will now examine the actual possibilities of depriving these criminals of their citizenship.

– We are looking at two concrete situations, one is when someone has committed serious crimes that threaten the system, such as terrorism. The other situation is when someone has threatened or bribed their way to citizenship or given false information, he says in an interview with state-funded Swedish Radio.

“I see no obstacles”

According to Strömmer, it should be possible to revoke the citizenship of criminals, even if it means rendering them stateless – especially if the person in question has threatened their way to citizenship or knowingly provided false information.

– It is legally possible… I personally see no obstacles to it, but it is under investigation and we will see what that investigation comes up with, he continues.

The investigation is expected to be completed in a little over a year. Exactly how one would go about deporting someone when there is no receiving country is something the minister of justice is currently unable to answer.

The Sweden Democrats have previously advocated this type of measure, and the Moderate Party’s support on this issue is seen as a significant partial victory for the party.

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