
Report: More migrants should get financial help to return home

Migration crisis in Europe

Published 16 August 2024
– By Editorial Staff
Minister for Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard (M).

More immigrants should be able to receive financial support to return to their home countries, a new report suggests, including immigrants who have become Swedish citizens.

In October last year, the government launched a study on how to make it easier for immigrants to return to their home countries. The focus will be on people who have not been properly integrated into society.

In Sweden, since 1984, those wishing to return have been able to apply for financial support of up to SEK 10,000 per person, with a limit of SEK 40,000 per family, as well as some compensation for travel expenses.

The report, which was presented to Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) on Tuesday, suggests that immigrants who have become Swedish citizens should be able to apply for a repatriation grant, and that those who immigrated as relatives should also be able to apply for the support. It is also proposed to simplify and clarify the rules for financial support.

– It is good that those who want to return voluntarily are offered support, including financial support, but this support has not been a priority for many years, which means that few people are aware of it, says Malmer Stenergard.

“Would facilitate integration”

On the other hand, the report suggests that the subsidy should not be increased at this time, which has been criticized by the Sweden Democrats.

– We believe that this would make integration easier. If more people who actually cannot become part of Swedish society, or do not want to become part of Swedish society, actually have the opportunity and the conditions to return, says SD MP Nima Gholam Ali Pour to the tax-funded SVT.

The inquiry report will now be reviewed by the Swedish government.

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