This year, a record number of people have applied for financial help for Christmas, according to Gothenburg City Mission (Göteborgs Stadsmission). The number of applicants has increased by 38% compared to last year.
Every year, Göteborgs Stadsmission supports families with children who are struggling to cope financially during Christmas. The help can consist of, for example, Christmas gifts or gift cards for food. According to Eva Barron, who works at the City Mission, the pressure this year has been exceptionally high.
– These are families who are just getting by or even going broke every month. They can’t save up for Christmas, she says to TT and continues:
– People aren’t asking for an abundance, but maybe a Christmas ham or a gift to give away.
Not enough for everyone
Christmas is a particularly difficult time for many families, says Barron. When children don’t get school meals during the holidays, it often creates extra pressure at home, which can lead to parents having to cut back on their own meals. In addition, the expectation of Christmas gifts and better food adds to the financial burden, which can force some families to forgo things like medication or stock up on canned goods to make ends meet.
This year, the City Mission plans to help around 1,600 families in Gothenburg. However, despite the increased fundraising, many will have their applications rejected.
– The collection has gone well, so we have been able to expand a little. But we still have to make a selection and take those who have it the hardest, says Barron.