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Polaris of Enlightenment


Peter tried to recover Caritas’ body from the Estonia shipwreck – illegally stopped by authorities

Estonia ferry disaster

Published 29 September 2024
– By Editorial Staff
Peter Barasinski on his way to recover the body of his wife Carita from the Estonia.

On December 15, 1994, Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson announced in the Swedish Parliament that the passenger ship M/S Estonia and the dead would remain at the bottom of the sea. For Peter Barasinski, the news meant that he would not be able to bury his wife, Carita. He decided to take matters into his own hands and took money from his own private coffers to pay for an expedition to recover her body from the wreck – something that would not be appreciated by the Swedish authorities.

On September 28, 1994, the M/S Estonia was en route from Tallinn to Stockholm when the passenger liner suddenly sank in dramatic circumstances. There were 989 people on board at the time of the disaster, 852 of whom died.

Peter and Carita Barasinski both worked on the Estonia, where Peter was a steward and Carita trained the service staff. They loved to travel, and before they got married, they traveled the world together. Their future plan was to buy a restaurant together and Carita was writing a mystery novel.

Carita’s father Lasse Johnsen says that they had talked about what they would do if someone died at sea.

– They had promised each other to take each other’s bodies and, if others did not, to pick up the body and bury it properly, says Lasse.

Peter and Carita traveled around the world before they got married.

On that fateful night, only Carita was on board, Peter was off duty that day. When the ship sank, Carita and many others went down with it.

In the wake of the tragedy, the Swedish government made an early announcement that it would do everything possible to salvage the ship with the dead on board.

Investigators from the company Rockwater then conducted dives to the wreck and on December 12, 1994, submitted a report to the Swedish authorities concluding that it would be possible to recover many of the dead without difficulty and that it would be entirely possible to salvage the wreck in its entirety. On the same day, however, the so-called Ethical Council made its recommendation to the government, stating that it would be best to leave the wreck and the dead at the bottom of the sea.

On December 15, 1994, then Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson announced the government’s decision: the ship and the bodies would remain at sea forever.

– The question of whether or not to salvage the ship can be assessed from several angles: there are all the practical problems and ethical issues. But there are also the wishes of individual people, relatives, who each in their own way mourn their loved ones. So there is no reason to delay a decision. The relatives and everyone else have a right to a decision, even if it will be met with despair by some. The decision of the Swedish government is that the passenger ferry M/S Estonia with the dead will remain at sea, said Ingvar Carlsson in front of many grieving relatives.

Peter mourns his wife at the graveside, but her body is still on the Estonia.

Shortly thereafter, the Prime Minister announced that the wreck would also be covered with a concrete sarcophagus, allegedly to honor the dead and prevent looters from desecrating a grave site. At a meeting between relatives and government officials regarding the decision to cover the M/S Estonia and the dead with concrete, government officials are met with loud protests.

– I think the important thing is to try to show respect for the government’s decision from the beginning, says one government representative, to ironic laughter from the audience.

– You talk about respect, I think it’s disrespectful to cast people in concrete, replied a relative.

In the spring of 1995, Estonia, Sweden and Finland signed a peace treaty. The treaty banned all diving activities around the ship and came into force on July 1, 1995.

When Peter realized that the government would not claim the dead, he had a thought: I must do it myself. Unable to accept that his wife would remain in a concrete shell at sea, he wanted to keep his promise to her.

– When it became clear that the ship would not be salvaged, Peter vowed that he would pick up her body, says Lasse.

Caritas father Lasse Johnsen

Peter began planning his operation in early 1995. Thanks to insurance money, he can afford to finance the operation. Peter wanted to do everything legally, so it had to be done before the Peace Burial Law came into effect.

He managed to get the right coordinates to find the ship, and with the help of a German boat, he went to the shipwreck site, well prepared for the operation. Peter had talked to Carita’s surviving friends, who told him what her end looked like, and he knew exactly where she was.

– He had worked on the ship himself and knew exactly what it looked like. So it was no problem at all to try to find her, says Lasse.

Peter’s expedition arrived at the site a few days before July 1, 1995, so by law he had every right to be there to bring his wife home. However, the government has been alerted to his expedition and in response sends out the icebreaker Ale, which tells Peter that what he is doing is illegal and threatens him to leave.

The icebreaker Ale tries to interrupt Peter’s expedition.

Peter does not listen and continues as planned. Then Ale gets closer to their ship and starts making so-called “jamming waves” to stop them, which is prohibited by international law. Finally, Peter has no choice but to give up.

Before he leaves, he throws a bouquet of flowers into the sea, devastated at having to leave his wife at the bottom of the ocean.

Peter Barasinski died of cancer in 2006 and lies alone in his grave today.

– I thought I was a citizen of a civilized country, but apparently I am not, because the state does not want to take care of its citizens. I think that if Carita’s body had been returned and buried in the grave we have and where Peter now lies alone, it would have meant peace for us, says Lasse.

The article and pictures are referenced from Henrik Evertsson’s new documentary “Estonia: Fyndet som förändrar allt” (“Estonia: The discovery that changes everything”) which can be seen on Dplay.

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Relatives and survivors of the Estonia disaster call for murder investigation

Estonia ferry disaster

Published 24 September 2024
– By Editorial Staff
Life raft from M/S Estonia.

Survivors and relatives are calling for a preliminary investigation into the alleged murders of those who died when the Estonia sank in 1994. Among other things, they want the bodies to be returned for examination and investigate who is responsible for the ship not being seaworthy.

After the documentary Estonia – the discovery that changed everything (Estonia – fyndet som ändrar allt), revealed a large hole in the hull of the ship that was previously unknown to the public, there have been calls to re-examine the incident. The heavily criticized Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (Statens haverikommission – SHK) conducted new investigations into the sinking, but maintained that there would have been no explosion or collision with another ship that could have caused the large hole in the hull.

Now 14 survivors and some 20 relatives are demanding that the Attorney General initiate a preliminary investigation of murder regarding the 852 people who died when the ferry sank, Ekot reports.

– We turn to the highest instance in the judiciary to possibly get an answer to alleviate the suffering endured by all the relatives and survivors, says Anders Eriksson, one of the survivors.

No judicial review of the incident has been conducted. However, in 2020, the Swedish Prosecution Authority received a request to reopen the previously closed preliminary investigation into the sinking of the M/S Estonia or to initiate a new one. In February this year, the authority announced its decision not to proceed with the request.

The ship is under what’s called “griftefrid” which loosely translates to “sanctity of the grave”, a Swedish law that requires the protection of burial sites. As a result, relatives have not been allowed to bring their deceased home for burial, but now they want the police and prosecutors to take care of some of the well-preserved bodies found near the wreck.

Since there are bodies lying outside the wreck that are intact, we have been told after the Accident Authority has been out diving, but they are not tasked with recovering any bodies or taking care of the dead in any way, so a police report is needed, says Linnea Karlsson, who lost her mother in the disaster.

Furthermore, it is believed that prosecutors should investigate which other ships were in the vicinity when the Estonia sank, where the reported missing persons are and who is responsible for the ship not being seaworthy.

The M/S Estonia sank on September 28, 1994 with 989 people on board, 852 of whom died. The incident is considered one of the world’s worst maritime disasters since the Second World War.

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