In an op-ed in the Bonnier-owned Expressen, Sweden Democrat leader Jimmie Åkesson argues that the Swedish people are being replaced and that Sweden as we know it is about to disappear and be replaced by something completely different.
“My Europe builds walls, against illegal immigration, against Islamism and – against population replacement”, he declares.
“It is fair to say that the ideological paradigm shift of the 1970s – from homogeneity and assimilation to multiculturalism – has in practice had demographic consequences that in the long run will lead to a population replacement in Sweden”, he writes.
The SD leader is careful to point out that “the left-liberal gunk” often claims that the population exchange theory is a “racist and right-wing conspiracy theory” – but insists that he is “neither a racist nor a conspiracy theorist”.
Åkesson is also clear that it is not the ethnic dimension that is of interest when defining a people, but rather culture, traditions, values and morals.
“You can of course formulate this in different ways, but an important point is that it is not about skin color or other biological characteristics. I and the Sweden Democrats stand for an open Swedishness”, he emphasizes.
“Clans dominate Swedish neighborhoods”
“Large-scale immigration to Sweden from culturally distant countries over the past fifty years, combined with publicly sanctioned and subsidized multiculturalism, has led to a decline in the proportion of the population with a Swedish identity. A large and rapidly growing part of the population has other cultural frames of reference and other views, values and norms than those that have formed the basis of our society”, he writes.
Mitt Europa bygger murar mot folkutbyte
"De senaste femtio årens stora invandring till Sverige från kulturellt avlägsna länder, i kombination med offentligt sanktionerad och subventionerad mångkulturalism, har resulterat i att andelen av befolkningen med svensk identitet…
— Sverigedemokraterna (@sdriks) June 3, 2024
According to the SD leader, demographic change has “immediate and visible consequences” – including the disappearance of trust, cohesion and solidarity, and the “division of the country through segregation”.
“We see these consequences every day in the form of crime, welfare erosion, housing shortages, unemployment, and demonstrations and clashes between groups supporting different sides in distant wars. The changes have also led to gangs and clans dominating entire neighborhoods, and people more loyal to their group than to society finding their way into government and politics, as well as welfare and business”, he continues, adding that this is only “the beginning of a total collapse of the Sweden most of us still remember”.
Soon, according to Åkesson, Swedes will be “forced to make cultural adjustments” that they have neither asked for nor desired, and they will be “forced to become less Swedish” as culture disappears and Swedish society is replaced by something completely different.
Not just a Swedish phenomenon
He also stresses that this is not a uniquely Swedish phenomenon – the situation is similar in many other European countries, and Brussels is where migration policy is largely decided.
Åkesson says the current EU elections have “great significance for our ability to reverse the trend” and urges Swedes to vote for the party in order to reverse the trend.
“The strictest possible immigration policy, tough demands for adaptation and incentives for re-immigration are the necessary response to decades of irresponsible and clueless policies. My Europe builds walls, against illegal immigration, against Islamism and – against the poplutaion exchange”.
Vänsterliberalerna är så infernaliskt förutsägbara. Trots att jag närmast övertydligt deklarerat att jag inte tror på någon sådan – och trots att jag i dagens debattartikel ger en klar beskrivning av vad jag menar med begreppet folkutbyte – så maler de unisont på med påståenden…
— Jimmie Åkesson (@jimmieakesson) June 3, 2024