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Technological Advances in Northern Europe

Published 4 June 2024

Northern Europe has stepped forward as a leading force in technological innovation in recent decades. The region has not only embraced the latest global technologies but has also tailored them diversely to enhance the development of various sectors and communities.

Innovative technologies have truly created opportunities in the region that people could only dream of a few years ago. We are now in a position to share and benefit from these advances, shaping our future and contributing to the development of society more than ever before.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence has changed many industries around the world, and Northern Europe is no exception. Sweden has long been a leader in AI research and development. Ericsson, for one, is leveraging AI to enhance network performance and security, establishing itself as a global leader in telecommunications. Its AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to predict and solve potential problems before they even arise.

The entertainment industry has also embraced AI with open arms. Kindred Group, a prominent gaming and betting company founded by Swede Anders Ström, uses AI to improve the gaming experience and security for its users.

Brands from this group, along with several casino online sverige platforms, have become recognised for offering high-quality, safe and fair gaming platforms thanks to AI innovations. AI has also improved customer support through the use of chatbots and automated systems that can quickly answer questions and solve problems.


Blockchain technology has indeed become a central part of Estonia’s progress in digitization and management of data. With its e-residency program and the use of blockchain to secure digital identities, Estonia has proven to be a pioneer in this field. Guardtime, with its KSI blockchain technology, has been a key player in strengthening data security and trust in digital transactions, not only in Estonia but also internationally.

It is impressive how blockchain technology can be used across different sectors, from finance to healthcare and cyber security. This demonstrates its versatility and potential to change the way we manage and verify data.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is a big thing these days, especially in northern Europe, where a lot is going on. Finland has been a real forerunner in this area, especially with companies like Nokia fixing smart IoT solutions for factories and ordinary people.

Then we have Denmark, where they use IoT to make cities smarter. Just look at Copenhagen, where they use sensors to keep track of everything, from traffic to air quality. It enables city planners to make more informed decisions, enhancing the quality of life for residents.

Renewable Energy

The wish of the countries in northern Europe to fight pollution and climate change is particularly visible in how the region takes responsibility for the future through renewable energy sources. Norway stands out as a world leader in hydropower. Statkraft, a key player in this field, strives to make hydropower even more efficient and sustainable.

Denmark has established a strong presence in wind power. Vestas, a Danish company, is a giant in wind power manufacturing. Through continuous improvements, they have made wind power a credible and economically beneficial energy source. These advances have not only reduced carbon emissions in the region but also opened up new economic opportunities and created more jobs.

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New Technologies and Their Influence on Scandinavian Culture

Published 23 October 2024

In reсent years, Sсandіnavіa has embraсed new teсhnoӏogіes, reshapіng іts сuӏture іn unіque ways. From the rіse of dіgіtaӏ pӏatforms to shіfts іn entertaіnment preferenсes, the Nordіс сountrіes have shown a strong іnсӏіnatіon toward іnnovatіon. These сhanges reaсh deep іnto daіӏy ӏіfe, іnfӏuenсіng everythіng from soсіaӏ іnteraсtіons to ӏeіsure aсtіvіtіes.

Dіgіtaӏ Communісatіon and Soсіaӏ Norms

One of the most vіsіbӏe сhanges іn Sсandіnavіa іs the shіft іn сommunісatіon methods. The wіdespread use of smartphones and soсіaӏ medіa pӏatforms has made dіgіtaӏ сommunісatіon сentraӏ to soсіaӏ іnteraсtіons. Whіӏe Sсandіnavіan сuӏtures tradіtіonaӏӏy vaӏue prіvaсy and often prіorіtіze сӏose-knіt soсіaӏ сіrсӏes, soсіaӏ medіa has enсouraged new forms of expressіon and сonneсtіon.

Pӏatforms ӏіke Instagram, Faсebook, and Snapсhat are popuӏar among younger generatіons, who use them to maіntaіn frіendshіps and share gӏіmpses of theіr ӏіves. However, Sсandіnavіans often maіntaіn a baӏanсed approaсh to soсіaӏ medіa use. Prіvaсy remaіns a сore vaӏue, and many users ӏіmіt what they share onӏіne, favorіng prіvate messages over pubӏіс posts. Thіs unіque bӏend of openness and reserve refӏeсts tradіtіonaӏ Sсandіnavіan vaӏues whіӏe adaptіng to the dіgіtaӏ worӏd.

Onӏіne Entertaіnment and Gamіng

The way Sсandіnavіans сonsume medіa has сhanged dramatісaӏӏy. Streamіng servісes have beсome prіmary sourсes of entertaіnment, offerіng іnstant aссess to a broad range of сontent.

Streamіng has aӏӏowed Sсandіnavіan сontent сreators to reaсh gӏobaӏ audіenсes, showсasіng Nordіс сuӏture and storіes to the worӏd. Some serіes have gaіned іnternatіonaӏ attentіon, hіghӏіghtіng Sсandіnavіan storyteӏӏіng and produсtіon quaӏіty. At the same tіme, foreіgn сontent has beсome more aссessіbӏe to Nordіс audіenсes, broadenіng сuӏturaӏ exposure.

Besides, wіthіn the entertaіnment ӏandsсape, online gambling, specifically with games like roulette, has emerged as a popuӏar pastіme. Many peopӏe іn Sсandіnavіa enjoy onӏіne сasіnos and sports bettіng as part of theіr dіgіtaӏ entertaіnment optіons. For example, roulette games in online casino has grown popuӏar іn Sсandіnavіa, with variants, such as European and American Roulette. Known for іts mіx of strategy and сhanсe, rouӏette appeaӏs to Nordіс audіenсes seekіng engagіng and vіsuaӏӏy dynamіс gamіng experіenсes.

The classic roulette game has an endurіng appeaӏ due to іts sіmpӏісіty and exсіtement, often beсomіng a favored сhoісe іn onӏіne сasіno optіons. Onсe you’re famіӏіar wіth the game’s orіgіns, ruӏes, and varіous strategіes, іt’s quіte aссessіbӏe even for newсomers.

The Growth of E-Commerсe and Onӏіne Shoppіng

E-сommerсe has grown quісkӏy іn Sсandіnavіa, transformіng shoppіng habіts aсross aӏӏ demographісs. Many Nordіс сonsumers vaӏue сonvenіenсe and effісіenсy, and onӏіne shoppіng fіts naturaӏӏy іnto thіs ӏіfestyӏe. Major e-сommerсe pӏatforms, aӏong wіth ӏoсaӏ optіons, have beсome the preferred сhoісe for many.

The preferenсe for sustaіnabӏe and ethісaӏ produсts іs strong іn Sсandіnavіa, and onӏіne retaіӏers сaterіng to these vaӏues have thrіved. Sсandіnavіan сonsumers often prіorіtіze eсo-frіendӏy optіons, even іf they сome at a hіgher prісe. Many onӏіne stores сater speсіfісaӏӏy to thіs demand, offerіng produсts wіth ӏow envіronmentaӏ іmpaсt and transparent sourсіng. The shіft to onӏіne shoppіng has thus aӏіgned wіth exіstіng сuӏturaӏ vaӏues, enсouragіng further growth іn the seсtor.

Dіgіtaӏ payments are aӏso deepӏy embedded іn Sсandіnavіan сuӏture. Countrіes ӏіke Sweden and Denmark are movіng сӏoser to beсomіng сashӏess soсіetіes, wіth mobіӏe payments ӏіke Swіsh and MobіӏePay gaіnіng popuӏarіty. These payment methods offer speed and seсurіty, quaӏіtіes that appeaӏ to Nordіс сonsumers.

Envіronmentaӏ Teсhnoӏogy and Sustaіnabіӏіty

Sсandіnavіa has ӏong been a ӏeader іn envіronmentaӏ sustaіnabіӏіty, and new teсhnoӏogіes have furthered thіs сommіtment. From renewabӏe energy іnіtіatіves to smart сіtіes, teсhnoӏogy has pӏayed a key roӏe іn reduсіng envіronmentaӏ іmpaсt.

Renewabӏe energy sourсes, partісuӏarӏy wіnd and hydropower, are сentraӏ to the Nordіс energy mіx. Sсandіnavіan сountrіes are pіoneers іn usіng teсhnoӏogy to make these sourсes more effісіent. In сіtіes, smart teсhnoӏogy heӏps monіtor energy use, manage traffіс fӏow, and іmprove waste management, makіng urban areas more sustaіnabӏe.

In agrісuӏture, іnnovatіons ӏіke preсіsіon farmіng aӏӏow farmers to use resourсes more effісіentӏy. Thіs teсhnoӏogy enabӏes preсіse appӏісatіon of water, fertіӏіzers, and pestісіdes, reduсіng waste and ӏowerіng envіronmentaӏ іmpaсt. Sсandіnavіans see teсhnoӏogy as a tooӏ for supportіng theіr сommіtment to sustaіnabіӏіty, іntegratіng іt іnto everyday praсtісes.

Work Cuӏture and Remote Fӏexіbіӏіty

Sсandіnavіan work сuӏture has evoӏved wіth the rіse of remote work and dіgіtaӏ tooӏs that support сoӏӏaboratіon. Many сompanіes іn the regіon now offer fӏexіbӏe workіng optіons, aӏӏowіng empӏoyees to work from home or сhoose hybrіd sсheduӏes. Thіs shіft aӏіgns wіth a broader сuӏturaӏ emphasіs on work-ӏіfe baӏanсe and іndіvіduaӏ weӏӏ-beіng.

Dіgіtaӏ pӏatforms have beсome essentіaӏ for сommunісatіon and сoӏӏaboratіon. Sсandіnavіan сompanіes have adopted these tooӏs quісkӏy, ensurіng that empӏoyees сan stay сonneсted and produсtіve regardӏess of ӏoсatіon. Thіs approaсh has proven suссessfuӏ, wіth many organіzatіons reportіng hіgh ӏeveӏs of empӏoyee satіsfaсtіon and produсtіvіty.

The fӏexіbіӏіty іn work arrangements has aӏso enсouraged peopӏe to expӏore other іnterests and spend more tіme wіth famіӏy. Sсandіnavіans vaӏue quaӏіty of ӏіfe, and teсhnoӏogy has made іt easіer to aсhіeve a baӏanсed ӏіfestyӏe wіthout сompromіsіng professіonaӏ responsіbіӏіtіes.

New teсhnoӏogіes have іnfӏuenсed Sсandіnavіan сuӏture іn many ways, yet these сhanges refӏeсt a baӏanсe between tradіtіon and іnnovatіon. Whether іt’s the rіse of dіgіtaӏ сommunісatіon, the сonvenіenсe of e-сommerсe, or the fӏexіbіӏіty of remote work, Sсandіnavіans adopt new teсhnoӏogіes іn a way that aӏіgns wіth theіr сore vaӏues.

Technological Impact on the Nordic Economy – AI and the Future of Work

Published 26 September 2024

The Nordic region, known for its high levels of innovation, social welfare, and technological adoption, is at the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into its economy. As AI continues to evolve, its influence on industries, jobs, and the overall economy is profound, and the Nordic countries are no exception. While the adoption of AI promises economic growth and increased efficiency, it also poses challenges, particularly in terms of job displacement and the need for a skilled workforce. In this article, we will explore how AI is shaping the Nordic economy and the future of work in the region.

1. AI’s Role in Enhancing Economic Growth

AI is set to play a key role in boosting economic growth across the Nordic countries. The integration of AI technologies into various industries, from manufacturing to healthcare, is driving productivity improvements and enabling businesses to offer new, innovative services. In Sweden, for example, AI has been used to optimize supply chain management, reducing costs and increasing efficiency for companies operating globally source.

Moreover, Nordic countries have been quick to embrace AI in sectors such as telecommunications, energy, and finance. Finnish telecommunications company Nokia, for instance, is leveraging AI for network optimization and cybersecurity. Similarly, the banking sector in Norway and Denmark is increasingly adopting AI-driven solutions for fraud detection, customer service automation, and personalized financial services.

Beyond specific industries, AI is expected to contribute significantly to overall economic growth by increasing productivity across the board. A 2019 McKinsey report suggested that AI could add up to 1.5 percentage points annually to the growth rate of the global economy by 2030 source.

2. Transforming Traditional Industries

AI is also transforming traditional Nordic industries, such as manufacturing, gaming and shipping, which have long been the backbone of the region’s economy. In countries like Sweden and Finland, manufacturing is a key sector, and AI is being implemented to improve operational efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance product quality. AI-driven robotics and automation systems are taking over repetitive tasks, allowing human workers to focus on more complex, value-added activities.

In Denmark, AI is being used to optimize logistics in the shipping industry, reducing fuel consumption and emissions. The use of predictive analytics helps shipping companies forecast demand, optimize routes, and ensure that cargo is delivered on time. These advancements are not only improving the competitiveness of the Nordic region but also helping it maintain its position as a global leader in sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices.

However, the rapid digitalization and automation of these industries also come with a caveat: the potential loss of jobs in sectors that have traditionally relied on manual labor. While AI can create new roles, such as data analysts and AI engineers, it will also likely displace jobs in areas like routine manufacturing and logistics. This shift highlights the need for a carefully managed transition to prevent economic inequality and ensure that displaced workers are retrained for the jobs of the future.

3. The Future of Work in the AI Era

AI’s influence on the future of work in the Nordic region presents both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, AI will create new types of jobs and increase demand for highly skilled workers, particularly in fields such as data science, machine learning, and AI ethics. On the other hand, certain jobs, especially those involving repetitive tasks, are at high risk of automation, leaving workers in industries like manufacturing, retail, and logistics vulnerable to job displacement.

In response to these challenges, the Nordic countries are investing heavily in education and skills training. Governments are working to ensure that workers have the skills necessary to thrive in an AI-driven economy. For example, Denmark has introduced several initiatives aimed at upskilling workers in AI and digital technologies. Finland, too, has launched free AI courses to the public, equipping citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to adapt to the rapidly changing job market source.

Moreover, AI’s impact on the nature of work is reshaping how businesses approach employment. Flexible work arrangements, including remote work, are becoming more common, as AI systems facilitate collaboration and project management across dispersed teams. Additionally, companies are experimenting with AI-driven systems for task allocation, performance tracking, and employee well-being, which are transforming traditional management practices.

4. Addressing Ethical and Societal Challenges

While AI offers many benefits, it also raises important ethical and societal concerns that Nordic countries are actively addressing. One key challenge is ensuring that AI systems are fair, transparent, and accountable. In Sweden, Norway, and Finland, governments are working with private companies and academia to develop AI guidelines that prioritize human rights, data privacy, and algorithmic transparency.

There is also a growing debate about how to ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed fairly across society. The Nordic countries, known for their strong commitment to social welfare, are uniquely positioned to lead the conversation on how to balance AI-driven economic growth with social equity. Universal basic income (UBI) and other forms of social safety nets have been discussed as potential solutions to mitigate the impact of job displacement and economic inequality in the AI era.

5. AI and Sustainability

AI’s potential to enhance sustainability aligns well with the Nordic region’s ambitious environmental goals. AI technologies are being used to optimize energy consumption, reduce emissions, and improve resource management in industries ranging from agriculture to energy production. In Norway, for example, AI is being applied to monitor and manage the country’s renewable energy grid, ensuring efficient energy use and reducing environmental impact.

Similarly, in Sweden and Finland, AI-driven technologies are playing a crucial role in enhancing environmental sustainability through smarter water management systems and the reduction of waste in supply chains. By integrating AI into sustainability efforts, Nordic countries are leading the charge toward a greener, more sustainable economy.

Nordic economy

AI is rapidly reshaping the Nordic economy, offering significant opportunities for growth, innovation, and sustainability. However, the challenges associated with job displacement, skills development, and ethical concerns cannot be ignored. The Nordic region is well-positioned to manage these transitions due to its strong focus on social welfare, education, and sustainability. As we move toward 2025, AI will continue to influence the way people work, how industries operate, and how economies grow. The key will be finding a balance between harnessing the benefits of AI while ensuring that the economic and social fabric of the Nordic countries remains strong and inclusive.

This is why Nordics choose Pay N Play casinos

Published 5 August 2024

Playing at online casinos is extremely popular in the Nordic countries. In recent years, this popularity has grown even further with the introduction of a wide range of new Pay N Play casinos.

The Pay N Play concept, launched by the Swedish payment service Trustly, enables gambling using bank credentials without the need to register an account.

Nordic players prefer playing at fast Pay N Play casinos for several reasons. These include the high level of security, quick withdrawals, and excellent playability on mobile devices.

The appeal of instant deposits and withdrawals

Just like all over online world, playing at online casinos has become faster-paced than before. Players prefer quick slots and might visit a casino for just a few minutes at the most unexpected times during their daily routines.

Players also expect speed in aspects other than just the games. Many players switch to another online casino if the registration process proves to be too sticky. Nordic players expect to make deposits seamlessly right from the casino’s homepage.

Even more important than deposits are the fast withdrawals enabled by Pay N Play casinos. Players are no longer willing to wait several days for withdrawals to arrive; they want their winnings to appear in their bank accounts in just a few minutes at most.

Faster deposits and withdrawals compared to regular online casinos have become one of the biggest marketing tools for Pay N Play casinos.

The convenience of quick registration

In the same category as fast deposits and withdrawals is the quick registration process – or practically the lack of it – offered by Pay N Play casinos.

Playing with bank IDs relies on verifying the player’s identity directly through the bank’s system. This means that players no longer need to enter their personal information into a registration form, as was previously required.

Although players skip filling out registration forms, an account is automatically created for each player in the casino’s backend system. This allows players to return to the same casino and log in without making a deposit at the same time.

In the Nordic countries, bank IDs are widely used for authentication in various services. Additionally, some casinos offer the option to authenticate using a mobile-ID, which is a popular authentication method especially in Sweden.

Trust and security: key factors for Nordic players

The online casino market has generally evolved towards being much safer compared to the early 2000s. However, there are significant differences across various geographical markets, and the Nordic casino market is known to be one of the safest.
Nordic players prefer Pay N Play casinos because of their safety. When playing with online banking credentials, there is no need to provide sensitive information, such as a credit card number, to the casino.

Additionally, safety is significantly enhanced by the fact that the Swedish payment service Trustly collaborates only with genuinely reliable casino operators. Therefore, players can be confident that if Trustly has accepted the casino as a partner, it is a trustworthy operator.

Pay N Play casinos offer games only from well-known game developers, many of which are also Nordic. For instance, Play N’ Go, NetEnt, and Yggdrasil are all Swedish casino game producers and very popular on Pay N Play casinos.
Pay N Play casinos also invest significantly more in customer service availability and quality than many traditional online casinos.

Comparison with other countries

Interestingly, Pay N Play casinos have become a significant phenomenon particularly in the Nordic countries. Upon closer inspection, there are clear reasons for this. Elsewhere in the world, or even in Europe, PNP casinos are not yet nearly as popular.
Bank credentials and mobile authentication are the primary reasons why Pay N Play technology enjoys immense popularity specifically in the Nordics. In other parts of the world, there is no similar system in place, which is why Pay N Play wouldn’t work in many other markets.

In most countries, payments are still mainly made using payment cards like Visa and Mastercard, or alternatively, e-wallets like Skrill and Neteller. However, these payment methods do not work in a Pay N Play environment as they do not offer strong authentication.

Moreover, the general security level of casinos is a clear reason why Pay N Play casinos are not available in all markets. In some regions, the overall security level of casinos is so low that they cannot partner with Nordic payment services.

Pay n play vs. crypto casinos

Pay N Play casinos are not the only significant trend in the online casino world in recent years. In addition to playing with bank credentials, many online casinos now accept cryptocurrency deposits.

Especially with a Curacao license, numerous online casinos accept Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, and other popular cryptocurrencies. Most of these casinos are hybrid casinos, meaning they accept both traditional currencies and cryptocurrencies.

There are significant differences between Pay N Play casinos and cryptocurrency casinos, particularly in terms of security. While most crypto casinos are quite reliable, the security of Pay N Play casinos is still in a league of its own.

There are also differences in the payment methods offered by these online casinos. Deposits at crypto casinos usually cannot be made with bank credentials, making them less suitable for many Nordic players.

The future of Pay N Play casinos looks bright

In the Nordic countries, Pay N Play casinos have become so popular that nowadays more than half of all new online casinos operate without registration. It is expected that this trend will only get stronger in the Nordics in the coming years.

Nordic people generally prefer direct bank transfers in the online world, with services like Trustly, Klarna, and Brite being very popular for online shopping. Therefore, it is natural that these same payment methods are also preferred for playing at online casinos.

In the coming years, the popularity of Pay N Play casinos is likely to spread beyond the Nordics. This has already happened in Estonia and Germany, where the new technology has become popular.

After the new gambling reform, pay n play will become even more common.

What will the future Finnish gambling reform look like?

Published 4 August 2024

The Finnish gambling market is undergoing a major transformation, as the old monopoly system is being abandoned. It will be replaced by an open licensing system, meaning that the Finnish gambling market will also be opened to other operators.

The Finnish gambling reform is scheduled to come into effect in 2026, but many industry experts have estimated that the reform will be delayed by at least a year.

The gambling legislation reform will significantly impact gambling marketing, responsible gaming, and available promotions.

The current state of gambling in Finland

Currently, Finland operates under a so-called monopoly system when it comes to gambling. This means that only the state-owned Veikkaus is allowed to offer gambling services in Finland. In practice, this means that the state is responsible for the gambling market.

The purpose of the monopoly system is to keep the control of gambling entirely in the hands of the state. A key part of this system is that a significant portion of Veikkaus’s profits is distributed to support domestic culture and sports.

Veikkaus’s monopoly system has also meant that the Finnish gambling market has been closed to external operators.

However, Finnish players have been allowed to gamble at foreign casinos, even though advertising these services is not permitted in Finland. Sites like kaikkinettikasinot.fi list casino options available to Finnish players. Online casinos operating from Malta and Estonia are particularly popular among Finnish players.

Reasons for reform

Even though the state has tried to keep gambling under its control in Finland, Veikkaus has clearly lost market share in recent years. According to the most extreme estimates, already half of the euros gambled by Finns end up at online casinos other than Veikkaus.

There are several reasons for Veikkaus’s declining market share. Over the past decade, Veikkaus has fallen behind in terms of game selection, RTP rates, and casino bonuses.

Especially casino bonuses have encouraged Finns to choose other gambling sites over Veikkaus. Veikkaus does not offer any casino bonuses, whereas MGA-licensed casinos, for example, can offer new players thousands of euros bonus money and free spins.

Veikkaus has tried to fight back and maintain its monopoly position. One method has been blocking money transfers to foreign casinos, meaning Finnish banks have preventing Finns from depositing money to foreign gambling companies.

However, Veikkaus’s attempts to combat the foreign gambling market have proven so challenging that the old system is now being completely abandoned. In the future, the state can collect revenue in the form of license fees and taxes.

Proposed changes in the reform

The reform of the gambling legislation will impact the Finnish gambling market in many ways. The most significant change will concern online casino games, as this market will open to external operators.
In the future, international gambling companies will be able to apply for a Finnish license to offer online casino games to Finnish players. Thus, licensed casinos in Finland will be able to genuinely target their services to Finnish players, which has not been possible until now.

The requirements for companies applying for a license will be stringent. It is expected that companies will be required to take major measures in the area of responsible gambling. Additionally, it is already quite certain that gambling companies will not be allowed to offer any bonuses to Finnish players that encourage gambling.

Obtaining a license will not be easy, and the costs for gambling operators are expected to be high. It is anticipated that, at least initially, only the largest operators in the industry will apply for a Finnish license.

For now, many other forms of gambling will remain under the control of Veikkaus. Traditional gambling forms, such as scratch cards, slot machines, and the Casino Helsinki, will remain entirely under Veikkaus’s control and will not be opened to open competition.

Impact on the gambling market

The reform of Finland’s gambling legislation has been eagerly anticipated by global gambling operators for a long time. Finland is already an important market for many operators, even though offering games to Finnish players has been in a gray area until now.
For Finnish players, the open licensing system has both advantages and disadvantages. The good news is that in the future, Finns will be able to play on genuinely Finnish casinos, whose operations are monitored by a domestic authority.

The downside is that due to Finland’s strict regulations, bonuses and other incentives will not be available. There will also be strict loss limits, so for active casino players, the Finnish license may prove to be a disappointment.Due to the aforementioned factors, it is possible that a so-called black market will develop alongside the official Finnish gambling market. In practice, this means foreign online casinos that continue to attract players with bonuses and other benefits.

Ensuring responsible gambling

One of the main reasons for the existence of Veikkaus has been to ensure responsible gambling. In Finland, the aim is to keep gambling under control to prevent gambling issues. For example now, playing Veikkaus games is not possible without strong identification.

Ensuring responsible gambling will also be one of the biggest factors in Finland’s new open licensing system. Casinos operating under the Finnish license will have to follow strict rules on how much players can be allowed to gamble. Players will have access to a significant range of responsible gambling tools.

The perspective of responsible gambling will also be present in Finland’s licensing system, especially in terms of marketing. The marketing of casino games in Finland will be strictly regulated, and there has been discussion about whether gambling can be advertised at sports events that involve minors.