“The misleading coronavirus statistics in a nutshell”

The criticized covid vaccinations

The UK's official Covid statistics clearly show the deception we have been subjected to, writes Elin Karlsson.

Published 27 April 2023
This is an opinion piece. The author is responsible for the views expressed in the article.

Since the breakout of the coronavirus crisis, authorities around the world have been spitting out various figures on cases of the disease and deaths. Week after week and year after year, press conferences and the media have reported dramatically skyrocketing death tolls, the main purpose of which can be guessed to be intimidation, which in turn makes people more likely to obey.

The official figures in the UK stated that 177 397 people died “with covid” between 30 January 2020 and 31 December 2021, a number that is higher today. However, if you ask for deaths where “where covid alone is the cause of death listed on the death certificate”, which actually someone did, you get a completely different number. That number is only 6182 people, and the vast majority of these were also elderly.

So, to be clear, the deaths included in the statistics are those of people who died with covid-19, which does not necessarily mean that they died from the disease. Everyone who tested positive within a certain period of time before their death is included in the official statistics, even if they died from another cause. Basically, you can test positive for covid one day and then have a heart attack due to a heart defect two weeks later. You would still be included in the statistics on corona deaths.

Of course, this does not mean that no one has died from covid-19 at all, or that no one will do so in the future. Nor does it mean that we should automatically dismiss the disease and disregard the fact that it can cause harm. As with other related diseases such as seasonal flu, people will tragically die.

The problem here is that the authorities, along with the media, are feeding the fear of the public. The figures printed do not show the number of deaths exclusively from covid-19, but that is what it looks like. If you don’t read the fine print, it is easy to believe that all these people died from the disease.

Many people have seen through this scam a long time ago, but we must not forget how we were deceived.


Elin Karlsson

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