
“5G radiation is a danger to our children”

The criticized 5G rollout

Radiation from 5G towers has been shown to cause various adverse health symptoms in those exposed. Research also suggests that the radiation may be carcinogenic and increase the risk of neurological diseases. This is according to former chief medical officer Lennart Hardell and Mona Nilsson from the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation.

Published 20 January 2024
Nilsson and Hardell warn about 5G radiation risks.
This is an opinion piece. The author is responsible for the views expressed in the article.

In Sweden, as in many other countries, there is a rapid expansion of 5G for wireless communication. This expansion is being carried out without evidence to date that there are no health risks associated with the new technology. Before the deployment, many doctors and researchers warned of serious consequences for human health due to the sharp increase in radio frequency (RF) radiation that 5G would bring. Since 2017, 436 scientists and doctors have signed an appeal calling for a moratorium on deployment until health risks are assessed (, but the call has not been taken into account.

Today, we can see that 5G has led to a significant increase in RF radiation in people’s homes and the general environment. In 2023, we were the first research team in the world to study health effects among people living near 5G masts or 5G base stations. All case studies showed that in a short time period (in many cases within 24 hours), 5G caused symptoms called the microwave syndrome, due to the impact of RF radiation mainly on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Common symptoms include sleep problems, headache, dizziness, abnormal fatigue and heart problems. In general, the 5G case studies found that healthy people, including three children, were affected after they started being exposed to 5G RF radiation. When exposure ceased, symptoms also ceased, suggesting a causal association between symptoms and exposure.

The measurements made in connection with these studies have shown very high radiation levels, far above those shown in previous studies to increase the risk of ill health, including cancer. Measurements in central Stockholm during the autumn have also shown extremely high levels that can be considered hazardous to health. There is no research showing that people can be exposed to these levels over a long time period without being harmed.

The RF radiation emitted by 5G masts or 5G base stations is particularly serious from a health perspective because the technology produces fast, repetitive, and very high radiation pulses. Biologically, this is very unfavorable as the time to repair organ damage will be very short. This mechanism is well known in medicine.

Schools in Sweden have also experienced a much deteriorated environment from RF radiation due to the 5G rollout. At one school, for example, very high radiation levels were measured from a mobile phone mast with 5G antennas at a distance of 200 metres from the school. Elevated levels were also measured inside the school. An eight year old boy attends this school in grade 2 and he often suffers from severe headache at school. He can also suffer from fatigue and dizziness. At home, the radiation is much lower and the symptoms do not occur to the same extent, as well as when the boy wears an RF shielding cap at school. This suggests that there is a causal relationship between the elevated RF radiation at school and the boy’s severe headache. The result is a classic example of a provocation study; symptoms occur with 5G exposure but cease/are absent without 5G exposure.

The RF radiation levels measured at the school are significantly higher than the maximum exposure levels recommended by various industry-independent research and medical groups and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. At the same time, they are significantly lower than the limits recommended by the ICNIRP and adopted by most countries over the world. ICNIRP is a private organization based in Germany that selects its own members, many with conflicts of interest due to ties to the telecom industry. Furthermore, the ICNIRP guidelines do only protect against acute heating effects and do not protect against all other effects occurring at levels below those needed for acute heating, although they are well documented by research. This means that the ICNIRP limits are extremely high, far above the levels that can cause harm. Thus, the evaluation on adverse health effects from RF radiation by ICNIRP seems to be biased.

RF radiation was already in May 2011 classified as a possible human carcinogen (group 2B) by IARC at WHO. Further epidemiological studies give additional evidence of a clear association between exposure to RF radiation and cancer. Laboratory studies have confirmed the increased cancer risk. There are now also hundreds of laboratory studies showing mechanisms that explain the increased risk of cancer but also other diseases. These include oxidative stress (known mechanism of cancer development), mRNA, and DNA damage.

In addition, there is a demonstrated increased risk of neurological diseases and symptoms including headache, dizziness, sleeping problems, impaired memory and concentration, fatigue/abnormal tiredness, cardiac effects, and skin changes. Repeated studies of people living in the vicinity of mobile phone masts or base stations for previous generations of mobile phones have shown an increased incidence of these symptoms. These symptoms have now been confirmed in our seven 5G case studies.

Radiofrequency radiation is a rapidly increasing environmental pollutant. Exposure to RF radiation at currently common outdoor and indoor levels is often so high that in a short time it can cause symptoms such as headache, dizziness, difficulty to sleep, and heart problems. As a result of the 5G rollout, many are today exposed to levels that far exceed the levels previously shown to increase the incidence of the microwave syndrome and cancer in the vicinity of mobile phone masts or base stations. It can be assumed, due to a lack of information, that the number of people affected may be very high among both children and adults.


Mona Nilsson

Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, Sweden

Lennart Hardell

The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Sweden

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