The spiritual culture of the Norse was deeply mystical and far more complex than most people realize. In his workshop in Sweden, Anders Nilsson creates authentic ceremonial handicrafts that reminds us of the special kind of Norse magic.
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As a lifelong practitioner of the Asatru, each and everyone of my finished products are in itself a sacrifice to the gods.
– Our forefathers sacrificed cattle, weapons and such valuable things. In our modern age, the giving of our time and mental focus arguably is more of a sacrifice than something material like a phone or computer.
The way of Wotan – The Nordic soul complex
Now available in English, In his book Anders explains how our ancestor’s saw the complex thing called soul. It’s a personal journey through our spiritual path with rituals and meditations described.
Foreword by Stephen McNallen after word by Freya Aswyn.
This is an extraordinary work, written by a Native Swede. It is a deeply esoteric, metaphysical work. Offering a detailed analysis of the various soul parts and their interactions. I was especially impressed by his instruction to connect with your Fylgja. Ostensibly simple meditations, even I can do them, creating a genuine result in consciousness shift.
For Asatruar who are ready to explore the occult mysteries I highly recommend this book. It is a sort of guide offering workable techniques into the deeper occult side of the Nordic mysteries.
– Freya Aswynn
The book in English can be found here.
Special offer buy any statue and get a copy of the book for free.
Use coupon code: “staty+bok”
Candle holders, here
Incense holder, here
Let these unique crafts enhance the ancient Nordic atmosphere of your home. Hail Odin!