Swedish environmental policy sends mixed messages. The main rule is not to spread toxins or pollute. The main exception is that no environmental considerations may prevent wind and solar power.
These energy sources are advocated by the EU, and as we know, EU law takes precedence over Swedish law. If EU law requires us to hang from trees upside down, then we shall hang from trees upside down.
Since the EU wants us to switch to unsafe wind and solar power from reliable nuclear power, those who oppose this must be convinced – or forced. That also applies to regions and municipalities and their veto power.
The previous government tasked Centre Party politician Ulrika Liljeberg with proposing ways to persuade municipalities to approve wind power projects. Her proposal can be summarized in a single word: bribes.
They should be bought. But it will be expensive. So now comes a new proposal. The new investigator Magnus Hermansson simply proposes that regions and municipalities should lose their right of veto.
He is acting on behalf of the Moderate-led government. This government is so eager to dance to the EU’s tune that it is prepared to override regions and municipalities.
It has no mandate for that whatsoever. But it was not an election issue, neither in the 2022 parliamentary elections nor in the 2024 EU elections. There, such thoughts were discreetly swept under the carpet.
Swedish environmental policy sends mixed messages
But in practical terms, this means that the Moderate-led government may approve and endorse (sanction) energy policies that result in outright environmental destruction. A red-green government with the Green Party would likely do the same.
Both would cite the threat of global warming from more carbon dioxide from human activities as an excuse. But the IPCC’s Scientific Working Group WG1 provides arguments both for and against that more carbon dioxide from human activities would dangerously warm the atmosphere.
WG1 presents the facts of the climate debate, but they are distorted by working groups WG2 and WG3, which study the possible effects of alleged warming and how these should be addressed and managed. This is then summarized in an overly alarmist way for policy makers in the SPM report, which politicians and media take for a scientific report.
The alleged climate threat has become the new Swedish state religion, with the disoriented Church of Sweden and all political parties as eager supporters.
The only way to stop this is for it to go completely off the rails. And that seems to be happening, with massive green losses and an impending energy crisis on the horizon.
Nothing to be happy about but still to be welcomed. Back to Reality!
Tege Tornvall