Customs seizures of cocaine and cannabis increase significantly

Published 10 July 2023
- By Editorial Staff
Left: Part of the Swedish Customs' cannabis seizure of a total of 316 kg in Helsingborg.

In the first half of 2023, Swedish customs seized more cocaine and cannabis than in the whole of 2022.

When it comes to amphetamine, the seizures are almost as large as in the whole of last year, according to new statistics from Swedish Customs. In the case of cannabis, this year’s seizures already exceed last year’s by almost 50%. In total, more than 4.5 tons of cannabis, cocaine and amphetamine were seized.

Drugs are a breeding ground for criminal gangs, and the many recent shootings often stem from conflicts over the drug market. Every kilo we seize is a loss of income for the gangs. Every time we arrest a criminal gang smuggler, their business is disrupted. This is our contribution to the fight against organized crime, says Customs Director General Charlotte Svensson.

Customs also made 14 individual drug seizures of more than 100 kilograms, several of which exceeded 200 kilograms. This compares with last year when seven major individual seizures were made. The vast majority of seizures were made in the port of Helsingborg.

The port of Helsingborg has become a gateway for drugs to Sweden, but also to other European countries, says Svensson.

However, the proportion of tramadol and alcohol seized has decreased, as has the number of weapons seized, from 34 to 23 firearms. LSD and cigarettes, however, have increased.

Customs Statistics

For the four most popular drugs, seizures increased significantly in the first half of 2023 compared to the same period last year. Statistics for the whole of 2022 are given in brackets:

Cannabis increases from 923 kg to 3,182 kg (2,285 kg).
Cocaine increases from 59 kg to 862 kg. (822 kg)
Amphetamine is increased from 241 kg to 530 kg. (548 kg)
Heroin increases from 0.3 kg to 5.4 kg. (8.3 kg)

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